Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed

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24 Aug 2017, 8:54 am

EzraS wrote:
Grant's Tomb is on the removal list now. ... e-removal/

Good Grief!! I guess it won't stop 'til every bit of history, is wiped-out.

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24 Aug 2017, 9:15 am

It doesn't make sense to me.

I can understand wanting to remove Grant's Tomb in a Southern city. But New York?

I just don't get it.

PC gone haywire!


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24 Aug 2017, 9:28 am

That is weird.Not that I like the old devil.
If they remove it,how will people ask the age old puzzler,"Who is buried in Grant's tomb?"

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24 Aug 2017, 10:03 am

One wouldn't believe this based upon his gruff exterior:

But Grant was quite a squeamish man. His father was a tanner by profession, and tried to teach Ulysses how to perform the tasks of the trade. Ulysses found the "tasks of the trade" disgusting.

Grant also didn't like to "backtrack." He would take a circuitous route "back" to a location, rather than take a more direct route if the route involved "backtracking."


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24 Aug 2017, 11:18 am

The issue is anti-Semitism.

Unlike Lee (who is now getting hit for his life's greatest achievement: helping to lead a rebellion against the USA), Grant is getting picked on for an obscure footnote in his career as a general.

Grant's Order Number Eleven was the issue.

The north and south had split into two warring countries. So suddenly northern mills couldn't get southern cotton, and southern plantations couldn't sell their cotton, unless both traded with the enemy. So the Union allowed limited trade, but you had to be licensed through the US Army to traffic in cotton between the north and south. This spawned unlicensed traders.

In 1862 grant was in charge of the military district of Kentucky Mississippi and Alabama. Part of his attempt to crack down on the black market trade in cotton was to "strongly encourage" Jews to leave the states he was in charge of because he had the notion that Jews were instrumental in the black market trade. The order was for railroad conductors to not allow Jews to travel south of the town of Jackson, and to "encourage" Jews to travel north of Jackson away from the south.

Jews in the north made an outcry as well as did Congressmen. And Lincoln stepped in and rescinded the order.

When Grant ran for president in 1868 he won the majority of the Jewish vote. So his action did not have much effect on anything, on Jews, or even on his relationship with Jews. And Grant later made amends with the Jewish community, appointed more Jews on his cabinet than did any previous president. He spoke out against persecution of Jews in Europe, and he was the first American president to attend a service in a synagogue as president.


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24 Aug 2017, 12:23 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Grant's Tomb is on the removal list now. ... e-removal/

Good Grief!! I guess it won't stop 'til every bit of history, is wiped-out.

It's just as I predicted. They really should have consulted me first.


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24 Aug 2017, 12:40 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
The issue is anti-Semitism.

Unlike Lee (who is now getting hit for his life's greatest achievement: helping to lead a rebellion against the USA), Grant is getting picked on for an obscure footnote in his career as a general.

Grant's Order Number Eleven was the issue.

The north and south had split into two warring countries. So suddenly northern mills couldn't get southern cotton, and southern plantations couldn't sell their cotton, unless both traded with the enemy. So the Union allowed limited trade, but you had to be licensed through the US Army to traffic in cotton between the north and south. This spawned unlicensed traders.

In 1862 grant was in charge of the military district of Kentucky Mississippi and Alabama. Part of his attempt to crack down on the black market trade in cotton was to "strongly encourage" Jews to leave the states he was in charge of because he had the notion that Jews were instrumental in the black market trade. The order was for railroad conductors to not allow Jews to travel south of the town of Jackson, and to "encourage" Jews to travel north of Jackson away from the south.

Jews in the north made an outcry as well as did Congressmen. And Lincoln stepped in and rescinded the order.

When Grant ran for president in 1868 he won the majority of the Jewish vote. So his action did not have much effect on anything, on Jews, or even on his relationship with Jews. And Grant later made amends with the Jewish community, appointed more Jews on his cabinet than did any previous president. He spoke out against persecution of Jews in Europe, and he was the first American president to attend a service in a synagogue as president.

Interesting.The first Jewish person to hold a cabinet position in American was not a Northerner.

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24 Aug 2017, 1:08 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
The issue is anti-Semitism.

Unlike Lee (who is now getting hit for his life's greatest achievement: helping to lead a rebellion against the USA), Grant is getting picked on for an obscure footnote in his career as a general.

The keyword, here, being "obscure"----I doubt if many people know about this (myself, included). I feel the only reason this has happened, is because he's associated with the Civil War----so, of course, now, ALL things / people associated with the Civil War, equates to racism and discrimination, against blacks.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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24 Aug 2017, 1:19 pm

EzraS wrote:
Campin_Cat wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Grant's Tomb is on the removal list now. ... e-removal/

Good Grief!! I guess it won't stop 'til every bit of history, is wiped-out.

It's just as I predicted. They really should have consulted me first.

LOL Uh, yeah, okay----OF COURSE!! LOL (wink)

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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24 Aug 2017, 1:40 pm

Misslizard wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
The issue is anti-Semitism.

Unlike Lee (who is now getting hit for his life's greatest achievement: helping to lead a rebellion against the USA), Grant is getting picked on for an obscure footnote in his career as a general.

Grant's Order Number Eleven was the issue.

The north and south had split into two warring countries. So suddenly northern mills couldn't get southern cotton, and southern plantations couldn't sell their cotton, unless both traded with the enemy. So the Union allowed limited trade, but you had to be licensed through the US Army to traffic in cotton between the north and south. This spawned unlicensed traders.

In 1862 grant was in charge of the military district of Kentucky Mississippi and Alabama. Part of his attempt to crack down on the black market trade in cotton was to "strongly encourage" Jews to leave the states he was in charge of because he had the notion that Jews were instrumental in the black market trade. The order was for railroad conductors to not allow Jews to travel south of the town of Jackson, and to "encourage" Jews to travel north of Jackson away from the south.

Jews in the north made an outcry as well as did Congressmen. And Lincoln stepped in and rescinded the order.

When Grant ran for president in 1868 he won the majority of the Jewish vote. So his action did not have much effect on anything, on Jews, or even on his relationship with Jews. And Grant later made amends with the Jewish community, appointed more Jews on his cabinet than did any previous president. He spoke out against persecution of Jews in Europe, and he was the first American president to attend a service in a synagogue as president.

Interesting.The first Jewish person to hold a cabinet position in American was not a Northerner.

This is what is so wrong with regressive left/SJW mentality. In their minds one prejudiced word or bigoted act brands a person as heathen. No consideration is given to the persons overall life, the context with the remark was made, or the times they lived in. Up until a few decades ago christians were taught the Jews killed Jesus so that is an important reason why anti-semitism was the norm.

This is the mentalitity kids have when they play "gotcha".


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24 Aug 2017, 2:02 pm

What we really need is a Godzilla monument.

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24 Aug 2017, 5:24 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Up until a few decades ago christians were taught the Jews killed Jesus so that is an important reason why anti-semitism was the norm.

I think you'll find this little "nugget" still feeds anti-semitism among the ignorant
Anger over the purported death of a mythical figure


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24 Aug 2017, 6:43 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
The issue is anti-Semitism.

Unlike Lee (who is now getting hit for his life's greatest achievement: helping to lead a rebellion against the USA), Grant is getting picked on for an obscure footnote in his career as a general.

This is what is so wrong with regressive left/SJW mentality. In their minds one prejudiced word or bigoted act brands a person as heathen. No consideration is given to the persons overall life, the context with the remark was made, or the times they lived in.

Yeah, I agree with this. Aside from having the pacifier monument (which I LOVE, BTW), we should have a mandatory class, or something, that teaches people how to NOT throw-out the baby, with the bath water----and, people cannot be declared adults, until they've taken and PASSED the class!! LOL j/k

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25 Aug 2017, 10:42 am

HA!! I had forgotten about a place in Maryland, called "Taneytown", until I heard it, this morning, on the news----and, a lightbulb went-off, and I had to check if it was named-after the judge. Turns-out, it was NOT named-after him, but a distant relative----but, I would bet, almost anything, that that relative owned slaves, as well, since he was one of the first land owners, in that area.

This got me thinkin' about whether there are OTHER cities / locales in the U.S. that might be named-after "something Confederate", and it turns-out, there are more than FORTY locales:

So, what are they gonna do, NOW----burn them all down? Like I said----when will it end? (Obviously, I know they could just re-name all of them, but I think that's stupid, TOO!!)

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25 Aug 2017, 10:27 pm

EzraS wrote:
Fahrenheit 451 all the way!



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25 Aug 2017, 11:44 pm

Looks like removing statues of colonialists is starting to pick up here in Australia ... -hyde-park