Autism cure close to being found?

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But what exactly is a cure? A cure is something that removes the symptoms and traits of a disease (which Aspergers is not). Therefore this thing is a "cure". Those symptoms being removed means removing parts of who they are and what makes their brains tick. They wouldn't be themselves anymore, sure they may have similarities to their old selves but they won't be the same person, and who knows how much removing the asperegers would change a person?.
Well in your OP what you described sounded like a treatment for possible unpleasant symptoms people have...not a cure, I doubt they can create a drug that 'cures' aspergers or autism. Also it is classified as a mental disorder, so yeah typically aspergers is not considered a disease but it's still a disorder.
Taking a medication to reduce symptoms is not removing parts of who they are...or changing who they are.
We won't go back.
While I'm strongly anti-cure when it comes to all neuropsych disorders, the claim that this experimental medication potentially could "cure" ASDs is false. NO medication cures a disorder that is not caused by a pathogen. Medication helps TREAT a disorder and helps MANAGE troublesome symptoms. Even if this new drug gets on the market and makes ASD individuals seem neurotypical, that's all it will be- they'll seem "normal." But they still will have the disorder and will have the symptoms come back when/if they ever stopped taking the medication.
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?
This honestly f***ing disgusts me... While I know there are many people with aspergers who hate themselves they in my opinion aren't thinking clearly whatsover... These "autism-like behaviors" aren't something that needs to be cured! They are part of who we are, part of our personality! Part of what makes us US!. I mean hell, I feel like in the middle of a f***ing X-Men movie right now, I don't want something to change me. I don't need to be fixed! I am who I am and while it took a long time for me to love myself and deal with the fact that I am different from neurotypicals I couldn't be happier to be who I am, despite the struggles I have to deal with. They are part of what built up who I am today in pretty much every way. This is just disgusting and completely unethical in my opinion. And also yes, I know that if this cure ever comes to fruition and works on humans that it won't be mandatory, but that doesn't matter! The fact is that these people think that they know best and need to cure us! What if they created a cure for being gay? Because since it really is something biological it possibly is feasible in the future. That would be causing a massive f***ing uproar from LBGT groups, yet all this gets is praise. We aren't sick, we are just different. Think of all the amazing people in history who have aspergers, they have been the people who have built the world and created many of the things we love the most. It's sickening to me how something that would literally change who you are as a person is being created and thought of as a good idea.
Their cure is their attempt to control their fear.
Besides, marihuana will do the same, calming repetitive behavior and increasing social interaction. I am checking out this "GRN-529", it appears to target the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5), from what I have read, it seems to modulate or block the receptor.

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Asperger's requires acceptance, not cure, the idea of which is insulting, yes.
Extreme autism is abherrant/imbalanced, as is any other extreme, and requires increased functionality for greater quality of life outcomes for all involved in care.
I have to share this planet and work with closed-minded NTs who tend to write me off as some creepy "ret*d" unless I put out supreme amounts of effort to interact with them on their level... Frankly, it is exhausting. If there were a drug that would allow me to do social interaction more "naturally," I'd take it in a minute.
This is an NT world and until I win the lottery I have to pretend to be one in order to make a living--anything that makes that easier is welcome tonic no matter what you call it.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus
Asperger's requires acceptance, not cure, the idea of which is insulting, yes.
Extreme autism is abherrant/imbalanced, as is any other extreme, and requires increased functionality for greater quality of life outcomes for all involved in care.
I have to share this planet and work with closed-minded NTs who tend to write me off as some creepy "ret*d" unless I put out supreme amounts of effort to interact with them on their level... Frankly, it is exhausting. If there were a drug that would allow me to do social interaction more "naturally," I'd take it in a minute.
This is an NT world and until I win the lottery I have to pretend to be one in order to make a living--anything that makes that easier is welcome tonic no matter what you call it.
There is a drug. I just mentioned it. It's just not from a factory with poor quality control.

Joined: 11 May 2007
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Asperger's requires acceptance, not cure, the idea of which is insulting, yes.
Extreme autism is abherrant/imbalanced, as is any other extreme, and requires increased functionality for greater quality of life outcomes for all involved in care.
I have to share this planet and work with closed-minded NTs who tend to write me off as some creepy "ret*d" unless I put out supreme amounts of effort to interact with them on their level... Frankly, it is exhausting. If there were a drug that would allow me to do social interaction more "naturally," I'd take it in a minute.
This is an NT world and until I win the lottery I have to pretend to be one in order to make a living--anything that makes that easier is welcome tonic no matter what you call it.
There is a drug. I just mentioned it. It's just not from a factory with poor quality control.
I'd rather have one that doesn't aggravate schizophrenia or encourage suicidal tendencies. Thanks anyway.
My sister was a daily smoker.
Her life was so screwed up by the time she blew her brains out that it was probably a blessing in disguise.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus
Asperger's requires acceptance, not cure, the idea of which is insulting, yes.
Extreme autism is abherrant/imbalanced, as is any other extreme, and requires increased functionality for greater quality of life outcomes for all involved in care.
I have to share this planet and work with closed-minded NTs who tend to write me off as some creepy "ret*d" unless I put out supreme amounts of effort to interact with them on their level... Frankly, it is exhausting. If there were a drug that would allow me to do social interaction more "naturally," I'd take it in a minute.
This is an NT world and until I win the lottery I have to pretend to be one in order to make a living--anything that makes that easier is welcome tonic no matter what you call it.
There is a drug. I just mentioned it. It's just not from a factory with poor quality control.
I'd rather have one that doesn't aggravate schizophrenia or encourage suicidal tendencies. Thanks anyway...
Funny, that is exactly what the commercials for pharmaceuticals made by corporations like Glaxo warn you about regarding their own products. Products like anti-depressants and drug based schizophrenia treatments. Marihuana does not aggravate schizophrenia or encourage suicidal tendencies for the vast majority, if any.
I am sorry you lost your sister, but don't blame something that did not cause it. And do not think you had any power over her decision, I'll bet you are a good brother.

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Funny, that is exactly what the commercials for pharmaceuticals made by corporations like Glaxo warn you about regarding their own products. Products like anti-depressants and drug based schizophrenia treatments. Marihuana does not aggravate schizophrenia or encourage suicidal tendencies for the vast majority, if any.
Well, I can agree that for most people pot is no worse or better than many other recreational intoxicants.... but it is not the wonder drug many want it to be either.
After a joint my interactions with people are less stressful, but the same is true after a six pack of beer. Neither of those things makes me very productive. Neither of those things are helpful during a job interview.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus
Funny, that is exactly what the commercials for pharmaceuticals made by corporations like Glaxo warn you about regarding their own products. Products like anti-depressants and drug based schizophrenia treatments. Marihuana does not aggravate schizophrenia or encourage suicidal tendencies for the vast majority, if any.
Well, I can agree that for most people pot is no worse or better than many other recreational intoxicants.... but it is not the wonder drug many want it to be either.
After a joint my interactions with people are less stressful, but the same is true after a six pack of beer. Neither of those things makes me very productive. Neither of those things are helpful during a job interview.
If you smoked a little the night before, how do you feel the next day? Less stressed, or no difference? One can "use" drugs effectively, like using aspirin for pain or cardiac health. It's abuse that is a problem. Why could native Americans use marihuana 150 years ago, and yet be the on the go people they were?

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Joined: 6 Jan 2011
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-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
yeah that's one frustrating thing, at least all jobs don't require drug tests though.
We won't go back.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Yes, and not all states that allow medical marihuana have employment laws that cover it's use.
The thing that concerns me is that people more like my friends Frankie and Ana and myself, high functioning autistics and those with Asperger's syndrome, would be given the "cure" without consent; parents saying, "I don't want to deal with you. Take this."
My friend Frankie didn't speak until she was five, and my friend Ana didn't speak until she was six. [Ana was not diagnosed, but her younger brother has been. Her parents couldn't afford psychologists at the time.] If they had been given this drug, I wonder if they wouldn't be as detail-oriented or passionate about their interests as they are. But we wouldn't know, because they're saying it might only work at the time of diagnosis. So we're not going to work through it and see if we don't end up with more people like those two, who are really smart.
[As a testament to this, Ana could read when she was only three even though she couldn't speak. She is fluent in Spanish and English, and not in the second language way. Frankie makes elaborate designs for faux-ancient-artifacts when she's bored.]
What about lower-functioning autistic people who could have a better life with less social burdens?
Heraclitus once said you cannot step into the same river twice. Philosophers like Hume argued that you have no identity to call your own because you are always changing.
After ranting for a paragraph about how objectively awful a socially-beneficial drug could be for humans, you blame THEM for thinking they know best?
Some gays would use it and others would not. Divides are drawn, drama ensues. Politics, politics, politics, threat of rejection, liberty, reluctant acceptance, discrimination blap blap blap blap
What's your take on psychiatric medication?
"Sex, streams, friends accessing private members... Either I am just discovering unintentional innuendo or Stroustrup is a pervert."
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