Thugs launch brutal attack on boy with Asperger's Syndrome

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Sea Gull
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23 Jul 2006, 9:56 am

this is just horrible.. and when parents won't let their kids talk.. not hard to tell where these kids get their behavior from. you can never get enough justice for the beaten child.. i remember what happened in England when the little boy was killed. and how they are released now I think.. I am sorry but you can never ever change animal behavior like that. and when they sit in jail or juvinile detention they just promote even worse animal behavior so when they get out they know no better. these children who did this are animals..

But i need to ask what is in the water in Scotland? an 80 year old man having a 13 year old? maybe they thought he was a perfect vitim knowing that his father was too old to fight for him...


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23 Jul 2006, 5:44 pm



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23 Jul 2006, 9:15 pm

ryansjoy wrote:
you can never get enough justice for the beaten child.. i remember what happened in England when the little boy was killed. and how they are released now I think.. I am sorry but you can never ever change animal behavior like that. and when they sit in jail or juvinile detention they just promote even worse animal behavior so when they get out they know no better. these children who did this are animals..

I know what you mean, and I agree completely. There was a case here, recently, where a mother burned down her house and left her kids (4 months and 4 years) in the fire - they died - and the father admitted to raping the little boy, and the most they can get is life in prision with the possiblity of parole... They'll be free again eventually, to spread their evil. (On the brighter side, the guy got stuck in the general population of prision, and the other prisioners beat him badly. Never as badly as he hurt those kids though.)

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24 Jul 2006, 10:09 am

ryansjoy wrote:

I need to ask what is in the water in Scotland? an 80 year old man having a 13 year old? maybe they thought he was a perfect vitim knowing that his father was too old to fight for him...

That made my blood boil from the start. Whether they knew his father's age or not, fathering a child at 66 or 67 is just wrong. Fighting is just one of many things he will never be able to do for his son. From day one it's unlikely that he'll see him turn 21.

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25 Jul 2006, 1:44 am

VoluminousFlush wrote:
Too bad I wasn't present. I have a pet peeve for unruly behavior in children. A good wooping is all that it would take to teach them a lesson.

Violence solves nothing. Wouldn't be surprised if the thugs thought 'A good whooping' would sort out the victim.

The only possible way violence helps, is that it gives the person doing the violence some level of power over the situation.

Mind you, many years ago there was some kid that kept harrasing me. I had to be at least twice his size, and I imagine I can be pretty damn creepy looking. So why was he pulling this crap? Because I was letting it happen.

One day I just lost it, and started shaking him around. Pretty sure I scared the crap out of him. Which was kind of the point. I didn't want to actually hurt him.

The mom of a kid that many years prior manipulated me like crazy apparantly saw this, and by the time I got home my parents had found out. Had a bit of a discussion there, but I didn't get into any trouble. And the situation got resolved.

Turns out the kid pulled that kind of s**t on other people too. But not on me.

And I bring that up just to point out that I'm pragmatic in my views.


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25 Jul 2006, 6:01 pm

They should be behind bars for ages, since it seems like attempted murder, too many sick people around and i'm suprised someone that young would think of doing that stuff.

Sea Gull
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25 Jul 2006, 6:58 pm

Jamie06 wrote:
They should be behind bars for ages, since it seems like attempted murder, too many sick people around and i'm suprised someone that young would think of doing that stuff.

Evey time you hear the news its yet another younger child commiting such violence towards someone. I have also learned to never be surprised at the level of violence humanity has stooped too.. i can tell you if they did that to my son you would see a line around 2 city blocks long for the people who want to kill the kid who did it... it is a darn shame that this poor child will live with this horror for the rest of his life... I know I really don't believe in violence but sometimes and eye for an eye just might be what the DR. ordered..


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25 Jul 2006, 7:07 pm

I'm normally very humanitarian, but these kids definitely deserve castration.

01 Aug 2006, 12:47 pm

Was it know that he was gay? I don't think the article mentioned it.


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05 Aug 2006, 5:00 pm

Jutty wrote:
Was it know that he was gay? I don't think the article mentioned it.


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05 Aug 2006, 8:06 pm

It's not about whether or not the kid is gay. Nowadays, many sick individuals use it as a smear term for any person with social difficulties, gay or not. I remember being called it quite a bit in middle school despite me being more heterosexual than most...


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08 Aug 2006, 11:26 pm

deep-techno wrote:
It's just f***ing sick that someone chooses to behave mthat way to an AS child. The only question is, did they know that the child has Aspergers?

It's sick that they did it to anyone. Lemme guess, you think there should be special legislation for hate crimes?


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10 Aug 2006, 7:59 am

It looks as if this 80-year old dad could be an Aspie himself, if he didn't get a girlfriend until he was around 65... The boys mom could be around 55 or something like that.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Aug 2006, 4:35 am

Kids like that, one day they'll start something with someone even more off their head than they are, and get their heads kicked in. I wouldn't hold your breath that they'll get punished by the law anyways.


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12 Aug 2006, 4:05 pm

itfits wrote:
I do not know the legal code over there but I hope that if caught these boys will be punished severly without makeing the kid a victim a second time. In the USA unfortuatly the crimimals end up protected better that the victims are.
The kid has already had to deal with a beating now he will have to deal with everyone knowing that he is different that he "has a Syndrome".
Kids and adults will treat him differently now. It is sad.

Personally I would like to kick the little punks a****

If you think it's bad in the United States, I'd guarantee you that Canada is far, far worse. Ever heard of Karla Homolka? She participated in the murders of two teenage girls and you know what she got? Ten years in prison. She's now living in Montreal. Someone like that would get 50 years minimum in the States.

In fact, such an incident would probably not even get published in Canada, because barely anyone, not even professionals, have even heard of the condition.