The horrors. That we might encourage -entirely without coercion - those who ought to choose less to have children to in fact do so. And these people moreover choose by far the most to have them.
Why the heck shouldn't everyone want this? Poor people breed irresponsible (e.g.: my idiot parents) and in doing so (within a decent probability) perpetuate their own destitution. If you want to actually treat a problem, why not encourage it not to happen in the first place? Why should it be taken that some arbitrary ad hoc demographic strata ought to breed as much as it possibly can, except that we have been programmed to see things in terms of class warfare?
If the poor are already to some degree under the care of the government (the destitute tend to consume more than they produce), why should not the government then respond by offering them a reason not to perpetuate this cycle of squandered resources? Why on earth should society subsidize stupid choices rather than attempt to avert them?
* here for the nachos.