Fnord wrote:
Antrax wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Antrax wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Personally, I am a man, so the decision to legalize or criminalize abortion should not be mine to make.
You were once a zygote/embryo/fetus though so I reject the premise.
I was also a mistake made by a Roman Catholic girl.
She made The Choice, not I.
You argue the point of a pro-lifer though...
No, I argue the point of pro-choice. It just
looks like pro-life to a pro-abortionist (and pro-abortion to a pro-lifer).
Semantic nonsense. Only a few extreme "we shouldn't bring up children in this world" could be described as pro-abortionist. Pro-choice is the choice by the mother to have an abortion or not.
Again, whether the mother should have this choice depends on the line of where you draw the beginning of human life. Once you have determined human life to have begun the mother no longer has that choice.Line 1: At conception. Supporting logic is that at conception the complete genetic material for a human being is formed.
Line 2: At heartbeat. Supporting logic is uh it makes good propraganda?
Line 3: At viability. This is my line and the supporting logic is that at viability a fetus can survive outside the womb and should be considered indistinguishable from a baby.
Line 4: At birth. Until then a zygote/embryo/fetus is physically connected to their mother.
Line 5: At self-sufficiency. I don't know anyone who actually argues for this, but a lot of people make the argument that a fetus is dependent on its mother. Taken to its logical conclusion until a child is old enough to fend for itself it is dependent on its guardian adults and those adults should have the right to kill it anytime they want.
The exception language for rape and incest is nonsense with the tricky morality of the life of the mother in danger being a whole separate issue. You either believe a zygote/embryo/fetus is a human life or not, and whether it was born of rape or incest is immaterial.
I cannot say one line is ultimately correct because it is a judgement call with no clear answer, but I can say that I think as a man I can have a valid opinion on where the line should be drawn.
"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."