Obama is? the Antichrist.
you have a free will.
you can pledge allegiance to God, or to the Government.
Obama fulfils the signs that you want to see. the ones you don't want to see, like the fact that he's a gay Muslim, you don't want to see.
or the fact that he is the 72 IMAM who will unite the Muslim world into attacking the nation of Israel.
"the man of sin be revealed" sin is a mis translation of the original text which was a symbol, not a word. turn it on its side and its the muslim headpiece.
The mark of the beast is the offer of man, it is interest, it is trusting in man, not God.
It is paying taxes to an illegitimate government.
lol, what did you think the guillotines in the FEMA camps were for? for all those conspiracy theorists who won't worship the NWO.
Johansen, you are wrong. Barack Obama is not the 'Anti-Christ' because there is no 'Anti-Christ'!
It's all a myth, designed to keep ignorant an gullible people under the control of religious leaders, and to prevent them from initiating rebellion against those same leaders out of fear of retribution (e.g., eternal damnation) from their loving and benevolent god.
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today is the last day of 2012 in the Jewish calender btw.
let that sink in for a minute...
Many times a prophecy is dual or even triple in fulfilment, I will copy and paste some examples for you:
The “Little horn” from Daniel 7:8: “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them”.
Dan 7:25: “The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time”.
Papal Rome began. Astolphus, King of Italy, surrendered the Exarchate (or Reavenna) to Pepin in 755 A.D. He gave it to Stephen III who thus obtained civil power. It is 755 AD when papal Rome became a kingdom with territory and the saints were handed over to the papacy for 1260 days (time, times and half a time are 3.5 prophetic years of 30 day months equalling 1260 days). 1260 days is 1260 years in prophecy, which gives us 755 + 1260 = 2015 A.D. when according to Daniel 7:27 the everlasting kingdom of God begins.
From 1878-1871 BC we have the 7 year famine of Joseph from Genesis 41. In Daniel 12 we have 1290 days and 1335 days also 1260 days are mentioned in various ways (e.g. 42 months and time times and half a time). The intriguing addition of 1290+1335+1260=3885, now take this total and subtract the start date of Joseph’s famine 3885-1878=2007+1 (+1 because there is no year zero and only 3,884 years have elapsed) = 2008 the beginning of our famine called “tribulation”, ending 7 years later, 2015.
Also Joseph’s 7 years of plenty from 1885-1878 BC parallel our 7 years of good economy/plenty 2001-2008 with an unforgetable major event, the 2 towers, indicating it’s beginning. The 2 towers fell 7 days before the feast of Trumpets indicating 7 years before tribulation (a day equals a year in prophecy). Starting on the feast of Trumpets in 2008 we have our 7 years of tribulation/famine.
Using these same numbers starting from the fall of Assyria with it’s capitol city of Babylon in 614 BC +1335+1290=2012 AD and again from the fall of the empire of Babylon in 539 BC +1260+1290=2012 AD. This would seem to point to the fall of the old world order and the beginning of the new world order right in the center of the 7 year tribulation (2008-2015) perfectly aligning with the 1290 days until the abomination of desolation is set up and then the 1260 day reign of the antichrist.
Apr. 11, 1986: Halley’s Comet passes closest to the Earth on its outbound journey (and the closest it comes during this passage).
In 1996 and 1997 two bright comets crossed at the EXACT SAME COORDINATES IN THE SKY. Comet Hyatuke crossed these coordinates in the sky on APRIL 11, 1996 and comet Hale-Bopp crossed THESE SAME EXACT COORDINATES ON APRIL 11, 1997. The symbol of the “cross” was drawn in the heavens with the crossing of these two bright comets which took place right between the eyes of the constellation called Rosh Satan by Hebrews.
April 11th 2012 is Wednesday, humpday, the middle of the week and is similarily in the middle of the holy week of unleavened bread as well as dead center in the middle of the ‘seven’, the 7 year tribulation. Let’s call it “expect the Antichrist day“.
If you add up all the intergers in 1996: 1+9+9+6=25 & 2+5=7 and in 1997: 1+9+9+7=26 & 2+6=8 then 7+8=15, as in 2015, this will be when Satan gets it right between the eyes with the proverbial one two punch and our Messiah begins his reign on earth
Starting and including the 1st of Tishri 5769, the “feast of Trumpets” which is Sept 30 2008 until and including “Antichrist day” April 11 2012 is exactly 1290 days as per Daniel 12:11.
From but not including “Antichrist day” April 11 2012 until and including the “day of atonement” 10th of Tishri 5776 which is Sept 23 2015 is exactly 1260 days as per Daniel 12:7, Revelation 11:2-3,12:6;14,13:5.
From and including “Antichrist day” April 11 2012 to and including Hanukkah the 24th of Kislev which is Dec 6 2015 is exactly 1335 days as per Daniel 12:12. Also from and including Sept 30 2008 until but not including Pentecost (Shavuot) is exactly 1335 days (which 1335? or both? maybe the amplified Dan 12:12 answers this question).
Note: I have tried to fit the pattern of 2550 days from trumpets to atonement for other 7 year periods and the closest I have got is 2548 days and with the April 11th date from the “signs in the heavens” surely this is pretty much proof positive we have the timeline of the 70th week of Daniel 9 and the tribulation nailed (to the cross).
I thought it was the last day of 5772 in the Jewish calendar.
Why are you mixing two unrelated calendars?
Consider Mark 13:5-8 (NIV)...
... and Mark 13:32-34 (NIV)...
Clearly, those who declare that The End will occur on a certain date are either deceiving us or they have themselves been deceived ... possibly both.
That is, if you believe what the Bible has to say on the subject.
not knowing the day or the hour refers to the fact that you have to stay up all night to watch a lunar eclipse so you figure out what the time is exactly.
it is not an accident that Israel's entire history fits the lunar tetrad's to the day. talk about passing through the eye of the needle.
it is not an accident that the same time between Israel's captivity and their restoration is the time between when Solomon built his temple and 2009-2016.
False Analogy. The precise time of an eclipse can be determined.
Unsupported Claim. Evidence, please?
Non-sequitur. The "Eye of the Needle" verses refer to the difficulty of a wealthy man entering heaven, and nothing to do with the End Times.
Irrelevant data: There were three deportations of Jews to Babylon: the exile of King Jeconiah, his court and many others in Nebuchadnezzar's eighth year; Jeconiah's successor Zedekiah and the rest of the people in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year; and a later deportation in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year. These are attributed to 597 BCE, 587 BCE, and 582 BCE, respectively. The forced exile ended in 538 BCE after the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great, who gave the Jews permission to return to Yehud province and to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.
Thus, each exile was 59, 49, and 44 years, respectively.
Solomon's Temple was built in 832 BCE. That was 2844 years ago.
Your claims do not match the available evidence.
I've challenged some of my friends and their apocalyptic claims with the offer to buy their homes for a dollar. The deal also includes the stipulation that they may remain in that place rent free until the date they specify for The End. If they are still there on the day after, I will initiate eviction proceedings and take full possession of that property.
So far, no one has had that much courage to back up their convictions.
Last edited by Fnord on 16 Sep 2012, 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
johansen wrote:
it is not an accident that Israel's entire history fits the lunar tetrad's to the day.
Unsupported Claim. Evidence, please?
the developed world is without excuse for not knowing these things.
you do have an internet connection, right?
start googling.... before NYC gets nuked and you get EMP'd
You made the claim, so it's incumbent upon you to provide the evidence - The necessity of proof is always with the person who makes the claims. In other words, do your own homework. If you can not support your claims, then they can not be entertained.
I've been to Seminary, and I have my Bibles with me, so my homework is already done.
You made the claim, so it's incumbent upon you to provide the evidence - The necessity of proof is always with the person who makes the claims. In other words, do your own homework. If you can not support your claims, then they can not be entertained.
I've been to Seminary, and I have my Bibles with me, so my homework is already done.
And what does it say in the Bible?
2 Timothy 3:7.
we have 5000 denominations that can't even agree on who's hands the earth is in today.
Life is Not a choose your own fantasy land.
Last edited by johansen on 16 Sep 2012, 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.