Autistic sperm donor lies about his health - Dutch News

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19 Aug 2011, 3:56 am

The "refrigerator mother" theory has been debunked. Really low functioning kids either show something is not right early on, and others develop somewhat normally and then regress for reasons unknown. These parents are very involved with their kids more than their kids are with them. Their mental stimulation is not neglected, sometimes their development is just severely lagging, and sometimes those kids just aren't there mentally. Their parents tend to shower them with attention all their lives even if they have little expectation to get them to reciprocate any of it at all.

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24 Aug 2011, 6:53 pm

Lots of googling hasn't turned up any mention of how - or whether - this dude even knew he was on the spectrum, except for the word "lied". Which may or may not accurately describe the situation.

Most people with AS don't realize that they are more likely to have a kid that will never talk, respond to their name, and be in diapers all their life than they are to have a kid that will win a Nobel prize.

Hardly anybody ever wins a Nobel prize. Lots of people have great technical skills of one sort or another and use them for the benefit of society without ever even coming close to getting a Nobel Prize for it. Not a fair comparison at all.

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24 Aug 2011, 7:42 pm

FunnyFaceKing wrote:
There's something fishy about this article. It claims Autism is hereditary, but that's not entirely true. It is believed to be hereditary, but it is not proven to be hereditary. I'm kind of scared to comment on the article because I don't know exactly what I'm talking about, maybe someone here can comment with some real facts, or maybe even send a letter to the editor. I don't know. Thanks for letting me post.

While there may not be any (conclusive) scientific research/data on the subject, just have a read of the posts in this forum...
How many posts are on here about people who have autism kids, who themselves (or their partner/spouse) are on the spectrum... Compare that to 3-4 per 10,000 in the general population; you don't need to be Einstein to see a pattern here. Anything else is denial.


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24 Aug 2011, 8:28 pm

Another good question: what if you don't have an actual diagnosis but you're sure beyond a reasonable doubt that you have it... are you required to disclose it?

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24 Aug 2011, 9:30 pm

Wayne wrote:
Another good question: what if you don't have an actual diagnosis but you're sure beyond a reasonable doubt that you have it... are you required to disclose it?

No one can force you to disclose, can they?
Penalties work in retrospect.

Not disclosing something like this is unethical, and no different from having AIDS and having unprotected sex with others.

The fact this guy has father 20 kids, I would say he is a predator.


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24 Aug 2011, 11:30 pm

MadnessMaddened wrote:
Wayne wrote:
Another good question: what if you don't have an actual diagnosis but you're sure beyond a reasonable doubt that you have it... are you required to disclose it?

No one can force you to disclose, can they?
Penalties work in retrospect.

Not disclosing something like this is unethical, and no different from having AIDS and having unprotected sex with others.

The fact this guy has father 20 kids, I would say he is a predator.

Uh I think they got his sperm from a sperm bank, I don't think he actually went to bed with any of the women and had sexual intercourse with them.

Also this is entirely different from AIDS, because you can have a perfectly normal life and be on the spectrum, there are some positive things about being on the spectrum.

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24 Aug 2011, 11:58 pm

According to the article, he met all these people online and had sex with them as an agreement to make them pregnant informally and without the cooperation of any type of fertility agency.

Identified only as Paul, the newspaper claimed he was a 'pathological liar.' Women have come forward to say that they had intercourse with him, or artificial insemination, after meeting him on websites like and

Read more: ... z1W0uYqDbF

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25 Aug 2011, 7:37 am

Inuyasha wrote:
Also this is entirely different from AIDS, because you can have a perfectly normal life and be on the spectrum, there are some positive things about being on the spectrum.

There is a big difference between CAN and WILL. Do you think, in general, that people with AS as successful and have as happy and satisfied lives as NTs?

Do you believe people would want to have kids with AS or for that matter any other kind of disorder?
People on here say they are happy and love their kids regardless of whether they have AS or not. Of course they do, but would any parent want their kids to have ANY sort of disadvantage in life whatsoever??


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25 Aug 2011, 7:59 am

jojobean wrote:
It would be very interesting to study this...from a scientific point of view. It would really put a muzzle on those that say it is caused by purely enviromental impacts, exspecially since they go into different homes, mothers, and enviroments...with only one common component...the father. That would be a great study. I am sure he is not the only autistic sperm donor, others may not know.

Very interesting

Agreed, I do see a case study in the making and while I'm sure there are ways that it can be environmentally triggered I'm really thinking its quite rare/esoteric as compared to the number of cases that are genetic (you'd figure as well that, mild cases triggered environmentally would literally dissolve as the genes had decades to work against that change).

That and - no one lynch me for saying it - I'd get the feeling that high functioning autism meeting NT would mean slightly more dilluted traits. It was incredibly dishonest of this guy to lie about his health, obviously if donations can net you $500-$600 per shot (no pun intented) I get why this guy did it - financial motivation is big. *Hopefully*, for the sake of these moms, the AS their kids have will be relatively mild across the board.

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25 Aug 2011, 7:20 pm

MadnessMaddened wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
Also this is entirely different from AIDS, because you can have a perfectly normal life and be on the spectrum, there are some positive things about being on the spectrum.

There is a big difference between CAN and WILL. Do you think, in general, that people with AS as successful and have as happy and satisfied lives as NTs?

Do you believe people would want to have kids with AS or for that matter any other kind of disorder?
People on here say they are happy and love their kids regardless of whether they have AS or not. Of course they do, but would any parent want their kids to have ANY sort of disadvantage in life whatsoever??

Look, we aren't diseased, we're people that may have a different way of viewing the world. We are not inferior to NT's, and people need to start waking up to that fact.

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25 Aug 2011, 11:01 pm

Inuyasha wrote:
Look, we aren't diseased, we're people that may have a different way of viewing the world. We are not inferior to NT's, and people need to start waking up to that fact.

John_Browning already summed it up.

If you don't believe AS in any way hinders life (in general), you are in denial.

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27 Nov 2011, 11:05 am

If autism is hereditary, it doesn't mean that all autistic parents are in danger of having LFA kids. The danger of having a HFA or even an NT is just as large or even bigger. What a disaster that would be....


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27 Nov 2011, 11:09 am

FunnyFaceKing wrote:
This is disturbing. It's almost like they're calling Asperger's a sexually transmitted disease.

Autistic Dutch man fathers more than 20 children through sperm donation after lying about his health
Last updated at 3:52 PM on 14th August 2011

Heartbroken women in The Netherlands have given birth to numerous children with Asperger's Syndrome after a sperm donor lied to them about the state of his health.
For 18 months the man's semen has been used despite the fact that he suffers from the hereditary autistic disorder. Incredibly, he is still active as a donor, but not at an official clinic.
Dutch media said the man has fathered at least 22 children and several of those are already showing symptoms of autism.


The Dutch donor is aged 30 and comes from the port city of Rotterdam.
The woman (sic) who had babies as a result of his sperm only found out his true identity in the past month.

Read more: ... z1V3i4QyeK

There's something fishy about this article. It claims Autism is hereditary, but that's not entirely true. It is believed to be hereditary, but it is not proven to be hereditary. I'm kind of scared to comment on the article because I don't know exactly what I'm talking about, maybe someone here can comment with some real facts, or maybe even send a letter to the editor. I don't know. Thanks for letting me post.

Wow that's cool that someone would be heartbroken because they have a child that happens to have AS, its just not as good as a normal baby is it? They sure they aren't looking for autism symptoms that aren't there......but yeah this sounds pretty stupid, there is no direct genetic link to AS or regular autism.

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28 Nov 2011, 7:45 pm

There is little question that it is hereditary . In what way is the question . It is not just having a single gene that causes autism but a multitude of different genetic factors. Narrowing down the difference between lower functioning autism and higher functioning autism is a far more relevant goal and are any other contributing factors leading to one or the other. Or simply what causes one autistic person to be totally dependent on care and others to be totally independent.


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29 Nov 2011, 1:11 am

Do neurotypical people have to disclose their condition before they are allowed to donate sperm?