ruveyn wrote:
AutisticMillionaire wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
No one says you can't make money - it just becomes wrong when it becomes the focus of your life, at the detriment of others.
And the NT is part of my Bible, even if it's not yours.
Plagiarism! First you steal our Prophets and then you guys make up stuff out of whole cloth.
Babylonians can say that about the Jews...stealing their flood stories. Noah please!
Noah changed his name from Gilgamesh. He didn't want people to know he was Babylonian.
He did change his name, but when the others returned to their wicked ways, he remained loyal to the old gods, and was spared to repopulate the earth. He was a Semite, and ancestor to those who came after.
Utanapishtim The Faraway was a bit formal and Noah was more like grandpa.
Gilgamesh knew him, wrote that he was not one of the gods, but stood with them, behaved like them.
Abraham was of his line, He was to break away from Baal, which unites the Book of Job, found at the Temple of Baal at Ras Shamron, with the Semite line. He did not give his first child as an offering, gave a ram instead, and nothing bad happened.
Egypt too has Semite roots, and there in the 125th Chapter of The Book of the Dead, are the Ten Comandments.
There is a historic record from the Old Gods, to departing Egypt in haste.
There is no connection with the fan fiction written 1500 years later in Greek.
The Old Gods say the Semites carry on some of the good ways of the gods.
Of the Greeks, they say, "If you should come upon a Greek, take them to the Temple and sacrifice them."
Greeks were known as pirates, fake traders who would kidnap people into slavery, liers and thieves.
Their idea of loving your fellow man was with other Greek men at the bath houses.
Teaching boys their ways was their religion, and it continued with the Roman Church.
Single men and choir boys is the foundation of the Roman Church. Has been for 1500 years.
Now they are losing lawsuits.
Ratzinger resigned and went in hiding to avoid being served Civil Papers, as he was the Head of managing child abuse.
This is like having the Mafia investigated by the Mafia.