David Frost: The new face of Al Jazeera.
Did I get this right? You claim that Vietnam was one year or am I reading it wrong? A simple yes or no.
Oil should be expensive. I don't agree that the Oil companies should be making billions but people in America need to stop consuming as much as they do.
Crusaders? The Ottomans were doing fine. The Mongols pillaged Baghdad, not the Crusaders. The Arab/Berber invasion of Iberia was that, an Invasion. You can't truly hate Arregon's/Castillo's want in kicking them out. What of the Mughals who invaded India?
al-Mansour was a couple of centuries before Pedro--if you were asking a serious question.
I personally have never had any of my rights taken to the extreme cases that you're pointing out. I don't know of any either. Do I feel our "rights" should be taken away from us? Depends. We are not in a declared war, but in times of declared war you have no rights. Do I feel that all the islamophobia is reasonable? Of course not. I've never said such. But to think that all Muslims are fun-loving people is equally ridiculous. What was then, is in the past.
Exactly I highly doubt that one sixfoot arab could cause all this and inadvertally possibly cause the fall of civilzation.I dont see my right getting taken away or belive that muslims dont have a few bad apples but in a sense they dont hate us they hate our polticans and come on who doesn't hate bush and the hell hole he's dragging us into.
Everythings the same I am still cant sleep and still hate school.
In short: Don't be so naive.
To explain: I won't say "They hate us" or "They hate our ___", but to believe that if we transplanted about 10,000 Waziristanis to our heartland peace will coexist, they'll feed us lamb kabobs and pita bread while we feed them hamburgers and pizza? Nah. Consider the fact that many muslims feel strongly against apostasy and blasphemy, certainly the first amendment will have little meaning.
Yes their are things that our country does that I think is wrong but come on why do this just because you mad at us can't they find comfort in the fact in their belife system we are going to hell.
Everythings the same I am still cant sleep and still hate school.
US Lawyer Arrested in Bombing
US Opens 2 Inquiries into Arrest of Muslim Lawyer
Bomb Case Against Lawyer is Rejected
Finger Print Error
Falsely Accused Attorney Speaks
US Pays $2 Million for False Terror Arrest
I disagree with much of what everyone has said here, but the above is a fact, and it was totally un-American behavior.
Nam was one tour for a troop, one year, and never again.
We have people looking at their fourth tour. People who were out, Ready Reserve, up to seven years out, recalled. A lot of National Guard, weekend warriors are there, Reserves, forces that were never trained for frontline work.
Enlistments are being extended.
These are the good guys, and gals, finished High School, clean record, enlisted. They have families, children, and many lives are being disrupted.
The Ottomans were the Mongols, Islam overthrew them, then they overthrew Islam, and had a long run.
Just about everyone pillaged Baghdad.
When the Crusaders were told that Islam, Christians, and Jews, Coptics, Druze, were living together in peace in Jurusalem, comes the famous quote, "Kill them all and let God sort it out." And they did. Every man woman and child.
What Berber invasion? The sons on Melious came from Iberia and settled Ireland, Berber, Amazight is the oldest branch of the white race. It was Amazight in Roman times, Iberian Celts. The first work in French was, 'The Song of Roland." Roland was fighting Amazight and a few Arabs at the border. El Cid, first work in Spanish, is about a Crusade, a Christian invasion of Iberia. Where in history do Arregon and Castillo start, Castillo, a Crusader Castle. French troops and the Pope's money.
The Ottomans came to the defense of Algeria, and stopped them. Then Columbus showed them new lands to loot. There is no example in history like Christians in the New World.
You Neo Colonials want to run the world, well you were kicked out, China, India, Southeast Asia, Africa, and now the Middle East. South America is going it's own way. The American base, at Subic, Phillipines, was closed by the locals. We gave them Marcos. Batistta in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, and after that, a puppet government in Baghdad, run by people who came to America when they were six? When we leave, they leave, or face what happened to the Russian puppet government in Afganistan.
It was Communists, what happened? Who is the President of Nicaragua? Ortaga?
It was Narco terrorists, what happened, somebody got the Coke deal they wanted?
Now it is camel jockys, we must occupy the oil fields of Iraq, or they will be grazing their camels in the town square.
Under the Geneve Convention, it is the duty of an occupying power to see to the health, education, and wellfare of the population. Collective punishment is forbidden. The schools have been closed for five years. It is an oil rich country, but the money is worthless script. Everyone who had a job was with Saddam? They all got fired.
The educated are being driven out, the poor made to vote in a free and fair election at gunpoint, because of terrorists. If you don't vote, you are a terrorist, and all candidates were picked by the occupiers. Sounds fair to Haliburton. They have their private army there, 125,000, the largest on earth. They plan to continue the occupation after the Americans are gone.
Syria got a monied and educated class out of the deal. Iran gained religious control, they are the same as the majority, and Turkey invades and kills Kurds. Saddam got hung for killing Kurds.
Afganistan was once held, about half, by NATO, latest reports is down to a third and falling. Now they are talking a political settlemnent with the rebels, a coalition government. The rebels being the Afganies who hold two thirds, and are advancing. They do not believe in peace talks. Native Americans told them about peace talks and treaties with the whites. They just want to kill them.
Balbor the Tiger was one of my ancestors, so no need to get personal. He united a warring land, gave it borders, united the people, and made them rich. Ask the British, they stole their Crown Jewels from there. After Cornwallis surrendered to Washington, he went private, for the East India Company, an early Haliburton, and playing one local ruler against another, looted India, and enslaved them for 200 years.
He needed a place to grow opium to sell at gunpoint in China.
If any people on this planet should avoid calling names, it is white Christians. It brings up their reputation. Chief Joseph's War, 1895, still slaughtering Native Americans, kept as prisoners of war, hostiles, till 1974.
Is that the Iraq plan, a $2 bounty on the scalps of childern? Will they pay in oil?
Algeria has much smaller oil reserves, and about the same population. High speed trains, new housing, great heatlh care, free Wifi, free computers, lots of investment in education, a rising standard of living, and they are Berber, Arab, Islamic, and in 1964 drove out the French after a 161 year occupation. The French killed millions, left the country a ruin, but now it is great. Not bad for a generation of freedom.
Tunisia is becoming the Medical Center, a very highly educated population. Self rule works, for when whites ran it, the people starved.
The China we know started with the Chairman, they were starving under outsiide rule. America now owes them a lot of money, and they are rising fast, yellow people ruling themselves.
Yellow, Brown, Black, Red, they all do a lot better without Whites. Where whites help out and fix things, the people starve. Since Ghandi, things have been better in India, now they control answering the phone for AT&T AOL, lots more, they do good software, engineering, and there are a billion of them.
So maybe this is what Osama was tapping?
We fought for control of a Japanese Colony in Korea, a French Colony in Nam, and Iraq was a British Mandate? We were in Lebanon, a French Mandate, partitioned from Syria, the rich coastal provence.
Your enemy seems to be anyone who has raw materials. The White God gave that to you, and the right to rule darker people. If the banana workers go on strike, send in the Marines, 13 times in Nicaragua. Anyone who would strike must be a Communist. After a while they went and looked it up, and found they had been Communist for thousands of years.
We are in Iraq because Saddam contracted his olifield work to Russia and Europe. Other companies wanted that contract on a cost plus basis. This is how Haliburton gets jobs. The new government will give them a contract, forever, and their private army will protect it, and the left over $125 will be shared equally by the people of Iraq.
Haliburton is moving to the Persian Gulf, no way to get their records, The Bush family owns a State size estate in Chile. America is broke, in debt, big time, the factories are in China, education is a way to start the young off with crushing debt, bad schools, expensive University, and a Degree is worthless. Lowest educational level in the industrial world. The equal of Albania.
The good part is our massive debt in in dollars, which will soon be worthless. By gold, the dollar is $0.35, by oil it is $0.09, and falling. All stocks and housing is valued in dollars, so DOW 3000 compared to gold, and 1000 compared to oil.
This is all the fault of a woman named Maria in South America, who uses witchcraft with chicken bones. We must have a Holy War, and fight the Devil, for god and the Rainforests, the Amazon is fresh water, and god wants us to have it. Haliburton has a deal to sell the water to China, and we have to pay our debts.
250,000 were killed before it was discovered there is no oil in the Petan of Guatamala, but someone got mineral rights, those commie bastard Mayans, sharing maize.
So I do not know what Al Jazeera could say to top that rant.
US Lawyer Arrested in Bombing
US Opens 2 Inquiries into Arrest of Muslim Lawyer
Bomb Case Against Lawyer is Rejected
Finger Print Error
Falsely Accused Attorney Speaks
US Pays $2 Million for False Terror Arrest
I disagree with much of what everyone has said here, but the above is a fact, and it was totally un-American behavior.
I should have made myself clearer. It came across as if no one would be arrested for terrorism charges.
I somewhat believe he was arrested over wrong data.
That I do not believe. If he was, then he (along with many others) would still be under arrest.
Two internal Justice investigations cleared the FBI and prosecutors of wrongdoing, said Scolinos. A December 2005 review of the matter by the department's Office of Professional Responsibility found that federal prosecutors who handled the investigation acted appropriately.
Your accusations are getting as crazy as your beliefs.
Ah, the good guys. Yes, they signed up for recruitment under the knowledge of there being possible conflict. Good men indeed.
The Turks are not Mongols, if I understood you correctly. Overthrew by and overthrown Islam?
The quote was directed to the Cathars.
So you believe that Spain was "conquered" by its own people? There was an Islamic invasion into the territory. Who brought Islam into the region? Themselves? Spaniards are related to Celts than the Imazighen--different DNA. I see you are very much against Christianity. Might I direct you to a local mosque? We can perform Du'a together.
Neo-Colonist? Yes, I can see you screaming for joy on top your moral minaret when the Great Satan is destroyed.
Collective Punishment? Do you honestly believe that the US is purposely not allowing education to be taught in Iraq? That it doesn't want Iraqis fed? I'm sure the Bush regime enjoys Iraq as the destruction that it is. And her Arab neighbors can only lament at the chaos, too grief stricken to assist.
Ah, those damned Turks. If they're not busy killing Armenians, they're bombing Kurds!! For no good reason they are.
Your views on the Pashtuns are funny. I am sure you still believe the West is on a Christian Crusade. The Pope commands us all. That is why we shouldn't have voted for Kennedy.
It's funny how critical of whites you are. I can picture you with pictures of the President in your room as you throw darts to its head.
"My country right or wrong. If right to be kept right, and if wrong to be corrected."
You are not seeing this in religious terms? I love Islam and hate Christianity?
Both Iran and Syria have been threatened with invasion for sending in relief supplies.
It seems that food and water is giving aid to terrorists.
The Haliburton allies the Saudi could send food, they have made hundreds of trillions on the deal, but no laments there, they want the Iraqi people destroyed.
Drive out the educated, they all worked under Saddam, starve them, close the schools, drive them across the borders to survive, then refuse to let them return.
This is a country with the size and population of California, at the start, with enough oil that they should all be millionairs. It should be a big Kuwait.
Drive everyone out and make it Haliburtonstan?
You seem to identify with The Great Satan. The Christian Right, and oil company money did elect Bush. They are also called the Christian White, and sometimes, The American Taliban. It just seems another name for the Klan. "We are white, and everyone else is wrong."
What makes you think I am critical of whites? It is history, do the facts make you feel something?
America was built on genocide. Ask the people who owned it all a few hundred years ago. They were rich, you were white. They were not Islamic. Like slaves, they were declared to not be human, like white people.
All of your points keep coming back to a defense of White Christians. It has nothing to do with your blood stained hands, only that I don't love white people, or Christians.
All I am doing is pointing out American Policy as a possible cause of world problems.
For this you put me on a minaret giving the call to prayer. All of American history, I made up because I hate Bush? Of course you call him, the President.
White, Christian, Nationalist, appoligist for genocide, slavery, and looting the world.
Your view seems to be you are "Saved," and everyone else is Damned, that God gave you this planet.
OK, that is side one of this story. We have your track record up for review.
Side two is 95% of Earth, even some white people, who think murdering, enslaving, looting other countries, because of the color of their skin, their religion, but mostly their raw materials, is wrong.
We are all in the same lifeboat, and the Christian Right wants all the food and water for the Saved.
You murdered Native American children for their land, stole Black children to do your work, and now want the inheritance of Iraqi children. You feel this is your God given right.
Other people see this a pirates looting the wealth of the world for your benefit, and would rather keep what they have.
Ball was the God of owners. That people should be secure in what life had given them. Then another group came, created another God, in their image, who said all the crops and animals of others were for them, just in the wrong places, and that they should gather what they wanted. Anyone who objected was against their god and should be killed.
This leads up to the death on the cross of Saint Dismis, a life long thief, but saved, for he was doing god's work.
I recall Bernie Ebbers getting up in church, swearing before the congration and God, he had done no wrong. I also recall he was sent to jail for life.
Your god would not show you wealth in the hands of others unless it was a message that it should be yours.
So skipping over your turn to religious rants, the evidence has been presented of a long and bloody history of murder, theft, slavery, and lying, how do you plead, Guilty or Not Guilty?
The Turks, who claim they are The Golden Horde, did not bomb, they recently sent their army across the border, and killed 450 Kurds. Perhaps it did not make the Church Paper, but was carried by all the major news groups.
It is the duty of an occupier to give all protection to the people. Starving them, denying them water, health care, education, and driving them from their land, is forbidden. The new words are Ethnic Clenseing.
Who, but the people of Iraq, are your enemy?
What Spanish? By language they are Roman, just like France and Italy.
The Imazight invasion must have been after the last ice age. In an arc from Egypt across North Africa, then through Wales, Irland, Scotland, Norway, the people who fought the Romans, the oldest people in Europe, one finds the five tone music scale, later people are all eight tone. There are many language clues. M' being, son of, in Tamizight, the same as Mc.. Mac, in the north.
The sons of Melious settled Ireland. Perhaps M' Baal, for the last virgins of the Temple of the Sun, 400 in number, were slaughtered by the Christians in the 1700's in Ireland. They were there long before Islam.
Want to call me a Baalist now?
Actually, Iran hates our government.
Americans go there all the time and don't get killed.
Yeah, I like Persians for their hospitality, I'm part-Persian (rest being a mixture of the Pashtun, Dravidian, Muhajir and Russian ethnic groups) myself. Actually, all Muslim nations were known for their hospitality in the past, now they're known for their association to terrorism. -_-
Seriously though, to those scared of visiting Muslim nations, we're equally terrified of visiting any nation which houses 25% of the world's supply of weapons and ammunition, and legally allows all of its citizens to posses many types of firearms, and is also well known for the fact that 1% of its adult population is currently in jail, and that rape is more common than pickpocketing over there. Now that's terrifying.
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