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03 Dec 2015, 8:59 pm

nurseangela wrote:
Just like they said on the radio - the next shooting will only be able to be caught by racial profiling. That is the reason the neighbors of these SOB's didn't call the police when they saw a bunch of Middle Eastern men delivering things to the guy's condo in the middle of the night. They didn't want to be labeled as racists. Well screw that! I don't care what they want to call me. I say deport every Muslim right out of here including the damn Doofus in the White House who still isn't saying this is terrorism!

Just to point out, AM talk radio is not exactly known for its calm, measured discussion of issues. It does have a bit of a reputation for playing to the fears of its targeted audience, be they on the left or right (what? no center? yeah, sorry...). That's why I skip over that band altogether and stick to music; talk radio is just too stressful & yet little if any of their scares actually come to pass. To each their own, though.

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03 Dec 2015, 9:14 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Oh, some mentally ill elderly white man shot up Planned Parenthood and you call that "domestic terrorism"? Give me a break, what a joke.

Ummm there is nothing funny or joke like about what happened in colorado springs...and yeah it was domestic terrorism as it was out of opposition to abortion and the planned parenthood organization, it wasn't just a random mass shooting. What just because he's not an arab or part of a established terrorist organization its a joke to call it terrorism?

And I guess Ill have too see what updates have come out about the california thing....but last I checked they have not linked it to ISIS or terrorism. Isn't it just as bad for people to jump on that idea as it would be for them to jump on the idea they where white christian terrorists for instance? Also of course it was planned but that doesn't mean it wasn't related to work-place conflict rather than having a political 'terrorist' motive.

It's a joke because there was such a rush to call that terrorism by partisan leftists in this country who are now screaming from the roof tops that this is just "workplace violence" just like they did at Ft. Hood, 100% that is a joke. These same people were literally calling it terrorism hours before when they thought the perpetrator was white and you can look this up on twitter or wherever, this is all about what political narrative they can run with and Islamic terrorism run counter to what they want it to be. Like I said, this administration blamed our ambassador getting murdered in Libya on a Youtube cartoon when they know what was really going on and what Christopher Stevens was really doing in Benghazi. We have a criminal gangster government who wants to disarm us, I don't think it's wrong to be a little troubled by that.

You can call the Planned Parenthood guy whatever you want, he is mentally ill with an extensive criminal record and history of violence. Do I think he was acting on behalf of any sort of organized ideology? Not any besides the one the exists in his head, it's kind of like calling Jared Loughner a terrorist. Like well, sure, I guess, but he's a schizophrenic that is completely detached from reality. Loughner by the way who I don't think anyone could deny is completely insane was described as "quite left-wing and liberal". It's a smear technique to try to tie these people to a political ideology, what I find to be the biggest joke of all are all these disgusting people who were literally cheering for this guy in San Bernardino to be white so they could use it as a battering ram against their political opponents but now it's just 'workplace violence'. They did the same thing in Boston too, look it up! There was serious articles on like Salon saying "please be a white guy".

We can wait for the information to trickle out but Syed Farook by most accounts was a devout Muslim who had become increasingly religious over the last few years, he went to Saudi Arabia and returned with a wife who fully participated in this shooting, there as obviously a lot of planning that went into this, he doesn't appear to have suffered from any mental illnesses or have any history of violence. He was employed, he wasn't getting fired, perhaps they should tell us what that confrontation he had at work was all about because I'm interested in knowing because this was not a spur of a moment thing. Also I'd be interested in know what words were exchanged before the police killed these two if any. I really wonder what words might of left his mouth before open firing on police, I have a guess.

Ok what mental illness did the Colorado springs shooter have? As far as I know that hasn't been confirmed...and even if it was the case that doesn't mean the mental illness can be blamed per say...that depends on if they knew what they were doing at the time of doing it or if they were out of their head due to psychosis or something as well as if it was premeditated or not and things like that. Having a past criminal record or even a mental illness does not rule out that it was a terrorist act...and beings thus far his motivations seem to have been anti-abortion and anti planned parenthood does sort of point to that political motive terrorism involves.

As for this California incident I couldn't say whether its terrorism or not, I will have to wait till more information comes out about the motive....I don't want to jump to a conclusion either way yet.

As for the Colorado Springs thing I didn't initially assume it was 'terrorism' I thought there was a good chance there just happened to be a planned parenthood place at a shopping center someone decided to shoot up....then I learned it was specifically the Planned Parenthood clinic targeted out of opposition to abortion which certainly does point to domestic terrorism. Regardless of if he subscribed to a specific political and/or religious ideology or not he was still an extremist in whatever he believed....so yeah still not seeing how its a joke to classify it as domestic terrorism.

I guess it comes down to how you define terrorism. I suppose you could say a mentally ill person can commit a terrorist act but there isn't a coherent ideology behind it rather a sickness whereas These folks in San Bernardino seem like they were radicalized and we're in contact with suspects online being investigated for terrorism links and they found their smashed phones in the trash. It seems they tried to wipe their hard drive too. This wasn't a lonewolf attack, it is only the third time in like 50+ years there was more there as a multiple shooter mass shooting.


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03 Dec 2015, 11:48 pm

Edenthiel wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Just like they said on the radio - the next shooting will only be able to be caught by racial profiling. That is the reason the neighbors of these SOB's didn't call the police when they saw a bunch of Middle Eastern men delivering things to the guy's condo in the middle of the night. They didn't want to be labeled as racists. Well screw that! I don't care what they want to call me. I say deport every Muslim right out of here including the damn Doofus in the White House who still isn't saying this is terrorism!

Just to point out, AM talk radio is not exactly known for its calm, measured discussion of issues. It does have a bit of a reputation for playing to the fears of its targeted audience, be they on the left or right (what? no center? yeah, sorry...). That's why I skip over that band altogether and stick to music; talk radio is just too stressful & yet little if any of their scares actually come to pass. To each their own, though.

It's where I get most of my info. Can't rely on CNN and FOX for everything. Try branching out, you may like it.

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04 Dec 2015, 1:00 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Do you have evidence that he is a muslim...and by that I don't mean if his parents or other relatives might have been. I mean do you have evidence that Obama actually follows Islam? Or is this like that conspiricy theory about him not having a birth certificate. Also though, again not sure how hate and discrimination towards Muslims across the board is going to solve anything regardless of if this shooting does prove to be terrorist related.

I think his family referred to him as a "devout muslim". As it's already reported Syed Farook became devout/religious and undertook a trip to Saudi Arabia after which he came back and purchased automatic weapons and planned the attack with his wife (despite their young baby?) and a third man. It has all the hallmarks of a terror attack invoked in the name of islam.

It also provides a window into the minds of how moderate educated muslims are enticed into becoming "devout" (as confirmed by Farook's own family). More needs to be urgently done on how scriptures in the Quran (when taken at face value as commanded) can potentially radicalise any muslim?? seems to be the one thing western governments are bending over backwards to avoid doing (at least in public).


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04 Dec 2015, 1:11 am

Lukeda420 wrote:

It's possible other incidents may take place. There is still a lot we don't know. There might have been others involved and there might not have been. It's still to early to be sure.

I still say it's best to wait until things calm down before hanging on to any particular detail. The story is still developing and the investigation is still in its infancy. But to each his own.

I think that the FBI and ATF have a good idea what happened. Its two Radicalized Islamists who committed a horrendous act of terrorism. This guy was appearing on the "radar" of the FBI. We know he went to Saudi Arabia several times and visited Radical Islamists websites. He had enough ammo and pipe bombs to start WWIII


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04 Dec 2015, 3:06 am

Lukeda420 wrote:

I haven't heard one person in congress ever take that extreme of a position. Even senator Feinstein added a grandfather clause that would let anyone keep the guns they have regardless if the law banned their sale. And it was more about the attachments and extended magazines more than anything. So no, they are not going to ban semi autos. I have never heard anyone seriously propose anything close to that. The laws being discussed mainly have to do with background checks, straw purchases, and weapons made for war.

Again the vast majority of Americans support an individuals right to own a gun. With the amount of push back to any gun regulation no matter how modest I don't see how it would ever get that far. I don't see the slippery slope being an issue here.

Besides you haven't answered my first question. Who would physically take the guns when so much of the police forces and military forces support gun ownership? I just don't see how a gun ban is even possible in this country.

There are reasonable actions that can be taken. Let's not let the fear of a gun ban prevent us from doing anything at all.


I didn't agree that the NRA shouldn't politicize this. I agreed that they shouldn't use this event to fundraise. This thread is full of people politicizing this event on both sides and I don't have a problem with it at all. I'm just against the NRA because I think the message it promotes is that of the gun manufacturers rather than gun owners. That and I believe they are disingenuous with the statements they make.

I guess this all hinges on what our definitions of politicizing are. I think having an honest and open debate on our laws is perfectly reasonable after events like this. We just need to remain respectful.

Because you have no reason to watch all the congress committee meetings on gun stuff or watch their interviews or search all news for gun control, or pay attention to what's happen in my,con,cal, or the stuff they say they'd pass if they could get the votes or the stuff they tried to pass in my state.

Feinstein's last proposed ban didn't have a grandfather clause and neither does ny's. She's also on record saying if she could get the 62 or whatever votes in congress shed ban all guns turn in your guns misses and mr America.

In California 13 people have confiscated thousands of guns. They do 9 houses a day 365 days a year. Sure it'll take a while but eventually they'll get all the ones on their list. They don't even get warrants they just ask and get let in, if not they go to the next house. Connecticut is just going to wait and if they get called to a house and see u have one then take it then. In Aussie land they set up turn in centers. If all that fails th Feds have been arming the Dhs, postal service, education department and any other federal agency they can with ars and ammo, so they could just put all those to work, along with all the "just following orders" army people who blindly do what their told and the earn citizenship thru service don't care about guns troops. Let's say they get a million people. If 13 can take in thousands a year a million could probably do 10million a year along with the turn in centers etc. it'll take a while yep, besides they don't do them all at once. You start with simi autos, then when those are mostly gon you do bolt guns then repeat with level action/pump and so on. You can also do sections of gun owners at a time. Start with a group people don't care about say aspies, then Muslims, vets. Right now lots of vets are having their rights tsken and now anyone who has a representation payee might be next, most people aren't vets or ssi, so they don't care.

It's how they banned 5.45x39 people who don't shoot that didn't care enough so they banned it, then they tried 5.56 but enough people cared so they backed down. People who only own bolt guns say screw those who own simi autos, they don't own any so who cares, people who can't afford full auto guns threw those under the bus back in 1968. Lots of gun owners say ok ban .50bmg I don't shoot that. Etc. if you slowly boil a lobster it won't know til it's too late.

Fyi assault weapon just means simiauto. Name one simiauto that wasn't originally built for military/police somewhere and that doesn't fire a current or past round used by a military 9mm,45,357,5.57,7.62x39,7.62x54,308/7.62,etc. her new ban would have banned 95% of simi auto guns.

We'd be limited to 22lr wait nope the military used 22lr to practice and train oh well there's .40 til the military adopts it as they considering it. And no simiauto handguns as most are used by a military of some nation somewhere.

So 44mag revolvers I guess. Thank gosh for a republican house and republican few who fought her bill in the senate. The ubc they tried to pass was terrible
Federally licensed gun ranges only and no transferring(i.e. Handing your non family a gun to shoot) like I've never heard of s federal range license. They have to be zoned and I think there's state ones, oh but no shooting for free in the woods.

Then they the recordings of anti gun politicians behind closed walls at anti gun gatherings saying they want to ban all handgun. Etc etc.

I get it though if your not the one under attack it's easier to not notice or care. I'm not as passionate about abortion or gay riots because as a non woman and non gay I don't directly get hurt by it. If your anti gun or just don't care about guns you don't feel the constant attacks against us.


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04 Dec 2015, 3:29 am

Its hard to look at this and feel that religion has any value. This could've been any religion too, and if it weren't a religion, someone would think of another reason.

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04 Dec 2015, 3:51 am

Lukeda420 wrote:
The laws being discussed mainly have to do with background checks, straw purchases, and weapons made for war.

"Weapons made for war"? So muzzle loaders and bolt actions, then?

Lukeda420 wrote:
Again the vast majority of Americans support an individuals right to own a gun. With the amount of push back to any gun regulation no matter how modest I don't see how it would ever get that far. I don't see the slippery slope being an issue here.

Have you studied how gun control worked right up until the 90's? The groups back then weren't shy about their goals, with names like "The Coalition to Ban Handguns" and such; it wasn't until the NRA suffered an internal coup and grew a spine that the political winds shifted and those groups had to obfuscate what they're about. They're the same organizations run by the same people, do you really think they've changed their beliefs, or just their tactics? At this point, as far as I'm concerned, if they want some new gun laws, they're going to have to trade; I'll give them universal background checks if they give me universal CCW reciprocity and repeals of the NFA and Hughes amendment.

Lukeda420 wrote:
Besides you haven't answered my first question. Who would physically take the guns when so much of the police forces and military forces support gun ownership? I just don't see how a gun ban is even possible in this country.

Good question; doubt the people pushing gun control have thought much about it either. All I know, I wouldn't want to be one of the guys trying to carry out that confiscation.

Lukeda420 wrote:
There are reasonable actions that can be taken.

Such as? UBCs that simply make it harder for people to sell their property informally? Pointless and expensive registries (Just ask Maryland or Canada how well they work)? Unproven and easily defeated "microstamping"? An "assault weapons" ban on a class of firearm almost never used in day to day crime?

Lukeda420 wrote:
I didn't agree that the NRA shouldn't politicize this. I agreed that they shouldn't use this event to fundraise.

You think the antis aren't fundraising off this? "Donate now to stop the carnage!! !" type stuff, I imagine.

Lukeda420 wrote:
I'm just against the NRA because I think the message it promotes is that of the gun manufacturers rather than gun owners. That and I believe they are disingenuous with the statements they make.

Based on what, some HuffPo and Mother Jones articles you read, perhaps Salon? I mean, I only know these people personally and all, what's that before some 3rd hand distortion from partisan media?

Also, totally special pleading.

Lukeda420 wrote:
We just need to remain respectful.

Where do you think the disrespect is coming from?

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04 Dec 2015, 4:16 am

Did you see they want to ban the m9a3 for sell because it was made as a alternative to the army's new pistol program, even though never adopted. Even though the m9 and m9a1 have been for sell for since the 80s. Because it's a weapon of war even though militaries hardly ever use pistols and their mostly just officer carry pieces that look cool.

Weapons of war cover pretty much all guns, knives, swords, axes, etc.
they stopped the import of bolt action 1903s and super heavy 8 rd simi auto garands(guess it must be the bayonet lug right?) because so many gangs love them 1903s and garands.


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04 Dec 2015, 6:14 am

PBS: Here’s a map of all the mass shootings in 2015

According to the tracker’s data, the San Bernardino incident represents the 355th shooting this year


A mass shooting is defined as an event with 4 or more victims.


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04 Dec 2015, 7:12 am

nurseangela wrote:
Edenthiel wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Just like they said on the radio - the next shooting will only be able to be caught by racial profiling. That is the reason the neighbors of these SOB's didn't call the police when they saw a bunch of Middle Eastern men delivering things to the guy's condo in the middle of the night. They didn't want to be labeled as racists. Well screw that! I don't care what they want to call me. I say deport every Muslim right out of here including the damn Doofus in the White House who still isn't saying this is terrorism!
Just to point out, AM talk radio is not exactly known for its calm, measured discussion of issues. It does have a bit of a reputation for playing to the fears of its targeted audience, be they on the left or right (what? no center? yeah, sorry...). That's why I skip over that band altogether and stick to music; talk radio is just too stressful & yet little if any of their scares actually come to pass. To each their own, though.
It's where I get most of my info. Can't rely on CNN and FOX for everything. Try branching out, you may like it.
Try getting your facts without the exaggeration, hyperbole, and insinuative snark, instead.

bbc.com and npr.com are reliable alternatives.

Talk radio plays on your fears and prejudices to keep you interested. Both the BBC and NPR stick to the facts.


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04 Dec 2015, 8:41 am

Dox47 wrote:
UBCs that simply make it harder for people to sell their property informally? Pointless and expensive registries (Just ask Maryland or Canada how well they work)? Unproven and easily defeated "microstamping"? An "assault weapons" ban on a class of firearm almost never used in day to day crime?

Yes, I can attest to this. Maryland had well over 300 homicides, by the end of November of this year (we blew-past Detroit, and left them in the dust). ALL, I would bet almost anything, were committed with illegally obtained handguns. Handgun laws in Maryland seem to be a waste of paper and ink!

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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04 Dec 2015, 8:52 am

The other groups were not brought up so I had no reason to say anything. Someone brought up the NRA and I agreed, no special pleading there. Also I really haven't talked much about what my opinions are on the subject. I've mainly stuck to how I don't understand where the fear of a gun ban comes from.

Sly, dox

But to the other points I don't even know what to say. We have a fundamentally different view on the current situation that I don't think can be remedied. So there's not really a point in trying.

Where do you guys get your news on this subject? That's one of the problems with the media these days. The two sides basically have their own news which differ wildly from each other. It's makes it a lot harder to effectively discuss these issues.


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04 Dec 2015, 9:52 am

Any type of federal gun ban or confiscation would result in a coup, secession, or possibly a civil war. It'll never happen since most soldiers and cops are politically conservative and support the 2nd Amendment. They're not that stupid and want to do things incrementally, boiling a frog, normalizing it, and that's why we can't give an inch.

California has the strictest gun laws in the United States, what difference did it make? Pipe bombs are illegal too but those laws didn't stop this jihadi couple from making them. These terrorists attacked this government building because it was a soft target and they knew they'd face no resistance, "gun-free zones" may as well have a big neon sign above them saying attack here. They go after soft targets, they don't attack those that can fight back, they're not fighting our soldiers or our cops but us so we have to protect ourselves because the reality is that those soldiers and those cops cannot be depended on to protect ourselves and our families and law enforcement says as much. Sheriff Joe called upon the 250,000 CCW carriers in this state to protect us, that number underestimates the real number since those are only the people that register their concealed carry which is not necessary in this state. This isn't the Old West, it's isn't the O.K. Corral every night, this place is safer than I was back home in the segregated ghettos back east from criminals and cops.


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04 Dec 2015, 11:12 am

frenchmanflats wrote:
Lukeda420 wrote:

It's possible other incidents may take place. There is still a lot we don't know. There might have been others involved and there might not have been. It's still to early to be sure.

I still say it's best to wait until things calm down before hanging on to any particular detail. The story is still developing and the investigation is still in its infancy. But to each his own.

I think that the FBI and ATF have a good idea what happened. Its two Radicalized Islamists who committed a horrendous act of terrorism. This guy was appearing on the "radar" of the FBI. We know he went to Saudi Arabia several times and visited Radical Islamists websites. He had enough ammo and pipe bombs to start WWIII

I think that last bit is most definitely an exaggeration.

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04 Dec 2015, 11:17 am

HisMom wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
HisMom wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Therefore Muslim Americans can't be stopped from having the AR15s like every other American "sportsman".

You could try to do end runs around the Constitution- like maybe make some law that folks with passports from nations on the list of state supporters of terrorism can't own guns. That might pass legal muster.

Except that radical elements aren't like every other American "sportsmen". :roll: :roll:


Doesnt change the fact that we live in a democracy in which you cannot ban a religious group from owning guns unless you ban all religious groups from having guns. If you have a problem with that tell it to Thomas Jefferson.

SO ? What do you mean, SO ?

Another bleeding heart liberal who only has a heart for the perps, aye ? Screw the victims...! !

Now supporting constitutional rights for all citizens and opposing baring specific citizens from certain rights due to their religion makes one a bleeding heart liberal? In that case I suppose its a good thing to be.

It would be unconstitutional to ban people from owning guns based on their religion/spirituality....And it wouldn't do anything to stop any of the non-muslims who might commit violence now would it? You are letting hatred blind you.

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