Inventor wrote:
Hot, cold, we get by. Change kills.
If it gets hotter, Canada and Siberia become farmland.
Colder comes suddenly, like this coming winter, when drought from warming has held much more water vapor in the air, and when it cools, the early and heavy snowfalls of last year. Only they do not stop for a warm late winter, think ten times three foot of snow.
That brings a late spring, floods, which is happening in the northeast, east coast. Blocked roads, crushed houses, no power. Six months of that could be bad.
It does not take a full blown ice age, glaciers ebb and advance, when water vapor is avilable, they grow suddenly. The Little Ice Age of 1100, just enough to put year round ice on the coast of Scotland, for a few hundred years. The Vikings said the same in 700-900, too cold to ripen our crops, they moved south.
705 the Black Sea and the Nile River froze.
It was not an ice age, just a cold snap and a lower trend.
If nothing changes that is the worst outcome. rising population is unsupportable.
I did not read the article, but if you plant a forest, some will come cut it down, build huts, burn it, and feed the rest to their goats.
All very reasonable goals, protecting species and land, meet people, who see it as something for free. The only method known to stop poachers is snipers. Nothing less than killing them works, and then killing those nearby.
In Nature, everything is out to kill everything, and producing more food is not the answer. We do not plant more food crops for the bugs, we kill the bugs.
A forest takes fifty years to start producing a crop. It is a long term investment, Grazing goats on new planted trees is free today. Plant more trees, they will get more goats.
Buying up tracks of land to conserve, and not posting armed guards, leaves if free to log, hunt, and anything free will be taken.
To Preserve Nature is simple, everyone kills one person. Longer term it can be done by killing females of breeding age. We do it with deer to bring the herd within the food supply.
Allowing it to run it's course is the cruel method, a starving population with every disease, short lives, weak young mothers, weak babies. Somalia has been doing this. If nothing changes it is the near future of the planet.
With birth control and abortion, North America is the slowest growing population. In Nigeria most of the population is under fifteen, and looking to get laid. If they score, Nigeria will have a larger population than America in fifty years. They cannot feed what they have.
Japan is an exception, where they will have less population, that have to pay for the upkeep of an old non productive population.
This problem is not going away. The earth is staggering under the current load, the top soil is depleted, the oceans fished out, and the population grows. Where do you put the next billion?
There will be no agreement on population,
The History Channel had played a great documentary a few years ago dealing with this called
Little Ice Age, Big Chill.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer