Parent of shooting spree victim pleads to NRA

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25 May 2014, 1:51 am

khaoz wrote:
Noone uses fear to sell movie tickets, or cars, or Legos. The gun industry and NRA want you to believe that you need more guns to protect yourself, from this, or that, or whatever. They want you to believe they are standing up for your rights, and for freedom, and they manipulate you with that rhetoric when all they are interested in is getting you to spend more money on guns and ammunition. They are playing you. Yeah, everyone who is selling something is manipulating people with how they advertise, but most people are not using scare tactics to sell their products.

The gun industry sold the guns to the police that used them to stop this killer.

Does that make those police hookers, or johns, in your view?

I really can't get my head around what you're saying.

Sea Gull
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25 May 2014, 1:58 am

This argument is perpetual. It will always happen. There are only three ways this argument will ever be resolved, and they won't happen.

1. Disarm EVERYONE in the entire world. No guns (military included) = no shootings.

2 Give EVERYONE in the entire world a gun, and teach them to care and use it. This will deter shootings, and those that do happen will end as quickly as they started.

3. Somehow change the mindset of EVERYONE in the entire world that they would never want to shoot anyone, and do so without flaw.


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25 May 2014, 2:04 am

Anybody that is trying to push their own agenda over this tragedy is a sicko. They can pretend like they have the best intentions at heart but it's easy to see thru their lies and crocodile tears. They can't even contain themselves until the bodies are cold,

We live in a paranoid and delusional country that's mind is warped by 24 hour media and the narratives they drive into our heads, most people wouldn't know this but violent crime has been falling since the 70s. Don't tell that to ever increasing militarized police forces in this country tho, your small town totally needs a tank.


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25 May 2014, 2:11 am

JBlitzen wrote:
khaoz wrote:
Noone uses fear to sell movie tickets, or cars, or Legos. The gun industry and NRA want you to believe that you need more guns to protect yourself, from this, or that, or whatever. They want you to believe they are standing up for your rights, and for freedom, and they manipulate you with that rhetoric when all they are interested in is getting you to spend more money on guns and ammunition. They are playing you. Yeah, everyone who is selling something is manipulating people with how they advertise, but most people are not using scare tactics to sell their products.

The gun industry sold the guns to the police that used them to stop this killer.

Does that make those police hookers, or johns, in your view?

I really can't get my head around what you're saying.

You never will get your head around what I am saying. You see life through a completely different set of goggles than I do.

I go out in public it does not even cross the farthest corner of mind that anything could ever happen like what happened in California, or Sandy Hook, or Colorado. I don't waste life worrying about such things.

I do recognize the way society is manipulated by these organizations. Their advertising does not target police department or military. The gun industry and lobby target John Q Citizen with their advertising. They will have you believe it is not a matter of if you will ever need to protect yourself from a "bad man with a gun", but rather when. They want you to believe that someone is constantly lying in wait to break into your house, or rape your wife, or rob you at the ATM. Or this, or that. They want to have you believe that life is sinister and dangerous, and that people are trying to take away your 2nd Amendment rights, including the government. They want society to believe that they (the gun industry) actually cares about your life(they don't). They want you to buy guns, and they will twist your mind any direction it takes to achieve that goal. They want to manipulate you with "patriotic and religious" BS when all they care about is getting you to spend your mony buying more and more guns.

Sorry, but anyone who believes that having everyone running around strapped is going to make a safer world is batsh*t crazy.


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25 May 2014, 2:16 am

khaoz wrote:
I don't waste life worrying about such things.

You could have fooled us, with the endless parade of anti-gun threads...

Do you understand that what your words contradict your actions? Spamming a forum with ranting about guns and right wingers is not the way to convince people of how little you care about the issue, it's just annoying to those of us who have put serious thought into it.

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25 May 2014, 2:19 am

SquidinHostBody wrote:
This argument is perpetual. It will always happen. There are only three ways this argument will ever be resolved, and they won't happen.

1. Disarm EVERYONE in the entire world. No guns (military included) = no shootings.

2 Give EVERYONE in the entire world a gun, and teach them to care and use it. This will deter shootings, and those that do happen will end as quickly as they started.

3. Somehow change the mindset of EVERYONE in the entire world that they would never want to shoot anyone, and do so without flaw.

People are too fixated on the idea that we can completely eradicate violence from society. We can't. We can, however, minimize what is going on, if we actually cared about human life. We don't. we cannot even begin to minimize what is going on when we have groups who keep phishing this "bad guys will always be bad" rhetoric. These groups are not interested in minimizing violence. These groups cannot see beyond their own eyelashes. Anyone who wants to create a society where kids have to go to school with armed guards at every door and people walking around like people from a John Wayne movie wearing guns everywhere they go do not care about or love their own kids, or anyone else.


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25 May 2014, 2:23 am

mediocrity only comprehends itself and cannot entertain any greater thoughts.


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25 May 2014, 2:25 am

Dox47 wrote:
khaoz wrote:
I don't waste life worrying about such things.

You could have fooled us, with the endless parade of anti-gun threads...

Do you understand that what your words contradict your actions? Spamming a forum with ranting about guns and right wingers is not the way to convince people of how little you care about the issue, it's just annoying to those of us who have put serious thought into it.

Yes, your serious thought consists of more guns in the hands of more people will make society safer. That is not serious thought. That is insanity. It is annoying to me that you would have me believe you care about human life. You still miss my entire point.

Society is not as dangerous and unsafe as the gun industry would have you believe to get you to sell guns. IT IS ALL ABOUT SELLING GUNS. Is that clear enough for you? It has nothing to do with patriotism, public safety or the 2nd Amendment. It is about making money.


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25 May 2014, 2:27 am

you are not going to make him understand. choose your battles.


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25 May 2014, 2:33 am

khaoz wrote:
SquidinHostBody wrote:
This argument is perpetual. It will always happen. There are only three ways this argument will ever be resolved, and they won't happen.

1. Disarm EVERYONE in the entire world. No guns (military included) = no shootings.

2 Give EVERYONE in the entire world a gun, and teach them to care and use it. This will deter shootings, and those that do happen will end as quickly as they started.

3. Somehow change the mindset of EVERYONE in the entire world that they would never want to shoot anyone, and do so without flaw.

People are too fixated on the idea that we can completely eradicate violence from society. We can't. We can, however, minimize what is going on, if we actually cared about human life. We don't. we cannot even begin to minimize what is going on when we have groups who keep phishing this "bad guys will always be bad" rhetoric. These groups are not interested in minimizing violence. These groups cannot see beyond their own eyelashes. Anyone who wants to create a society where kids have to go to school with armed guards at every door and people walking around like people from a John Wayne movie wearing guns everywhere they go do not care about or love their own kids, or anyone else.

Minimizing violence sounds admirable but gun control doesn't achieve that. Neither does having armed guards at all of our schools, all paranoid delusions. The fact is that there will always be bad eggs and evil will happen, violent crime has been falling for decades but liars in the media would like you to believe otherwise. We can't surrender our freedoms because bad things happen sometimes, the old Benjamin Franklin quote rings true as always. What I suggest is not to watch cable news, you'll be a lot happier and healthier in the mind.


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25 May 2014, 2:36 am

khaoz wrote:
Yes, your serious thought consists of more guns in the hands of more people will make society safer. That is not serious thought. That is insanity. It is annoying to me that you would have me believe you care about human life. You still miss my entire point.

You seem to be confusing me with the imaginary version of the NRA in your head, all I want is for firearms to be freely available to those who desire them, not to press guns on random people. If you really cared about human life as much as you claim, you wouldn't spend so much time railing against penny-ante US gun violence, you'd put your energy into something that could save more lives more efficiently, like 3rd world healthcare or drug war reform, but it's not about human life for you, it's about controlling other people.

khaoz wrote:
Society is not as dangerous and unsafe as the gun industry would have you believe to get you to sell guns. IT IS ALL ABOUT SELLING GUNS. Is that clear enough for you? It has nothing to do with patriotism, public safety or the 2nd Amendment. It is about making money.

What do you actually know about the gun industry? Seriously, what? I have firsthand experience, what do you have, a subscription to Mother Jones? You keep calling me 'brainwashed', but keep repeating anti-gun talking points that have no basis in fact, which sounds an awful lot like brainwashed.

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25 May 2014, 2:38 am

to describe our violence situation in America as "penny ante" is nauseating.


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25 May 2014, 2:42 am

auntblabby wrote:
mediocrity only comprehends itself and cannot entertain any greater thoughts.

auntblabby wrote:
you are not going to make him understand. choose your battles.

Blabs, you're a nice guy and I like you, I've broken bread with you, but you're ringing a bell you can't un-ring here. I've mostly turned a blind eye to your partisan sniping for years out of respect, but you're starting to insult me here, and I'm not going to just let that go if you keep it up. Fair warning.

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25 May 2014, 2:42 am

e direction this thread is taking is only illustrating my point. I have clarified it a half dozen times, but people are still fixated on this idea that I am attacking peoples right to own guns and attacking gun owners. This obsession with guns completely blinds people to the whole point.


The point is that the NRA and gun lobby have you all convinced that anyone who wants simple changes made in regulations is a gun hater and a gun confiscator.

ONCE AGAIN, THE POINT OF THIS THREAD is that the NRA and gun lobby want to completely silence anyone who speaks out about gun violence. Even the victims are supposed to shut up.


It is not about your 2nd Amendment rights, or your safety. ITS ABOUT SELLING GUNS.

So keep on promoting the NRA talking points. I hate guns because I don't need one or own one. I want you not to have a gun because I dont need one. Everything is about people "attacking" your rights to own guns.

No matter how much I clarify or try to express myself, you see only one thing.

Khaoz hates guns and wants me not to have any guns.

Its a waste of time. You are blinded by your addiction to your guns. You are incapable of rationally discussing the issue. Why dont you just email me some death threats out of your insecurity?


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25 May 2014, 2:47 am

There you go again... :roll:

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25 May 2014, 2:49 am

Dox47 wrote:
khaoz wrote:
Yes, your serious thought consists of more guns in the hands of more people will make society safer. That is not serious thought. That is insanity. It is annoying to me that you would have me believe you care about human life. You still miss my entire point.

You seem to be confusing me with the imaginary version of the NRA in your head, all I want is for firearms to be freely available to those who desire them, not to press guns on random people. If you really cared about human life as much as you claim, you wouldn't spend so much time railing against penny-ante US gun violence, you'd put your energy into something that could save more lives more efficiently, like 3rd world healthcare or drug war reform, but it's not about human life for you, it's about controlling other people.

khaoz wrote:
Society is not as dangerous and unsafe as the gun industry would have you believe to get you to sell guns. IT IS ALL ABOUT SELLING GUNS. Is that clear enough for you? It has nothing to do with patriotism, public safety or the 2nd Amendment. It is about making money.

What do you actually know about the gun industry? Seriously, what? I have firsthand experience, what do you have, a subscription to Mother Jones? You keep calling me 'brainwashed', but keep repeating anti-gun talking points that have no basis in fact, which sounds an awful lot like brainwashed.

I have actually tried to avoid using that word "brainwashed". I have no subscriptions to any magazines. And how would you know what I am or am not already involved in? I don't repeat anti gun talking points. I speak from my own mind and my own thinking. I spend more time watching what the NRA says and how the NRA and gun industry reacts to things like this shooting than I do with any "anti-gun" organizations. And still, if you think that more guns equal a safer society, you are insane.