I'm afraid that because of people like this guy who tried to use his AS for an excuse in the courtroom, that people won't take AS as seriously. We know right from wrong, and we understand the consequences of our actions alot better than most do, and cases like this put people with AS in a bad light. I know the judge didn't buy it, the jury didn't buy it, but how about the thousands of people (or possibly hundreds of thousands) who read the newspaper with this article in it? If just one of 5 of those people believed that people with AS just use it as an excuse, and those people they tell, one of every 5 of those people told someone and so on...well soon enough, the general population would group us all together and think AS is a joke.
The enlightened few (doctors, psychiatrists, people with a brain, etc.) would obviously know better, but what about the rest of the world? It's bad enough that people with stuff like schizophrenia become the laughing stock of people around them mostly. Imagine now what AS could become if this happened?
I doubt highly that it ever would, but it does make you think, doesn't it?