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19 Dec 2008, 2:27 pm

MADDuck wrote:
My guess would be Mormons of some type or another.

Yeah, that's my guess, too.


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19 Dec 2008, 2:38 pm

IdahoRose wrote:
MADDuck wrote:
My guess would be Mormons of some type or another.

Yeah, that's my guess, too.

They are Baptists.

They also follow the "quiverfull" movement (not associated with any specific religious doctrine) in which couples choose not to use birth control and to accept what happens naturally.

^ Wikipedia, I know, but it cites plenty of good sources.


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19 Dec 2008, 2:44 pm

release_the_bats wrote:
IdahoRose wrote:
MADDuck wrote:
My guess would be Mormons of some type or another.

Yeah, that's my guess, too.

They are Baptists.

They also follow the "quiverfull" movement (not associated with any specific religious doctrine) in which couples choose not to use birth control and to accept what happens naturally.

^ Wikipedia, I know, but it cites plenty of good sources.
That's what Sarah Palin's daughter does........( again, sorry people..)


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19 Dec 2008, 2:48 pm


Sheesh!! !

And here's a free t-shirt!

Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!


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19 Dec 2008, 3:07 pm

I don't believe they are Baptists and they did practice contraception for the first 4 years of their marriage. I think they are closer to a non-denominational United Pentacostal: Women wear long skirts and cannot cut their hair; neither sex can wear shorts, men cannot go shirtless or have facial hair; you'll notice they don't have televisions in their home- only computers.
Theri money comes from A) realestate (they are both licensed agents in Arkansas) and B) a glorified pyramid scheme of selling CDs and lectures on how to become wealthy through a stronger relationship with god.

19 Dec 2008, 3:32 pm

I am amazed by this and wonder how they do their jobs with all those kids? I bet they act like they are at camp and they are two counselors and they have to wake them all up in their cabins. Did you see their kitchen and how they serve their kids. They have a buffet set up and they all have to help themselves to it. Their pantry looks like a little mini market because they buy so much food spend $2000 a month on groceries. They use an RV as their car and they took everything out of it and put in seats so they can all sit.

I wonder how they afford all the bills? I think they get support from society.


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19 Dec 2008, 3:56 pm



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19 Dec 2008, 4:35 pm

MADDuck wrote:

Sheesh!! !

And here's a free t-shirt!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: good one

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19 Dec 2008, 5:23 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
I wonder how they afford all the bills? I think they get support from society.

Uh, no. The father was once a state senator, the mother a real estate agent. They are both real estate agents and continue to market a get-rich-through-god lecture series. They also have been featured in numerous TLC documentaries for which they get paid handsomely.


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19 Dec 2008, 5:25 pm

NocturnalQuilter wrote:
Spokane_Girl wrote:
I wonder how they afford all the bills? I think they get support from society.

...get-rich-through-god lecture series....

There's your answer. People make piles of cash by telling other people how to make piles of cash.


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19 Dec 2008, 5:33 pm

According to this news article, they are Baptists. Baptists come in many varieties.

It's reprinted on a Quiverfull website, so anyone interested in learning more about the concept can find more info there.


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19 Dec 2008, 5:42 pm

The label that religious people apply to themselves doesn't really tell you anything anymore. They all pretty much pick and choose their beliefs from their respective holy books and then add some extra stuff they or their clergy made up.
Saying that you are Baptist (or any other faith) is about as informative as saying you are white.

19 Dec 2008, 6:14 pm

NocturnalQuilter wrote:
Spokane_Girl wrote:
I wonder how they afford all the bills? I think they get support from society.

Uh, no. The father was once a state senator, the mother a real estate agent. They are both real estate agents and continue to market a get-rich-through-god lecture series. They also have been featured in numerous TLC documentaries for which they get paid handsomely.

So that's how they do it. I've only seen two or three of the shows. They must really love kids or else the mother would have had her tubes tied a long time ago. They're rich. Pretty soon more of their kids will be off to college so they have less kids to take care of and less food to buy and other stuff such as costing less for haircuts and spending less on new school clothes. But I am sure parents give their adult kids money for new clothes or for things they need when they are in school and don't have a job. That's what parents are for. They help their kids.

Last edited by Spokane_Girl on 19 Dec 2008, 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 6:36 pm

Chibi_Neko wrote:
And I hate it when they say "We will have kids as long as god gives them to us"

People saying that god gives you kids is a real pet-peeve I have. People make kids, not god.

Now now we can't upset the Christians, and their little Goddy fantasy, or they'll start to cry.


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19 Dec 2008, 6:36 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
So that's how they do it. I've only seen two or three of the shows. They must really love kids or else the mother would have had her tubes died a long time ago. They're rich. Pretty soon more of their kids will be off to college so they have less kids to take care of and less food to buy and other stuff such as costing less for haircuts and spending less on new school clothes. But I am sure parents give their adult kids money for new clothes or for things they need when they are in school and don't have a job. That's what parents are for. They help their kids.

They do have a number of investment properties and they claim to owe nothing in the way of debt (ie loans, mortgages, etc.). Their house alone must be worth between 2 and 3 million- pure equity. So I think it would be safe to assume they're wealthy.
As for college, I'm not sure how they plan to handle that. It would not surprise me if the (male) children were expected to pay their own way through college. I'm almost certain the females will be expected to marry and procreate in accordance to their beliefs. And since she (the mother) is only in her early to mid 40s I think we can expect more kids unless her ovaries just up and quit one day. :wink:
I also believe she cuts the boys hair and they make much of their own clothing (kinda like the Von Trapps with curtains).
Lastly, these parents have a hearty belief that children, like dogs or horses, are trained. In fact they use that word often in their interviews. Very much like behavior modification through reward or punishment. They have a "prayer closet" (a la Carrie) and spank according to the directions (whatever those are) in the bible.
I am pretty positive that these aren't going to be your typical junior-goes-to-college-and-gets-an-allowance kinda parents. Should be interesting to see what happens.


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19 Dec 2008, 6:43 pm

rushfanatic wrote:
drowbot0181 wrote:
I'm interested to know what the effect is on the mother's body. And I don't mean the obvious pencil-down-a-mineshaft kind of effects that are on everybody's mind (including my own haha). Being pregnant all the time like that can't be healthy, can it? It seems like a lot of strain on the human body.
I would say the uterus is blown out of proportion, all the stomach muscles are stretched out beyond tightening, the knees are weak, the breasts hang to the floor (sorry, people), and the arms are strongest of all.

Theoretically, she could have good child-bearing genes which limit the damage.

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.