Looks we're going over the fiscal cliff
I place the blame on both parties.
And as both parties are puppets to the same puppet masters, yes indeed.
Truth is, its the international bankers who are to blame, and it is a deliberate action.
An example of how they work is how they lent money to Africa until it could no longer ever afford to pay its debts, then at the 2005 G8 summit, they volunteered to cancel those debts in return for running Africas banking, and as Rothschild said, give me control of the issue of a Nations money and it matters not who is in power.
The more debt America gets into, the more it belongs to its debtors.
And its not just America, the whole world is getting the treatment, here in UK we have austerity measures in place, yet we still are in more debt every single day.
Remember how this started?, the "credit crunch", banks would no longer lend to the same extent, and the result on a fiat monetary system that is a pyramid of increasing debt is a no-brainier, I learnt of these plans a year before the sub prime mortgages and the credit crunch and so transferred all my assets into silver and gold thank you very much.
The long term plan is the fall of smaller financial institutions, the fall of countries economies, so that the only way out is a consolidation of the complete worlds economic system into the hands of a very small number of banking families who can then implement world domination and a New World Order.
You will find a singe world currency will be implemented not many years from now, and the Globalists who issue that money will rule the world.
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Why? When he won the election he said that he was never running for public office again. There's absolutely no reason to want to blame republicans for this.
If you read Bahner's website, it actually looks like he still wants to blame Obama, which is stupid, for the exact same reason.
I believe all politicians should have their pay cut by 75% in the wake of a financial emergency. If we need to cut it somewhere, might as well cut out the non-necessities.
I place the blame on both parties.
Remember how this started?, the "credit crunch", banks would no longer lend to the same extent, and the result on a fiat monetary system that is a pyramid of increasing debt is a no-brainier, I learnt of these plans a year before the sub prime mortgages and the credit crunch and so transferred all my assets into silver and gold thank you very much.
It started back in Waterloo. Some British guy went home and claimed that they had lost, got a bunch of people to buy stock in the bank for whatever reason, and when everyone realized they'd been duped, TOO LATE. Bank already owned Britain.
I place the blame on both parties.
Remember how this started?, the "credit crunch", banks would no longer lend to the same extent, and the result on a fiat monetary system that is a pyramid of increasing debt is a no-brainier, I learnt of these plans a year before the sub prime mortgages and the credit crunch and so transferred all my assets into silver and gold thank you very much.
It started back in Waterloo. Some British guy went home and claimed that they had lost, got a bunch of people to buy stock in the bank for whatever reason, and when everyone realized they'd been duped, TOO LATE. Bank already owned Britain.
Well yeah, I was talking about the current crisis though, not the whole plan which goes back even further than your quote, namely when Rothschild sent his sons to each of the countries in Europe to take control of their banking system, Hollywood even made a film about them in the 1930s.
To further clarify your quote.
Rothschild had an agent ride back to him from Waterloo to report on the outcome of the war.
Rothschild then started to sell his stock which of course alarmed other stockholders at the Stock exchange who knowing of Rothschild agent, naturally assumed bad news was reported, hence the reason Rothschild was selling his stock, ( a British defeat would result in falling stock prices), all the other stock holders, unaware that Britain had actually won, followed suit and sold their shares as the price crumbled around them.
Rothschild however, who actually knew Brittan had won, and that shares would actually go up in price, then proceeded to buy up all the shares that were now priced at pennies to the pound.
I dont think this is the event that gave Rothschild control of the Bank of England however, I read that the King of England needed money to raise an army and Rothschild volunteered all the money required in exchange for the Bank of England.
The House passed the deal, so we get to do all this again in 60 days.
The House can refuse to raise the debt limit then, but that brings automatic cuts to Government and Defense, and the Democrats got everything they wanted.
The next battle is between Government employees, and the Millitary Industrial Complex. Something has to be cut.
While unemployment was extended, Medicare, The AMT fixed forever, nothing was given to the States.
We shall see.
Truth is, its the international bankers who are to blame, and it is a deliberate action.
An example of how they work is how they lent money to Africa until it could no longer ever afford to pay its debts, then at the 2005 G8 summit, they volunteered to cancel those debts in return for running Africas banking, and as Rothschild said, give me control of the issue of a Nations money and it matters not who is in power.
The more debt America gets into, the more it belongs to its debtors.
And its not just America, the whole world is getting the treatment, here in UK we have austerity measures in place, yet we still are in more debt every single day.
Remember how this started?, the "credit crunch", banks would no longer lend to the same extent, and the result on a fiat monetary system that is a pyramid of increasing debt is a no-brainier, I learnt of these plans a year before the sub prime mortgages and the credit crunch and so transferred all my assets into silver and gold thank you very much.
The long term plan is the fall of smaller financial institutions, the fall of countries economies, so that the only way out is a consolidation of the complete worlds economic system into the hands of a very small number of banking families who can then implement world domination and a New World Order.
You will find a singe world currency will be implemented not many years from now, and the Globalists who issue that money will rule the world.
Utter nonsense.
No one who takes more than a thirty second glance at the EU can possibly believe that bankers have one scintilla of interest in single currency. Given the experience of the Euro and the PIGS, only a moron would suggest common currencies these days--and bankers may be many things, but they're not morons.
The credit crunch was not caused by an unwillingness of banks to lend to borrowers--it was caused by an unwillingness of banks to lend to each other, because their balance sheets could no longer be relied upon, thanks to mortgage based derivative investments. Banks didn't run out of willingness, they ran out of cash.
And stop to think for a moment who owns those banks whose conduct you complain of. 60% of all of the worlds publicly traded equities are in the hands of pension funds, mutual funds and insurance companies. Banks are not owned by "The Gnomes of Zurich," banks are owned by people like me, with pensions, retirement savings plans and investment accounts. They may be managed by faceless technocrats, but those technocrats still have to account for themselves in front of their shareholders.
Around here the people have been paying down their personal debt, good for them, bad for the economy.
Blaming secret cabals does not cover the losses, the decline of government income, or the fact that banks are bankrupt, if we return Mark to Market.
We are doing the Japanese Zombie Shuffle, pretending there is still value in bad investments.
It all comes from expanding the economy when there is nothing growing.
Consumer debt, easy real estate loans, packing them as securities, and defrauding new investors, works till the bubble pops.
Then people who can walk away, but governments have less income, and growing debt, and that is hard to explain, and keep your job.
The main role of banks was servicing loans they might have started, but sold, to Wall Street who created Securities, sold them, so banks had more money to lend.
The main goal is full employment, more taxes, an expanding economic base, which England did by invading the world, and turning them into customers for manufactured goods.
We turned them into customers for Securities, nothing lasts forever.
So now it is the worst we tried to hide coming back. Taxes have to go up, spending has to go down, and the growth in our economy matches inflation.
Old people did not save enough to retire, and the next generation cannot get jobs, and if they do, they do not pay. We have reached the limits of growth, but still have unfunded pensions, even with the rigged stock market, because a lot of States, Counties, Cities, gave pensions without putting something aside to pay them.
Everyone bet the economy would grow, and they could pay for everything from growing income. There was no Plan B.
There is also no free lunch, the check has come.