VoluminousFlush wrote:
Too bad I wasn't present. I have a pet peeve for unruly behavior in children. A good wooping is all that it would take to teach them a lesson.
Violence solves nothing. Wouldn't be surprised if the thugs thought 'A good whooping' would sort out the victim.
The only possible way violence helps, is that it gives the person doing the violence some level of power over the situation.
Mind you, many years ago there was some kid that kept harrasing me. I had to be at least twice his size, and I imagine I can be pretty damn creepy looking. So why was he pulling this crap? Because I was letting it happen.
One day I just lost it, and started shaking him around. Pretty sure I scared the crap out of him. Which was kind of the point. I didn't want to actually
hurt him.
The mom of a kid that
many years prior manipulated me like crazy apparantly saw this, and by the time I got home my parents had found out. Had a bit of a discussion there, but I didn't get into any trouble. And the situation got resolved.
Turns out the kid pulled that kind of s**t on other people too. But not on me.
And I bring
that up just to point out that I'm pragmatic in my views.