Just wondering...did everybody else just disappear on this thread?
Anyway, now for the 3½ years. Everybody is probably wanting for this mean guy to suddenly appear out of nowhere, take over the world somehow, and to oppose the Christians for 3½ years according to what the Holy Bible says, which a lot of people believe that it's just John butthurt over Nero oppressing the Christians, thus bashing Nero in anyway possible. To ulttimately prove that wrong let's look at how long the war against the saints took.
Revelation 13:5, "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months."
42 months is the same as 3½ years. (12+24+6=42!) 42 months= 1260 days.
I know what you're thinking, ''Are you on something? That's impossible. Some months have more days than others, EVERYONE knows that!'' We're talking about biblical months here people, as this is part of the bible. They're different than ours.
''Show us proof!'' OK then. Journey to the book of Genesis 7.11''...In the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.'' (In other words, this is when the global flood of Noah's Ark started.)
Over at Genesis 8:3, it states ''And the waters receded continually from the earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters decreased.''
(What does that have to say about the months, you ask?)
Over at Genesis 8:4, the very next verse...''Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountain of Ararat.''
HAHA! Proof that in the Bible, all the months were 30 days each! Simple math! 150 days divided by 5 months= 30 Days!! !!
Thus, Revelations states that the Christians would hide in the wilderness for 1260 days! ....what...it's the same period of time as 42 months? I'm not finished yet.
There has been times in which a day meant a year! ''Prove that as well!'' Sure!
In Ezekiel 4:6, you'll find God saying, ''I have laid on you a day for each year.'' Sure enough, something like that was used again!
In Numbers 14:34, it says, ''...After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year.''
Given that God not only shown two times he has done this before, once again, he allows John to have a vision in which the Antichrist will rule over the Christians for 1260 years!
''You're making that up! It doesn't say that!'' Well, to prove that I'm true...I have history in my hands! Yes, the Antichrist truly has already had his 42 prophetic months of power! He already received the deadly wound! His deadly wound has already healed and the world marveled! In fact, the world still marvel at his power!
The beast of the earth have also made fire came down from the heavens already! The fact is, you most likely already know that he did this! Everybody who knows anything of history knows this! Yet...they still don't know the beast yet.
Of all the signs I've shown, I know all others cannot possibly be the Beasts except the VERY TWO who are hidden in plain sight...
So with all the signs, try to determine who the ''Beasts'' are, for I have history to back me up!
(I only didn't want to tell you who the beasts are right away, because I wanted you to see that Nero cannot be ''him'' without cramming it all down your throat at once, allowing breathers. ALSO, it'll make an awesome...but frightful reveal. As a Soldier Of God though, I've rather go down with God than with the world. )