Kraichgauer wrote:
Well, that would doubtlessly leave out white nationalists, as they hardly want to extend those rights to those they see as their lessers.
As difficult as it is to admit the white identitarian issue varies in both trajectory and merit based on continent.
I think, for example, that people in the UK and continental Europe have a much different sort of claim to their right to at least a white majority in European countries, the US and the commonwealths self-identified as melting pots and if that's in your fundamental ideology - and you're a commonwealth - its probably best to stick with that ideology through both the easy times and the more challenging ones. In Europe this takes on a very different flavor these days because you do have groups who are ostensibly liberal/libertarian rather than right or alt-right who are trying to argue that European countries should have a >50% populace European stock and rather than being anti-diversity for the sake of it they're making a case that once you pass a particular tipping point you have thousands of years of culture riding on chance.
But to bring it back to white nationalists in the US - they're bringing up a hodge-podge of issues, some valid others really just ignorant/racist or conspiratorial anti-Jewish garbage, and it seems like the alt-right at that rally represented everything from the mostly sane to mostly insane with plenty in the middle. As far as the numbers go and the degree to which you had that spectrum I think it also shows that to whatever extent these people were there for seemingly sane reasons a lot of that could have been extinguished ahead of time by both sides of the national debate hearing each other out properly - ie. both sides Antifa and Alt-right seem like the results of Balkanization, not the causes.
The guy who drove his car through a crowd killing a woman and injuring nineteen others is a murder plain and simple, hopefully not an official terrorist - we don't need more domestic terrorism and I shudder at the thought of what liberties the federal gov't could grab up with that - but for right now murderer is about all we have strong evidence for. Anyone else in the alt-right at that rally who at any point were physically attacking Antifa unprovoked are just as much thugs IMHO as the Antifa who did the same. As far as anyone who's using violence to make their points I don't think there's anything they're doing that's worth standing by and I don't think there's a place for their hearts to be which would justify tolerating that sort of behavior.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.