Bondkatten wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
trollcatman wrote:
I often wonder this, if they hate Western society so much, why choose to live there?
In large part for the economic advantage, I would think. Plus, they probably don't consider the culture shock coming with living in western society.
And I think they get away with a lot more crap in western countries than in their home lands, and they know it. In Sweden,some politicians suggested that IS returners should be helped when getting back home to Sweden. They said that they need psychological help, and should get help with finding a job.
Yes, some high ranking person from the Iraq army said that captured ISIS people would be executed at the same spot they executed Iraqi soldiers, near the river. They know that if they go back to Europe they won't be executed and will probably get off lightly.
Sweden is generally seen as pretty naive with these things. If these people (and other refugees) have/get Swedish citizenship they can move and live all over the EU, and the people in other EU countries don't like that at all. The Swedes should get back some of their old viking mentality. Unlike the way they are depicted the Norsemen often didn't use the death penalty, but banishment, or outlawry. If you did something really stupid, f**k off and don't come back.
I know Sweden isn't in NATO but these people are joining up a group that is fighting NATO forces. They are also murdering both civilians and POWs, and they are doing ethnic cleansing, and they are also destroying the heritage of the region from pre-Islamic times. They completely blew up the ancient city of Nimrod, leaving just a crater.