Man with learning difficulties kicked to death

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01 Sep 2007, 9:48 am

RainSong wrote:
People can be horrifying...

How can someone do that? To kill someone like that, to beat them over and over again, when that person has done nothing wrong... It's entirely beyond my understanding...

I think the fact that the guy was special needs is probably quite secondary to the actual assault. This sort of thing is becoming an increasing issue in the UK, with endless examples of random pointless violence becoming more and more the norm. I imagine that most of the UK users have either experienced it, or know someone who has, by now.

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01 Sep 2007, 9:57 am

Macbeth wrote:
RainSong wrote:
People can be horrifying...

How can someone do that? To kill someone like that, to beat them over and over again, when that person has done nothing wrong... It's entirely beyond my understanding...

I think the fact that the guy was special needs is probably quite secondary to the actual assault. This sort of thing is becoming an increasing issue in the UK, with endless examples of random pointless violence becoming more and more the norm. I imagine that most of the UK users have either experienced it, or know someone who has, by now.

I meant in general; if he had been entirely "normal" my reaction would have been just the same. To do that to anyone is horrifying. The fact that it's common is all the worse.

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01 Sep 2007, 10:05 am

It is far too common. On any given day, about half of our national newspaper stories will be about violent crime, and many of those involve the death of innocents. The difference is, that people ae more shocked by certain variations. The most uproar concerns crimes involving children (as in the case of an 11yr old gunned down at random.) After that come the "old aged pensioner killed/beaten", then it moves into the average everyday folk getting killed by thugs, usually for very little. Somewhat annoyingly, the "special needs victim" comes fairly low down in the "shocking story" department. I'm not sure why exactly. People seem to have a bizarre point of view on those. Its as if they understand that the victim was an easy target, and are saddened, but at the same time expect special needs types to be able to look after themselves "because they are fully grown adults after all." Its probably simply indicative of a lack of understanding about mental health, rather than any active callousness.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
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01 Sep 2007, 3:21 pm

Macbeth wrote:
It is far too common...

Indeed it is. Here's another of the many crimes you can pull from the daily papers:;jsessionid=PGFKR5JLXUP4VQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/08/31/nstone131.xml

It's not really surprising, considering we now live in a society where children receive no effective discipline until they actually kill someone, or do them serious physical harm. Teachers can't even touch a kid without fear of being prosecuted for "abuse", and if a mob of stone-throwing yobs turns up outside your house there's nothing you can do to protect yourself without risking ending up in prison.

That's the madness inflicted on us by the left.

Hanging's too good for those responsible.


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01 Sep 2007, 6:23 pm

I'm glad i don't live in the UK... sounds like the whole place is a scene from 'A Clockwork Orange'


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02 Sep 2007, 11:32 am

ascan wrote:
Macbeth wrote:
It is far too common...

Indeed it is. Here's another of the many crimes you can pull from the daily papers:;jsessionid=PGFKR5JLXUP4VQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/08/31/nstone131.xml

It's not really surprising, considering we now live in a society where children receive no effective discipline until they actually kill someone, or do them serious physical harm. Teachers can't even touch a kid without fear of being prosecuted for "abuse", and if a mob of stone-throwing yobs turns up outside your house there's nothing you can do to protect yourself without risking ending up in prison.

That's the madness inflicted on us by the left.

Hanging's too good for those responsible.

Sadly, an englishmans home is no longer his castle, as invariably the police will prosecute for attacks against illegal entrants. This seems bizarre and obtuse. THe law has not sided with the victim for a long time. Various prosecutions include: The infamous Tony Martin, jailed for shooting a trespasser. He was prosecuted by the full force of the law, despite constant contact with the police, asking them to deal with such trespassers on his property. Or there was the couple who took action against illegal ravers in one of their fields. Police response when requested? Zero. (They didnt have the manpower to spare.) When the landowner pulled a shotgun on the ravers and blew up one of their amps? MASSIVE police response. The police have also prosecuted a small boy for throwing a sausage at someone, and some drunk girls who flashed a CCTV camera. ON another occasion, police responded to a call of a burglar in someones house 24 hours later. I could go on all night with this list of imbecile policing, but the point is.. these events are occuring whilst our streets become a no go zone. The police can arrest a sausage thrower(! !???!) but refuse to move on thirty-strong groups of pissed yobs... Of course, even if they DO show up, the criminals in question will most likely receive a pitiful sentence, if they get one at all.. oh, and the probation service is so undermanned that they have been turning Community Service cons away and sending them home.

Recently in Belfast a man was tarred and feathered.. his crime.. drug dealing. There was an upcry that this sort of thing shouldnt happen in civilised society, that it is foul and evil and illegal and the law should fall upon them with the weight of GOD. (They were of course, talking about the Tarring and Feathering, not the drug dealing. Apparently thats quite alright.)

It would not surprise me to see more vigilante actions like this, as people have become tired of a lack of police response to their pleas.

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03 Sep 2007, 11:53 am

Believe me....this world is becoming a very violent place. The only thing you can do is pray to God and ask him to protect you wherever you go. Try not to walk alone at night by yourself when theres very few people outside.


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03 Sep 2007, 1:07 pm

Sounds like the UK needs to change its gun laws so that these people (the victims) could just as easily be carrying firearms. Some people really need a deterant like that.


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03 Sep 2007, 1:24 pm

Simple fact is, we dont need any more laws. We need to enforce the ones we have in a realistic manner. Making a crime more illegal doesnt stop the crime.

1: The Police should respond WHEN CALLED.. not a week later if they can be bothered.
2: People engaged in criminal acts should not have the same degree of access to the human rights laws as the victim. They are breaching the human rights of the victim NOT to be a victim. This means no sueing for damages when you break your leg robbing someone.
3: The laws on self defense should be much clearer, and take into account rule 2.
4: Build more prisons. Its not rocket science.
5: Do the crime, do the time. Actually serve sentences and actually DO them.
6: Less of this safety warden balls. REAL coppers on REAL beats. Response time should be less than 3 minutes to any area by at least one law officer. It takes 7 minutes to get a police response in Doncaster to the local kebab shop from the police station, despite the fact it is 200 yards away. THAT IS ret*d.
7. Remove "targets" for arrest rates, as it encourages laziness in dealing with crime.
8. STOP criminalising non aggressive, non damaging, non illegal things just to make money. (I'm thinking smoking here.)
9. The victim is THE VICTIM.. not another suspect.

That little lot would help a great deal.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
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03 Sep 2007, 7:50 pm

Change their gun laws? Why? That 'right to bear arms' s**t is the main reason America is the mess it is. Australia has gun laws that may not work either, but we don't have anywhere near the violent crime you have. If the judges did their job properly in the first place, then half of this s**t would be eliminated.

Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!

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04 Sep 2007, 1:31 pm

The_Chosen_One wrote:
Problem is, no matter what token punishment is handed out to these brainless dickheads, it still doesn't answer the question as to why they did this in the first place. Were they ret*d themselves? Were they just ignorant bullies? Were they born into families that had no regard for the sanctity of another life? Who knows... But one thing I do know is that society in general (I don't mean people, because a lot of people are OK, but SOCIETY) has a lot to answer for, and anyone to allow these morons to get off lightly should have to face an even more severe punishment themselves.

This kind of violence is how NT's actually behave towards someone that is not NT.Not all NT's are like that,but majority is.
The mere fact why I have finished my high school alive was the fact that I mostly escaped from classes,and find medical excuses,so that I don't had to be confronted with my 'peers'.
I was so brutalized in my high school,that I truly feared for my life.

Human (NT) society is actually extremely brutal,specially to real 'outcasts'.In that manner society treats alienated individuals,like organism treats alienated cells.
Unfortunately seems that society treats us as 'cancer'.
This has nothing to do with reason,but with instincts.And NT's are mostly instinctive in their behavior.

NT's are also brutal to each other as well,specially to more vulnerable and weaker NT's.
Since NT society is hierarchical organism,where social symbols and signals are vital element.
People that not participate in that social-symbolic game are prone to elimination-real or more symbolic one.

tcorrielus wrote:
Believe me....this world is becoming a very violent place.

World has always been a violent place.I like history,and have read a lot about it.

If we eliminate great artists,scientists and of human history is basically slaughterhouse.
Human brutality and malice knows no boundaries.We can only thank great men of culture and spirit that have at least partially lead parts of humanity to sublimation.And if we eliminate these people,what we have left with is basically horde of demons.


Sorry if I sounded too dark,but I have just stated my opinion.

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04 Sep 2007, 1:41 pm

Witt wrote:
World has always been a violent place.I like history,and have read a lot about it.
If we eliminate great artists,scientists and of human history is basically slaughterhouse. Human brutality and malice knows no boundaries.We can only thank great men of culture and spirit that have at least partially lead parts of humanity to sublimation.And if we eliminate these people,what we have left with is basically horde of demons.

Sad thing is, not all of the scientists and geniuses are peaceful types either. After all, someone has to invent all the fun killy things.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
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04 Sep 2007, 1:49 pm

Macbeth wrote:
Sad thing is, not all of the scientists and geniuses are peaceful types either. After all, someone has to invent all the fun killy things.

That's true.Genius is not always a positive thing.
There are genial criminals and psychopaths as well. :wink:

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04 Sep 2007, 1:56 pm

Thing is, theres a difference between this sort of meaningless violence, and other types of violence throughout history. Be it territory, expansion, conquest or robbery on a grand scale, a lot of violence has a reason. This attack was pointless..and unfortunately society seems to be suffering more and more from unmitigated violence that serves zero purpose.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
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04 Sep 2007, 2:20 pm

Macbeth wrote:
Thing is, theres a difference between this sort of meaningless violence, and other types of violence throughout history. Be it territory, expansion, conquest or robbery on a grand scale, a lot of violence has a reason. This attack was pointless..and unfortunately society seems to be suffering more and more from unmitigated violence that serves zero purpose.

You are wrong.Problem is that you see this from Aspie perspective.
This attack has a point-elimination of dysfunctional individual by NT's,so that this dysfunctional individual cannot become a treat to functioning of social machine (or tribe if you prefer).

I love to observe and analyze things,and NT society in particular.And since I do not participate in NT society,I can see some things more clearly.
Lots of Aspies simply avoid NT society,so they are not able to understand it.
Although I am alienated from NT's , I'm quite interested how their society works.
And what I have discovered terrify me.
NT society is far more cruel then we think.

Problem is that this cruelty is mostly masked (these masks are also part of social strategies),so since we consider some things literally, we mostly believe that these 'masks' are real faces of NT's.

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04 Sep 2007, 2:25 pm

That doesnt scan, because even if this particular attack was aimed at this particular victim because he was disabled in some manner, there are many more attacks made on any number of different demographics with a similar brutal result. Not all violent attacks like this are made because of "difference.". The old, the young, the disabled, anyone can and is the victim of random brutality, and a great deal of it does not even suffer under the pretence of being about robbery.

The article suggests that it was a street robbery which then became a thorough beating. The robbery part makes sense.. ie there IS a point to stealing money from a victim.. killing him is the pointless part.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]