Anemone wrote:
ShadesOfMe wrote:
TallyMan wrote:
anna-banana wrote:
wait... there was a time change?
Only in America, but it has wrecked all the times showing against posts for everyone else on the planet.
it was only here????
It's ok. California is the centre of the universe. You don't have to worry about what's happening elsewhere.
I figure by the time everyone gets this sorted out it'll be time to change back in the fall.
I have no idea how the time on the site works. It usually shows as sometime the next day for me, always has, probably always will. I don't want to know what time it is anyways.
Harsh, man! I think she meant the U.S. /North America.
I am used to anti-California sentiment - especially from Canadians - but it doesn't mean I'll put up with it.
I know a guy from Alberta who lumps people from BC with Californians. "West Coast people". Can you Imagine????
Comprendre, c'est pardoner.