ruveyn wrote:
lostonearth35 wrote:
Outer space is full of scary and unpredictable stuff, how much longer before we all get killed?
A few million years.
We hope, but this is the kind of event that can happen at any time; there really is no method of determining when. It could happen again as early as within the next ten minutes. An expert on this matter was interviewed shortly after the event on local T.V., and he said, amongst other things, that this example would have been a stony meteor, rather than a nickel-iron one, due to the fact that it disintegrated high in the atmosphere, whereas a nickel-iron meteor would have disintegrated on impact with the ground, leaving a large crater and devastating the city of Chelyabinsk.
The search for the remains of this meteor has, thus far, yielded nothing, which was the same result of the search for the cause of the 1908 Tunguska explosion - no meteorite, and no impact crater. This, and the eyewitness accounts of the event, lend credence to the notion that the 1908 event was also an airburst, and therefore also caused by a stony object.
We need to colonise our solar system, otherwise an event like this happening again will have the potential to wipe us out completely. The next time a flat-earther complains about the money being 'wasted' on space exploration, this simple fact should be pointed out to them, and then maybe they will wake up to reality.