Fnord wrote:
I think Dear Leader may be a bit confused (or just plain ignorant), as there is no "Noble" Prize for Journalism.
There isn't even any such thing as a "Noble" prize -- it's actually "Nobel"
When Alfred Nobel signed his will in 1895, he specified that the bulk of his estate be spent on awarding prizes for those who made significant contributions in one of five fields. These fields are chemistry, physics, medicine, literature and peace.
A sixth Nobel Prize was created in 1969 in the field of economics. This award is not technically a Nobel Prize because the Bank of Sweden finances funds for the award. However, some of the committee nominating and selecting a winner in mathematics have ties to other committees that grant the Prize to those in other science branches.
Maybe Dear Leader was thinking (and I use the term loosely) of the Pulitzer prize ... ?
He was likely thinking that the prize gives you a title of nobility, much like royalty. He wants to be king, so winning the noble award sounds good to him. Truly sad that we have come to this.
I have personally met three Nobel laureates, two in chemistry and one in physics. One of my research advisors was trained by one when he was in grad school at MIT. They were true geniuses who worked hard to achieve what they did. They did not spend all of their time ranting on twitter or golfing to get their “work” done. If he wants to win the prize, maybe he should try their route.