Our pullout left a power vaccum in central Asia that China stepped into. The Chinese may help the Taliban with building infrastructure.
But...things might sour between Taliban and China. Afghanistan's economy is already in the crapper because of the cut off in foreign aid. No out siders want to invest in the country. So...to get some cash stream...the Taliban may start to tolerate and even encourage Afghan farmers to grow opium. And then...China might start to notice some of its young people nodding off in the streets of China from heroin and get angry. And, though the Taliban leadership knows to kiss China's ass, rogue factions might take up the cause of the oppressed Uighur minority in China (who happen to be fellow Muslims) and may plot terrorism against China. A before you know it...the Chinese might end up invading, and occupying Afghanistan, and being sucked into the same quagmire that we, the Russians, and the British Empire, were.