This sort of inconsistency is exactly why I will not go to church. First we were given the law which
Jesus confirmed in Matthew 5:17-18. Then that self important pompous ass Paul contradicted
Jesus and claimed that, Oh No! the law has been nailed to stake of death. "Gee, now how will we be saved?" "Easy, not to fear, from this time forward Thou shalt be savedth by Grace Kelly. Yay
even tho she shalt not be borneth for 1900 years, this shalleth be the ticket." Great, now we have everything worked out. No not quite, we seemed to have forgotten to mention a three headed
deity. You mean that dog cerebrus? No henceforth he shalleth be called Trinity. Do you mean Terrence Hill? No we mean the real Trinity. Well that settles it , now we are set. Well not quite,
remember those 10 Commandments? Well yes we do. Well Yahweh sorta forgot to give Moses these Seven Deadly Sins.
And all was welleth for the next 1600 years. But thats a tale for another time kiddies.