Kosmonaut wrote:
$4.85 per ounce.
Thats probably a massive amount of money for the time.
I don't know how to work out the inflation, but i would estimate the price of an ounce of heroin to be around $1500. I reckon $4.85 was worth a bit more in them days.
Probably why they state an effective dose as being 1/48 gr. = 1/1344oz.
Happy daze.
In 2005, $4.85 from 1901 is worth: $114.95 using the Consumer Price Index
$96.78 using the GDP deflator
$529.46 using the unskilled wage
$706.87 using the nominal GDP per capita
$2,696.90 using the relative share of GDP
Though purity likely less in 2005.