Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed

Joined: 6 May 2014
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Not to get off-topic, but I also just heard a commercial, for some kind of face-cream, for removing blackheads----it was called "Black Off" (or, "Black Away", or something like that)! ! How long do ya think THAT'll last, before someone calls-for IT to be banned?? LOLOLOL TOO funny!!
And don't forget Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben products.Surely those will be seen as some sort of oppression...
Yep, I hear ya..... If God, HIMSELF, came-down from heaven in a gold Cadillac, SOMEBODY would be cryin', that He's oppressing them----JUST because they can (just because they CAN cry "oppression")! !
As I've said, before, NOBODY in this day-and-age, can be oppressed, unless they ALLOW themselves, to be----and, most everybody has the capability to CHOOSE to NOT allow themselves, to be oppressed. Simple, as that!! But, it's much easier to whine, about things----ESPECIALLY, when whinin', gets "rewarded"! !
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
Last edited by Campin_Cat on 27 Aug 2017, 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This does a much better job of commemorating black soldiers:
Whose rights are being taken away?
Right... removing a statue is simply refusing to celebrate a person in a public space.
If you want to erase history, you burn books.
Last edited by Syd on 27 Aug 2017, 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 26 Feb 2017
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Neither of us can comprehend what it's like to be Black in America,becuse we are not.But I can imagine.And I don't want to see Nathaniel Bedford Forrest represented in my neighborhood.
As for native blood,I'm related to Sequoyah,Cheif John Ross,have the genealogical papers to prove my Cherokee ancestors.The area I live in was the Cherokee Nation in the mid Eighteen hundreds.
Yes,I'm aware that a small percentage of Black people served for the Confederacy,a small amount being the operative word.I never said they didn't.If you have read any of my posts,you'd know that I'm an very familiar with history.
Yes my state was part of the confederacy,but the Northern part of the state had many republicans who supported the Union.Don't lecture me on the history of my state,you have no idea of it. ... nion_units
My GGGrandfather served Union Calvary,got a pension for it.His brother served in the Confederacy.The monument on the court house lawn honors the soldiers who fought and died in both side,the way it should be.Not a individual.
Slavery was not an issue in this area,most did not own slaves.States right's was the issue here.
Yes,many people of Native American heritage want the Columbus statues removed.Read some of the Native sites.
Yes,you can be reminded of what your ancestors went thru,like the ancestors of holocaust survivors.Many Black families can tell you stories of what their ancestors endured.Especially if they have been in the same areas for generations.Something urban people don't get.My family has been in this area for seven generations,we remember.Family lore is handed down.
As for being a tree hugger,I have relatives that are in the timber industry.Want to discuss it? Big difference between supporting selective cutting vrs clear cutting.But I doubt you've ever been in an area that's been clear cut to see for yourself.Or even seen a working mill.
Oh yeah,I even own a chainsaw.A Sthil.Imagine that.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi
You could replace a statue of a mounted Confederate General with one of Ronald McDonald on a horse wearing the same hat, age it to match, and few would notice. Unfortunately, many people are frightfully ignorant of historical fugues and these statues don't get much notice aside from being ornamental.
It takes a someone looking for ways to lash back at thier enemies after a stinging defeat last November to point out things to the people they claim to care about.
"Hey, that statue represents oppression to you and you MUST feel outrage if you care at all!! !"
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
Repeating over and over that it's about racism doesn't make it so...
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

Joined: 6 May 2014
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Whose rights are being taken away?
The people who WANT them, there!!
Right... removing a statue is simply refusing to celebrate a person in a public space.
If you want to erase history, you burn books.
Why is it so difficult for people to understand, that when people rub a lamp, and get their wish, granted (aka when someone whines, and gets rewarded), that those people'll, most likely, be like: "Okay, now THAT'S done----let's see where, else, we can wreak havoc"? Where/when does it end??
People have been cryin'-about books (and their actions have gotten books banned), all down-through-history----so, I'm sure it won't be long, before someone cries-about another one.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

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What about the racism, against the Confederates?
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
What about the racism, against the Confederates?
They were a bunch of crazy-ass crackers anyway. Who cares?

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.
What about the racism, against the Confederates?
They were a bunch of crazy-ass crackers anyway. Who cares?

There exists cultural predudice towards Southerners.People from other regions assume that we are all racist,inbred and can't read.Don't forget barefoot and pregnant.There are a few that fit this stereotype,usually they are loud obnoxious people that have no breeding or manners.
I have experienced this first hand in California and so did another family member.When I mentioned to someone where I was from,they dissed it right off,said they could never live in such an awful place.I asked if they had ever been here.Nope.So how the hell would they know?Another family member had a person tell them that we were all a bunch of stupid racist MF's.There was almost a fight,but the home owner evicted the as*hole.
Even the people that move here from other places can be jerks.Making fun of dialect and assuming it means ignorance.One mocked the way I said Orange.Here it's an Arnge.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi

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But I doubt you've ever been in an area that's been clear cut to see for yourself.Or even seen a working mill.
Since your post seems to be purely driven by emotion, I'm only gonna address a couple of things, and I'll leave this part of the discussion, with you, here.
Yes, I've seen many a clear-cut area, for myself----and, many-a-mill, too (and, I didn't even have to go that far, to see one of 'em, cuz we used to have a paper mill, for instance, right here, next-door to Baltimore; and, I've seen them bringin'-in the trees, many times, and have been there, and knew people who worked there).
As for slavery in your area, being "not an issue": I found a website that says that, at-one-point, the slave population was more than a quarter of the total population----with one woman, alone, owning 500 of them----so, I wouldn't call that "not an issue".
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

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It takes a someone looking for ways to lash back at thier enemies after a stinging defeat last November to point out things to the people they claim to care about.
"Hey, that statue represents oppression to you and you MUST feel outrage if you care at all!! !"
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

Joined: 6 May 2014
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What about the racism, against the Confederates?
They were a bunch of crazy-ass crackers anyway. Who cares?

Oh, I see my purple text doesn't bother you, when it's something to which you want to speak!! LOLOLOL
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
But I doubt you've ever been in an area that's been clear cut to see for yourself.Or even seen a working mill.
Since your post seems to be purely driven by emotion, I'm only gonna address a couple of things, and I'll leave this part of the discussion, with you, here.
Yes, I've seen many a clear-cut area, for myself----and, many-a-mill, too (and, I didn't even have to go that far, to see one of 'em, cuz we used to have a paper mill, for instance, right here, next-door to Baltimore; and, I've seen them bringin'-in the trees, many times, and have been there, and knew people who worked there).
As for slavery in your area, being "not an issue": I found a website that says that, at-one-point, the slave population was more than a quarter of the total population----with one woman, alone, owning 500 of them----so, I wouldn't call that "not an issue".
I'm talking about Northern AR,not the whole of the state.I clearly stated that.There were 24 slaves in this county.Poor hillbillies didn't have the land for slaves.Very little tillable land here.One slave,Aunt Piety Villines is buried in Boxly,with the family.Please take the time to learn the facts before posting half cocked.,_Arkansas
The Delta and coastal plain had plenty of slaves.
You are the one that brought up tree hugging,which had nothing at all to do with statues.
Not talking about paper mills,there were two here in Pine Bluff and Camden.Now all that water is polluted.The fumes ate the paint off people's cars.Most of the lumber that goes there is pine,all owned for the most part by IP and Weyerhauser.Not the same as a family owned sawmill that's been run by the same folks for generations.Not paper,lumber.They know that a clear cut loses jobs in the long run,where with sustainable harvest you can return and cut the regrowth.I used to help my ex harvest mini logs off out property.He worked many a year at the local family owned mills.
Emotional?Rarely.You're the one that went all code purple a page back ranting about your precious statues.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi

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No, that's still on-going----something I read, recently, said Mueller's people just subpoenaed a few more people (IIRC, campaign contributors, I THINK - but, I couldn't SWEAR to it).
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)