Woodpecker wrote:
Ages ago I wrecked a HD to protect personal data, my daughter had been typing all manner of personal information into a PC. The PC died and it was a write off. When I came to throw away the PC, I made a point of pulling the hard disk out and breaking it open. If you bang the disks with a hammer and bend them it will make it very hard for anyone to ever read the files off the disk again.
I hold the view that the ultimate method of wiping a hard disk is to use a moderate sized thermite charge in a small flower pot. This would melt a hole through the disk, it would also heat parts of the disk above the curie temperture thus wiping the data forever. If you do that then it would stop anyone recovering the data.
Lets hope that the creep did not think of going for this method.
The ultimate method would be to drop it into a black hole. Second might be to drop it into the sun. A blast furnace would be almost as good and would be much more available than the first two.
I don't imagine that any of us will ever have anything on my computers that anyone would want to go to really extreme measures to read, but there are those who would have highly sensitive material that would make it worthwhile for people to go to extraordinary lengths to do so.