More "white nationalist" demonstrations planned

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19 Aug 2017, 3:07 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
Thousands if not over 10,000+ counterprotesters vs a hundred or so "free speech" protesters in Boston.

Boston Herald Live Blog

TV cameras showed a group of boisterous counterprotesters chasing a man with a Trump campaign banner and cap, shouting and swearing at him. Other counterprotesters intervened and helped the man safely over a fence to where the conservative rally was to be staged.

Black-clad counterprotesters also grabbed an American flag out of an elderly woman's hands, and she stumbled and fell to the ground.

WBZ-TV Live coverage

Wow, that's alot of counter-protestors----I've been holdin' my breath, waiting to hear what would happen, today----I figured there would just be 10s of each (each side), like there seemed to be, in Charlottesville.

See, already, it seems like the counter-protestors are the ones starting the trouble----why can't EACH protest, peacefully----what's all this chasin' people, and grabbin' flags and banners, stuff? And, the IRONY is that they call the Right, bullies!! WHO'S the bullies, NOW??

Boston is a lot larger than Charlottesvile and a very progressive city with all those universities in the area. The right would have done a better in 70's when the school desegregation busing troubles were going on. Now there is push to rename Yawkey way because the former Red Sox owner did want to desegregate his team .

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19 Aug 2017, 3:21 pm

John Medlar, the 23-year-old Boston “Free Speech” rally organizer and a student at Fitchburg State University in central Massachusetts, said the event was organized by a “bunch of guys on the internet” who shared a concern that free speech was being tamped down on college campuses.
He said that since Charlottesville, some white nationalists have attempted to co-opt the Boston event. “We’ve seen some activity on social media,” he said. “We don’t trust their motives—we see themselves as trying to insert themselves into this.”
To maintain control, he said the group explicitly asked a local white nationalist group not to come, has shortened the event and has told people that such symbols as the Confederate flag or Nazi regalia aren’t welcome. He said the event would begin with a moment of silence for Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old paralegal who was killed when a man rammed a car into her and others protesting the white-supremacist gathering in Charlottesville.

Why would anyone protest a "free speech" rally?


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19 Aug 2017, 3:22 pm

Trump attacks Boston counter-protesters as 'anti-police agitators'

“Looks like many anti-police agitators in Boston,” Trump tweeted. “Police are looking tough and smart! Thank you.”

Trump applauds Boston protesters for 'speaking out against bigotry and hate'

Later, Trump tweeted that the protests might help heal decades-old divisions.
"Our great country has been divided for decades," he wrote. "Sometimes you need protest in order to heal, & we will heal, & be stronger than ever before!"

"I want to applaud the many protestors in Boston who are speaking out against bigotry and hate," he continued. "Our country will soon come together as one!"

The Boston Police Department arrested 27 people during Saturday's protests, Police Commissioner William Evans said in a press conference. Most of the arrests were for disorderly conduct, but a few individuals were arrested for assaulting police officers, he added.

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19 Aug 2017, 4:06 pm

Shrapnel wrote:
John Medlar, the 23-year-old Boston “Free Speech” rally organizer and a student at Fitchburg State University in central Massachusetts, said the event was organized by a “bunch of guys on the internet” who shared a concern that free speech was being tamped down on college campuses.
He said that since Charlottesville, some white nationalists have attempted to co-opt the Boston event. “We’ve seen some activity on social media,” he said. “We don’t trust their motives—we see themselves as trying to insert themselves into this.”
To maintain control, he said the group explicitly asked a local white nationalist group not to come, has shortened the event and has told people that such symbols as the Confederate flag or Nazi regalia aren’t welcome. He said the event would begin with a moment of silence for Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old paralegal who was killed when a man rammed a car into her and others protesting the white-supremacist gathering in Charlottesville.

Why would anyone protest a "free speech" rally?

I think----I couldn't swear to it, but I THINK----it has to do with..... See, in Charlottesville, the ANTI-statue-removal people were trying to protest, and their protest was interrupted by the FOR-statue-removal people (they're on the same side, as today's Free Speech rally people)----so, I'm thinkin', that THEY (the ones protesting the Free Speech rally) are thinkin', maybe, that this is a way to get back, at them.

I'm ALSO thinkin' that it probably wasn't a wise decision to specifically ask the "local white nationalist group", not to come----cuz, it seems those guys have some serious egos, and that would just give them all-the-more incentive TO go, IMO.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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19 Aug 2017, 10:41 pm

Shrapnel wrote:
ASS-P wrote:
...I do think a a number of people here, if perhaps unintentionally, have fallen into this hole of equating the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville with the protestors against them, saying " They're both the same ". No they're not.
Even the " nice " neos stand for something bad. The violent idiot percentage, I believe, of the anti-neos is a far less important percentage of them.
What the " nice " neos stand for is basically tje same thing as what the violent ones stand for. The average is far, far, worse.

The neo-nazi's want to eliminate people by race.
The antifa people want to eliminate people by class.
I see very little difference.

Who says Antifa wants to eliminate people due to class? They were there to oppose racism, not classism.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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19 Aug 2017, 10:44 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
Shrapnel wrote:
John Medlar, the 23-year-old Boston “Free Speech” rally organizer and a student at Fitchburg State University in central Massachusetts, said the event was organized by a “bunch of guys on the internet” who shared a concern that free speech was being tamped down on college campuses.
He said that since Charlottesville, some white nationalists have attempted to co-opt the Boston event. “We’ve seen some activity on social media,” he said. “We don’t trust their motives—we see themselves as trying to insert themselves into this.”
To maintain control, he said the group explicitly asked a local white nationalist group not to come, has shortened the event and has told people that such symbols as the Confederate flag or Nazi regalia aren’t welcome. He said the event would begin with a moment of silence for Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old paralegal who was killed when a man rammed a car into her and others protesting the white-supremacist gathering in Charlottesville.

Why would anyone protest a "free speech" rally?

I think----I couldn't swear to it, but I THINK----it has to do with..... See, in Charlottesville, the ANTI-statue-removal people were trying to protest, and their protest was interrupted by the FOR-statue-removal people (they're on the same side, as today's Free Speech rally people)----so, I'm thinkin', that THEY (the ones protesting the Free Speech rally) are thinkin', maybe, that this is a way to get back, at them.

I'm ALSO thinkin' that it probably wasn't a wise decision to specifically ask the "local white nationalist group", not to come----cuz, it seems those guys have some serious egos, and that would just give them all-the-more incentive TO go, IMO.

Why were the Goddamn white nationalists even allowed to come? If the people who wanted the statues to stay were at all sincere, then they shouldn't have allowed the Nazis to come.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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19 Aug 2017, 11:11 pm

xDominiel wrote:
Darmok wrote:
Black marketing expert ashamed to find she is more than a quarter white: ... fdf61972bb

"I Celebrated Black History Month… By Finding Out I Was White"

I mean.. That is a bit misleading, she is still mostly black. But I guess she's "tainted" now. :lol:

We had similar race laws here in Australia where the "one drop rule" applied in determining who was aboriginal or not. So I imagine multiple generations were forced into the "black category" so when the kids do a DNA test and discover some of their maternal ancestors were raped by slave owners then you can understand why they are shocked.


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19 Aug 2017, 11:16 pm

Darmok wrote:
Black marketing expert ashamed to find she is more than a quarter white: ... fdf61972bb

It's funny because even young people with a white parent are attacked by "race obsessed people" in the mainstream population when all they want to do is mind their own business ... movie-made


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20 Aug 2017, 5:15 am

...Maybe it's thing in British colonialism-based countries - at least ones predominately white/Euro-desended - in general?

/doinuro-descended - in g


xDominiel wrote:
Darmok wrote:
Black marketing expert ashamed to find she is more than a quarter white: ... fdf61972bb

"I Celebrated Black History Month… By Finding Out I Was White"

I mean.. That is a bit misleading, she is still mostly black. But I guess she's "tainted" now. :lol:

We had similar race laws here in Australia where the "one drop rule" applied in determining who was aboriginal or not. So I imagine multiple generations were forced into the "black category" so when the kids do a DNA test and discover some of their maternal ancestors were raped by slave owners then you can understand why they are shocked.[/quote]

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21 Aug 2017, 6:31 pm

...While I have shown myself to not be a fan of the Confederate statues, I ceertainly acknowledge that all who want them to remain on public ground are not all Nazis. Even many states-in-public supporters whom I would strongle disagree with are not Nazis, no.
However, with all the prime indicators of Nazi-ness the Chancelorville demonstraters showed (Oh, and you do know about the black C-Viller show on video being beat up by 5 neos? Oh, wait, I suppose they were George Soros/IMF plants! :x :( .) --- anyone who was at their Chancelorville demonstration is a Nazi, or close enough to meake no need to distinguish her/him.

Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.:-(
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23 Aug 2017, 5:28 pm

Many additional Nazi rallies have been cancelled. I guess they don't like it so much when people fight back against their attempts to intimidate POC and Jews.

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24 Aug 2017, 4:24 am

jrjones9933 wrote:
Many additional Nazi rallies have been cancelled.

Diddums! poor darlings seem to be unable to take what they dish out...

One of their "leading lights" in the Neo-Nazi movement breaks down in tears over fears he will be arrested (pathetic coward) but then in the same breath threatens to kill more young people in future protests... ... himself-in


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24 Aug 2017, 8:09 am

jrjones9933 wrote:
Many additional Nazi rallies have been cancelled. I guess they don't like it so much when people fight back against their attempts to intimidate POC and Jews.

They have found out that hard core Nazism is the fringe of the fringe in America. Like most bullies they can not handle it when not enabled and called out.

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