These are the folks that backed the corporate looters, as they chopped up the economy, and sold the parts to China.
Like Worldcom they inflated the books with sub prime debt, hollowed out real value, and are dumping the result on the stockholders. They looted themselves.
No one who worked there owned Lehman stock.
The same people who caved in the market sold naked shorts.
Short sales can be endless. Short against the box, is stock you own, naked is nothing, sold, collected, now debt based on stock that never was. As the stock falls to near zero, the debt is erased.
Nothing has been learned, deregulation first took the savings and loan, now it is the street and the banks. If the government steps in it will be the dollar too.
Banks wrote bad paper knowing they could sell it to fanny and freddie, no questions asked.
Now banks are failing?
At the top of the capital structure there is a ten trillon dollar hole. Compare that to record US debt, next year, $450 Billion. A hole equal to twenty years of record debt.
The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was to stop just what deregualtion allows. Looting.
Banks who loan money, and Investment bankers who sell stock, can never be the same people, or depositors and stock investors get taken for a ride. Losses will always be passed on to the customers.
The whole idea of a bailout is wrong, taking real money and throwing it in an ever widing hole.
It is an unregulated money hurricane, take shelter, FDIC insured accounts, and wait till the storm passes. Do not push sound structures into gaps, wait till it passes, write off the losses, continue with what is left.
I do note it is campaign finance time again, 535 people in Washington do not bite the hand that feeds them. They will do what they always do, blame the people, and bail out their friend$.
This is nothing new, during any ten year period half of The Fortune 500 ceases to exist.
Tossing the old on the scrap heap opens the way for the new.
That goes for fanny and freddie, they are private, they took risks, let them go.