Austrian man kept daughter in cellar for 24 years

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28 Apr 2008, 4:17 pm

A woman trapped in a cellar for 24 years! :x

Obviously, the children will have to be told what happened.
The father is a sick freak who needs to be institutionalized for the rest of his days.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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28 Apr 2008, 4:47 pm

Ragtime wrote:
Sora wrote:
Oh that.

Just watching it on TV now... again.

I'm in Germany (next to Austria...) so naturally I have it on TV all day long.

They just show the exacts of where the woman and her kids had to live and all.


Just imagine that 3 of those kids have never ever seen anything but this small apartment. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath... no windows.

I'm trying not to be offended by your post Ragtime. I find this to be quite hard though.

Living in Germany, having friends in Austria and being a proud German and European and all that.

I start to wonder if America has the same attitude of Europe as we Europeans have of America.

We preach exactly the same about America that you just said about Europe.

Well, to help put you at a further distance from offense, I almost added a mention that America also needs to wake up to the abuses being perpetrated around them and by their fellow Americans. I refrained from making this side point -- and only barely -- because I felt it diverted the point, and furthermore, that it should be common sense to all concerned that America also has problems. (I doubt there is a member on WP that doesn't have major objections to America, so I'd be preaching to the choir if I caused America's laundry list of problems to appear on this site for the umpteenth time.)

My point is most certainly about humanity as a whole.
But do allow a person to take issue "part" by "part".
Because, if I say, "Oh, we all have problems", that won't fix anything.
Problems have to be dealt with point by point, area by area, country by country,
or else nothing will get solved. I'm saying, here, that if people open their
country's history books, they shouldn't be "shocked" and in "disbelief".
That they claim they are is alarming.

Do you believe I should not be concerned with Austria because I am an American?
Isn't such a view bigoted? Austrians are allowed to criticize Austria, but I am not?
I reject that false premise.
I am human, they are human. They are my business
even though we are seperated by an ocean, cultures, and we speak different languages.
I don't speak as an American, but rather I speak as objectively as possible.

Thank you for that explanation.

Now that I do know, it does not sound offensive any more. If you know what it behind the mere wording.
Speaking of 'the Germans' and 'the Europeans' by leaving out 'the Americans' and all 'the others' does make the first post - unless we know what you mean by reading your mind - sound offensive.

I do agree with you that we should be concerned about issues outside out countries. Because for the very issue we already both mentioned. It's easy to distance from others by claiming to be busy in one's country.

I find this to be a very common view sadly. It's as if people are actually smug when a disaster happens elsewhere. They often say 'well, that is typical of that country' or 'the XYs do this' or 'let's hope it does not happen in our country but stays over there'.

This is exactly why I took your first post in the way I did.

I do however disagree on one notion. And that is that disbelief. To my mind, you are right that people ought not to be as shocked as to be in denial.

On the other hand, I also see the opposite view in not as drastic things. The attitude that of entire ignorance by being shocked too many times. Which also results in a denial that is then based on the idea, that whatever is done, people will continue to commit crimes any way.

A healthy balance concerning this would be preferable as well.

One that drives people to take well-informed and well-intended actions.

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28 Apr 2008, 5:29 pm

Holy hell. :o I saw this on the news today too.

What perplexes me is how the father managed to keep his daughter down in the cellar without the mother wondering where she'd gone. I'm not being flippant, but surely she'd realise that her daughter had suddenly disappeared, with her husband not acting at all worried, due to knowing her true location.

That said, it's sick and not at all typical of the human population.

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28 Apr 2008, 8:27 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
A woman trapped in a cellar for 24 years! :x

Obviously, the children will have to be told what happened.
The father is a sick freak who needs to be institutionalized for the rest of his days.

If he were in america, he would be thrown in prison where the other prisoners would assrape him while he was there.

Does the same thing happen in other countries? Rapists and people who hurt children are at the bottom of the totem in american prisons.

Unfortunately, If he was american he wouldn't be in prison his entire life. Fortunately he isn't in america, and maybe the laws are different over there.


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28 Apr 2008, 9:40 pm


Holy language police , Batman ! :lol: 8O

Man.....and I thought the wrestler Mankind was sick & disturbing.....he's a choir boy in comparison 8O


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29 Apr 2008, 10:56 am

Ragtime wrote:
The Associated Press version wrote:
"We are being confronted with an unfathomable crime," Interior Minister Guenther Platter said.

Well, you better start fathoming. That's your job.
Because that's the only way to stop this kind of thing from happening again.
When you border Germany -- state sponsor of the Holocaust --
it's pretty difficult to use the "unfathomable crime" explanation
for a modern crime not even 1% as severe.
Going through life with horse-blinders on either side of your head is always
an obvious and open invitation for the worst crimes against humanity.

The Associated Press version wrote:
Austrians — still scandalized by a 2006 case involving a young woman who was kidnapped and imprisoned in a basement cell outside Vienna for more than eight years — expressed disbelief at the latest case.

Austrians, it's time to start expressing belief. Abuse happens, and it happens all the time.
Don't "disbelieve" it.
Disbelief contains an implied inner denial -- which is what causes this kind of history
to repeat itself over and over again, until people finally begin to learn there's a pattern.
The "hear no evil, see no evil" attitude practiced by the German people at large
is what allowed the Nazis to rise to their full power.
And is what is now contributing more generally to Europe's moral decline.

When it comes to PR statements, he did it perfectly. What looks like flubbing is actually calculated - he's trying to dispel a fear that might sweep across the country and cause people to go on witch hunts. A witch hunt is the last thing you want. Leave it to the justice process to discipline the convicted, so that no one else may be harmed. For all we know, these two or three events may be an isolated cluster out of chance. To openly admit that you expect to find these things is like expecting any and all police chiefs to expect finding Gein's Farmhouse and not openly admitting that you are revolted by it.


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29 Apr 2008, 12:00 pm

Quatermass wrote:
LeKiwi wrote:
Not only poor girl (who is now a woman) - poor her children, too!! How horrendous... clearly he's got some maaaaajor issues. :S

Can't work out how the wife apparently didn't know, though?

Well, he was obviously a control freak. He could have been able to stop the wife, even if she found out.

She found out ALMOST for sure. The question is why if so, the thing didn't come into light. He renovated the cellar, adapted it to its inhabitants' needs so how can it be that his wife didn't notice it or why she didn't want to see the effects of renovation or simply didn't want to go there to bring something from there or put there some useless stuff (the major function of cellars, after all).


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29 Apr 2008, 12:06 pm

nomnom_hamster wrote:
Does the same thing happen in other countries? Rapists and people who hurt children are at the bottom of the totem in american prisons.

The same here but some years ago I read an article about prisons in our country where there was written that it was slowly starting to change - that such prisoners started to get the same position as the whole rest of prison population and weren't persecuted by inmates for this reason too often.


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29 Apr 2008, 3:24 pm

What is also perplexing about this case
is how the cellar was kept away from the wife's view.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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29 Apr 2008, 3:45 pm

this is sick & wrong to do to another person yo.

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29 Apr 2008, 7:54 pm

I find it very hard to believe that the wife could remain ignorant of what went on in the cellar of her own house? Like Irulan said, what's the likelihood that she wouldn't have some pretext of entering the cellar for all of those years? 8O Either she was an idiot, an invalid, or terrified of her husband, to the extent of lying about the whole thing.

Also, I don't even want to think about what the other children were forced to witness, if he made regular visits down there, to father multiple children on his own daughter.

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01 May 2008, 6:50 am

that is a digusting thing to do to another human being.


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01 May 2008, 7:51 am

Ragtime wrote:
The Associated Press version wrote:
"We are being confronted with an unfathomable crime," Interior Minister Guenther Platter said.

Well, you better start fathoming. That's your job.
Because that's the only way to stop this kind of thing from happening again.
When you border Germany -- state sponsor of the Holocaust --
it's pretty difficult to use the "unfathomable crime" explanation
for a modern crime not even 1% as severe.
Going through life with horse-blinders on either side of your head is always
an obvious and open invitation for the worst crimes against humanity.

The Associated Press version wrote:
Austrians — still scandalized by a 2006 case involving a young woman who was kidnapped and imprisoned in a basement cell outside Vienna for more than eight years — expressed disbelief at the latest case.

Austrians, it's time to start expressing belief. Abuse happens, and it happens all the time.
Don't "disbelieve" it.
Disbelief contains an implied inner denial -- which is what causes this kind of history
to repeat itself over and over again, until people finally begin to learn there's a pattern.
The "hear no evil, see no evil" attitude practiced by the German people at large
is what allowed the Nazis to rise to their full power.
And is what is now contributing more generally to Europe's moral decline.

True. And even today with the holocaust in the Mid East. We just don't learn do we.


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01 May 2008, 10:14 am

I was reading about this.

The father owned or managed a large apartment building. I think the dungeon he built was in the building basement.

I don't understand why the daughter did not kill him if she could find a weapon. Maybe she had no knife but she could have used something else heavy like a frying pan or maybe she was afraid he would starve them or hurt the children.

He put a code lock on the door from the outside and maybe he locked it from the inside that way too. They couldn't escape.

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01 May 2008, 3:37 pm

M02 wrote:
I don't understand why the daughter did not kill him if she could find a weapon. Maybe she had no knife but she could have used something else heavy like a frying pan or maybe she was afraid he would starve them or hurt the children.

Despite his monstrous behavior, he was still her father. And apparently, she did not inherit this monstrous behavior gene, which means she wouldn't find it easy to kill him. Also, as her parent, he had an enormous psychological advantage over her.

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01 May 2008, 5:44 pm

My faith in humanity is not affected by the grostequeries I read about. For every unspeakable act committed, somewhere else there is true humanity taking place. With all the hate and evil and suffering in the world, I can see why some would become cynical and negative. And I can also see why the cynics would try to seduce me into their way of thinking. The more people who think like you, the less lonely you feel and the more legitimized you become.

I am neither an optimist nor a pessimist. I'm a realist.