Bush and Cruz - Ignoring our Constitution!

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20 Nov 2015, 7:27 am

cyberdad wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush seem to have forgotten what it means to be Americans - they want only Syrian refugees who are Christians given refugee status in this country. Have they forgotten th Constitution already? The First Amendement states ...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
In other words, screening refugees on the basis of their religion - by requiring a test of Biblical knowledge, for example - is not only un-constitutional, but it is un-American!
I think they are invoking natural security by selecting only Yazidis or christians they basically are minimising risk of terrorists slipping into the US...
You are ignoring the fact that this country already has too many self-proclaimed "Christians" who rob, rape, and murder others. What exactly would it take for a person to prove his Christianity - quote the Bible and argue its finer points?

Wake up ... even Satan can do that!

And if the "Father of Lies" can fake his way into the lives of weak-minded Americans, then how much more difficult could it be for those already under his influence to lie their way past a TSA agent?

How many TSA agents hold degrees in Theology? How many are "real" Christians? Just what is a real Christian, anyway?


No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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20 Nov 2015, 7:37 am

cyberdad wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush seem to have forgotten what it means to be Americans - they want only Syrian refugees who are Christians given refugee status in this country. Have they forgotten th Constitution already? The First Amendement states ...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

In other words, screening refugees on the basis of their religion - by requiring a test of Biblical knowledge, for example - is not only un-constitutional, but it is un-American!

I think they are invoking natural security by selecting only Yazidis or christians they basically are minimising risk of terrorists slipping into the US...even here in Australia our foreign minister Julie Bishop stated most of the Syrian refugees (those given priority) will be Yazidis and Christians

It will be a bit hard to hide behind the first amendment if even one Syrian refugee turns out to be an ISIS sleeper and takes over a jet liner and flies it into the white house...even those of us on the left are not keen on this...

According to the Washington Post, the vetting process for amnesty in the U.S. takes approximately 18 months. We have already accepted some, but only 2% are men of fighting age.

The Parisian terrorists were all European. Why don't we just ban everyone?<sarcasm>

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20 Nov 2015, 8:32 am

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
looniverse wrote:
MjrMajorMajor wrote:
There have been governors making noise about not "allowing" Syrian refugees to settle in their prospective states, which is illegal also.

The entire situation just turns my stomach. Politics have never been savoury, but rationality and accountability seems to be swirling down the drain pretty quickly these days.

Ignoring real threats to security seems pretty irrational to me.

The fact that refugees may be Syrians does not automatically constitute a threat. All refuges coming into this country are heavily vetted, and should not be discriminated towards because of their religion or nationality.

Governors are prohibited under the Refugee Act of 1980 from blocking refugees from settling in their communities, said Lavinia Limon, president and CEO of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigration.

It is up for the legislature to decide if the vetting is sufficient. Legislators of both major parties believe it is not.

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20 Nov 2015, 8:33 am

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
It's well within our right, Christians are a persecuted group and are threatened with genocide all over the Middle East. We're not obligated to take anyone.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Let me reiterate:

Congress has nearly full authority to regulate immigration without interference from the courts. Because immigration is considered a matter of national security and foreign policy, the Supreme Court has long held that immigration law is largely immune from judicial review. Congress can make rules for immigrants that would be unacceptable if applied to citizens.

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20 Nov 2015, 8:36 am

looniverse wrote:
MjrMajorMajor wrote:
looniverse wrote:
MjrMajorMajor wrote:
There have been governors making noise about not "allowing" Syrian refugees to settle in their prospective states, which is illegal also.

The entire situation just turns my stomach. Politics have never been savoury, but rationality and accountability seems to be swirling down the drain pretty quickly these days.

Ignoring real threats to security seems pretty irrational to me.

The fact that refugees may be Syrians does not automatically constitute a threat. All refuges coming into this country are heavily vetted, and should not be discriminated towards because of their religion or nationality.

Governors are prohibited under the Refugee Act of 1980 from blocking refugees from settling in their communities, said Lavinia Limon, president and CEO of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigration.

It is up for the legislature to decide if the vetting is sufficient. Legislators of both major parties believe it is not.

No, it only says 2% are SINGLE adult men.


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20 Nov 2015, 8:46 am

Congress has enough votes to override a presidential veto on this matter as long as the Democrats that voted for it don't chicken out in face of the president but obviously there is huge divisions in the party. President Obama's response to all of this has been so pathetic, he really is an arrogant thin skinned man who can never admit fault. He's so defensive in everything he says, he'll be made to regret saying "we have ISIS contained" like not even 24 hours before the attacks in Paris. Could you imagine having a leader like him in real times of trouble? Republicans aren't much better.

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20 Nov 2015, 8:48 am

Fnord wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
It's well within our right, Christians are a persecuted group and are threatened with genocide all over the Middle East. We're not obligated to take anyone.
You're not obligated to travel to the Middle East, either.

Sure, it's within our "rights" to refuse clothing, food, health care, housing, and protection to any refugee regardless of his ethnicity, religion, or the color of his skin ... but isn't that exactly what their persecutors were doing to them in the first place?

If we, as a nation, refuse to take in refugees, then we are no better than the tyranny they're trying to escape.

How is it tyrannical to be cautious?

A poll of the Syrian refugees shows that only 77% had a straight-up negative view of ISIS. Another 6% had a somewhat negative view of ISIS. Assuming, and that's a big IF, that those numbers reflect an honest response, that means 1 in 6 of the refugees is indifferent or has a positive attitude toward ISIS. However, if you are aware of taqiya (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiya), there is a religious dispensation for blasphemy under Sharia law. That makes those poll numbers more interesting when you consider 1 in 6 ADMIT they have a positive or neutral view of ISIS.

Besides, have you ever asked yourself why there aren't hordes of refugees streaming into Jordan and Saudi Arabia? If you were forced to leave your home, wouldn't you want to find a place that was somewhat culturally similar? I'm sure the US would be willing to authorize several billion dollars to help resettle Syrian refugees in those countries. Another benefit of the cultural similarity would be countries such as Jordan would be far more capable at determining who the bad refugees are.

Before you go all sic semper tyranis on the decision of the legislature to err on the side of caution, do some research on the concept of the fifth column. And realize that just because most people in our society don't care about anything enough to die for it doesn't mean that is true of all people.

Last edited by looniverse on 20 Nov 2015, 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Nov 2015, 8:49 am

looniverse wrote:

It is up for the legislature to decide if the vetting is sufficient. Legislators of both major parties believe it is not.

Legislators are looking towards reelection, and in turn reflecting the public hysteria to do so. Media and personal bias towards the Middle East has lead to what is basically discrimination. As stated, we might as well tear the Statue of Liberty down while we're at it.

All this frenzy does is give more power to the terrorists. "Look how affective we are! Even the USA is quaking with fear". It also is a clear indication of the morality of some people. "Muslim ID cards! Burn the mosques!"

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20 Nov 2015, 8:59 am

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
looniverse wrote:

It is up for the legislature to decide if the vetting is sufficient. Legislators of both major parties believe it is not.

Legislators are looking towards reelection, and in turn reflecting the public hysteria to do so. Media and personal bias towards the Middle East has lead to what is basically discrimination. As stated, we might as well tear the Statue of Liberty down while we're at it.

All this frenzy does is give more power to the terrorists. "Look how affective we are! Even the USA is quaking with fear". It also is a clear indication of the morality of some people. "Muslim ID cards! Burn the mosques!"

I think the frenzy you mention is non-existent. People are more interested in being cautious than anything.

Even if what you say is true, so what? The country still has the right to self-determination. The country still has the right to regulate and restrict immigration. The country still has the right to treat its citizens differently than its non citizens.

Ask the Romans how it worked out when they welcomed the Vandals.


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20 Nov 2015, 9:11 am

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
looniverse wrote:

It is up for the legislature to decide if the vetting is sufficient. Legislators of both major parties believe it is not.

Legislators are looking towards reelection, and in turn reflecting the public hysteria to do so. Media and personal bias towards the Middle East has lead to what is basically discrimination. As stated, we might as well tear the Statue of Liberty down while we're at it.

All this frenzy does is give more power to the terrorists. "Look how affective we are! Even the USA is quaking with fear". It also is a clear indication of the morality of some people. "Muslim ID cards! Burn the mosques!"

Why would you bring refugees to a place they're clearly not welcome? Sending them somewhere else is the compassionate thing, what do you think would happen if another major terrorist attack happened in the US? Do you think this bad? Do you know how many of the Joe and Jill Sixpacks out there just want to "kill them all"? These are more sophisticated people than given credit, I remember some very educated family members of mine in the aftermath of 9/11 that we should nuke the entire Middle East. Americans are not a submissive people like Europeans, we will make our views known whereas in Europe there is a ticking time bomb until they just snap. The European experiment has been failure, it's all coming to an end.

No, we should not surrender our freedoms and accept even more of a surveillance police state to keep us "safe". Just don't let in the people that pose the biggest threat, stop it before it ever becomes a problem. They will use the "domestic security threat" to enslave us, we need to secure our borders and meter immigration. If you can't integrate then you should not come here.


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20 Nov 2015, 11:37 am

cyberdad wrote:
It will be a bit hard to hide behind the first amendment if even one Syrian refugee turns out to be an ISIS sleeper and takes over a jet liner and flies it into the white house...even those of us on the left are not keen on this...


Where else can we apply the "if even one" standard?

If even one aspie turns out to be a spree killer

If even one American turns out to be a pedophile

If even one Japanese turns out to be making WMDs...

If even one frenchman turns out to be a terrorist

If even one german turns out to be a nazi

Wait... maybe this collective guilt idea isn't really a good way to think about things. :huh:


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20 Nov 2015, 12:28 pm

Importing these refugees might be importing them to be interned, what do you think is going to happen if there is another terrorist attack in this country? Do you think another Kristallnacht is impossible? We need to find a place for these people were they can freely practice their religion and culture on their own, don't create the problems Europe is having here because Americans are a lot more belligerent and a lot less submissive to the government. Like if these refugees were to cross our border like they are in Europe they would be met with armed militia.

Why not South America? Why not the Arab Gulf? Why not Turkey? Why not South Africa? Why not Israel? China? Indonesia?

They can only come to 1st world welfare states? Places so far up their ass with white guilt and liberalism that they'll be allowed behave however they want while getting free government money for popping out babies? Fundamentalist or conservative Islam are not compatible with out western values and culture, no chance of integration. This isn't the only place in the world, we're not obligated to giving them 1st world lives because they're fleeing their homeland instead of fighting for it.


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20 Nov 2015, 2:05 pm

Go Jacoby----go Jacoby----WOO HOO!! (And, looniverse.)

Also, the "Refugee Act" says we have to employ these people:


.....and, because I'm about to go mad trying to find a proper job, right now, I AIN'T happy about that!!

Also, whomever put the quote on here from a CEO of whatever company (CEO is not a government title) saying that Governors can't block refugees----doing a search of the document, at the link I provided, only uses the word "Governors" ONE time, and it's not in regard to them not being able to block refugees.

Also, IMO, the Constitution has nothing to do with it, cuz these people aren't citizens.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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20 Nov 2015, 8:30 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
...Also, the "Refugee Act" says we have to employ these people:


.....and, because I'm about to go mad trying to find a proper job, right now, I AIN'T happy about that!...

Where does it say that in this document? It says to "make available sufficient resources", and the following section says the intent is to make them self-sufficient as possible. Nothing in this document guarantees employment, just like any other employment service offered to anyone else (See how this document for Schedule A appointments is worded: https://www.dol.gov/odep/pdf/20120103ScheduleA.pdf). What you said is just scare-mongering, possibly due from your Confederate-sympathizing mindset.

As for them not being citizens -- if they have jobs through this program, that's taxable income.


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20 Nov 2015, 9:44 pm

Since when did a sitting president ever follow the letter, if not the spirit of the law, let alone the Constitution? Even the Founding Fathers, when they became the Chief Executive of this God-Forsaken land have circumvented the law of the land in one way or another.


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20 Nov 2015, 10:54 pm

iBlockhead wrote:
Campin_Cat wrote:
...Also, the "Refugee Act" says we have to employ these people:


.....and, because I'm about to go mad trying to find a proper job, right now, I AIN'T happy about that!...

Where does it say that in this document? It says to "make available sufficient resources", and the following section says the intent is to make them self-sufficient as possible. Nothing in this document guarantees employment, just like any other employment service offered to anyone else. What you said is just scare-mongering, possibly due from your Confederate-sympathizing mindset.

As for them not being citizens -- if they have jobs through this program, that's taxable income.

First-of-all, I didn't use the word "guarantee", either. Secondly, the word "employment" is used SEVENTEEN times in the document----including:

(II) the availability of employment opportunities, affordable housing, and public and private resources (including educational, health care, and mental health services) for refugees in the area,
(D) To fulfill its responsibility to provide for the basic needs (including food, clothing, shelter, and transportation for job interviews and training) of each refugee resettled and to develop and implement a resettlement plan including the early employment of each refugee resettled and to monitor the implementation of such plan.
(i) primarily for the purpose of facilitating refugee employment and achievement of self-sufficiency,

Those statements----plus the fact that the word "employment" is used 14 more times----doesn't sound, to ME, like someone is merely going to "make available sufficient resources"; it sounds like to me, that somebody is going to go that extra mile, making sure they're comfy in their new home (literally, since it says "To fulfill its responsibility to provide for the basic needs [...shelter...]").

As for "possibly due from your Confederate-sympathizing mindset.": If that's a cut, I imagine that's why the OP put this thread in "News and Current Events" (as opposed to PPR, where it seems it would be more appropriate), to avoid comments like that (because one can't, pretty much, in PPR), so I'll not respond to that part.

As for my last sentence: I was no longer addressing employment----I was addressing the topic of this thread; that's why I put it in a separate paragraph.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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