merr wrote:
I know some people who do.
Politicians are hoping that the AMerican public is stupid enough to go on first impressions- Obama is a muslim, Hilary is anti-men, Romney is a polygamist, Huckabee is a radical evangelical, and Guiliani is a crossdresser. Hopefully there are people out there who wont fall for the tricks and will judge a candidate on their past political experience and platforms.
I agree with your point. Going with first impressions is stupid. Looking into politicians and the parties they are a part of more deeply is important. I think the characters of the men or women that are being voted in should be thought about just as much as their experience and platforms. I'll take the example of Huckabee being a radical evangelical. I don't know if he's radical, but I do know he's a former Baptist minister. This means he's a Christian. That alone wouldn't stop me from voting for him, but, my concern would be whether or not he keeps his religious beliefs and his job as president separate the way I believe they should be. I don't think Bush did and still doesn't and I don't know if Huckabee will either. It's too much of a risk to trust him in my view.
On the flip side, my research into Obama reveals that he claims he's Christian and comes from a non-religious background (I can provide some links and quotes from them if you'd like). My thinking is that if he's not Christian, he's probably an agnostic or atheist who is putting on a pretence in order to gain popular opinion with the many voters who would not vote for him on the basis of his not being religious. I've been lead to believe that in some states, a person cannot get into politics unless they are Christian. Obama could simply be attempting to get passed that barrier. To say his Muslim must be coming from the people who found out he spent time in Indonesia. Being a mostly Muslim country, many people would assume he's Muslim, without actually checking what he did when he has there (he was a kid at this time by the way). I his opponents are trying to take advantage of this.
Q: "Humans are such commonplace little creatures."
--"Deja Q"