lostonearth35 wrote:
I have so many questions. Where did all the wild boars come from? Are they an invasive species? Is it because of climate change? Did animal "rights" activists set a bunch of domestic pigs free and now they've gone feral? Will they start a new swine flu pandemic right on top of Covid?
Thats a good question.
I dont know how Canada got them.
In the American south early settlers brought their hogs with them. And over the centuries wild escaped hogs began to breed in the wild, and they began revert to something like their European wild boar ancestors- lean and fierce.
On top of that there was at least one guy- the playboy scion of gilded age robber baron in New York in the 1890s who started a private fenced in game preserve in the North Carolina mountains and stocked it with actual imported Russian wild boars- so he and his friends could have fun hunting them. He eventually got bored with the boars, and abandoned the preserve, and the fences collapsed. So there are now also populations of actual Russian boars in the moutains. And there has probably been interbreeding between them and the aforementioned widespread feral descendants of domestic pigs of the south.
Some similar Victorian playboy may have also imported boars to the Canadian woods as well.