Riddick124 wrote:
Strapples, I could not possibly agree more. This new "Everyone is the same, no child gets left behind" BS is ruining my life! I wish it was like it was 20 or 30 years ago, you could replace the grade you got in a subject with the final exam grade and pass without having to do anything, and also be able to take the classes you wanted, not the exact same stuff as everyone else.
I don't know what public school system of 20-30 years ago you're thinking of, but I can assure you from personal experience that it didn't work that way anywhere in the Pacific Northwest, at least - and am reliably informed that this didn't happen in Mississippi or southern California, either. Technical Drawing? The only electives at my high school were a choice of Metal Shop or Ag Science, and a choice of trying out for one of the sports teams or working on the school "newspaper" (easily the most heavily censored sheet this side of Pravda). The only change is with "No Child Left Behind", which effectively abandons children who exceed the norm, and many children who achieve the norm easily, in favor of boosting along those incapable of normal learning. While in some cases this is desirable, in others you wind up pouring massive school funds into attempting to teach children who simply do not wish to, or for some reason cannot, learn.
On the other hand, 20 years ago, the diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome did not yet exist - there would be no services or assistance for you on that basis. With luck, you might have received another diagnosis, and received
some kind of help, even if the wrong kind; but experience tells me that if you're at all high-functioning, you would have been dismissed as "weird", and the majority of other children (and a fair percentage of the adults) would feel it their duty to beat or shame the "weirdness" out of you.
Trust me, you don't really want to have been in school 23-30 years ago...
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.