Well, the thing is, monty, that when a McDonald's jilts you out of the product you paid for:
A) You know where they live. They're not going to fold up their store into a truck, and "fly by night".
B) If you complain to a McDonald's manager or to McDonald's corporate, you'll get your money back or a replacement product for the one you didn't get -- and, if they're business-smart, which they usually are, you'll get something extra to keep you sweet on them.
But if a customer leaves without paying -- that's it, case closed, the restaurant will almost always never get their money. (But, no, they shouldn't call 911 for petty theft.)
So, I see this particular example as a practical matter, not a favoring-the-corporations matter, although I do agree that that goes on quite a lot and that it is quite wrong. Sometimes, it seems like you have to be a goodfella just to get your rights properly "respected"!
I've literally wanted to go "Falling Down" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106856/) on certain employees, and hold a gun to their heads until I get merely my promised level of customer service. Then, I'd thank them in a calm, friendly voice, and leave peacefully.
(I'd make sure the gun wasn't loaded first -- I still hold human life sacred, no matter how FRICKIN MUCH THEY PISS ME OFF!)
Last edited by Ragtime on 06 Mar 2009, 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.