slowmutant wrote:
violet_yoshi wrote:
I'm rather surprised, to not see any overreaching blame towards the video game industry, as is typical of such articles.
The kids and the video-game industry are both to blame. These games are deliberately designed to be addictive & mind-destroying. Will the gaming industry plead innoncence? Will the gamers flat out deny? Where will the buck stop on this particular issue?
Something becomes addictive if it is good and enjoyable to the person doing it. It certainly is not designed to be "mind-destroying" at all. Nor is it the desire of any game designer to kill or incapacitate the user the user. Why would it be? A dead user is a non-paying user, at the most mercenary level, and at all other levels game designers are not some form of harsh monster. Millions of people DONT die through gaming every day. I game a lot, and I have a job, children, a home, family etc, and I am certainly not dead or dying. In fact I game with my partner, and several of my friends. Its quite a social experience.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]