DancesWithDemons wrote:
In this particular thread, I've found that a lot of bickering and finger pointing has taken place. As a newcomer, essentially an outsider looking in, it would seem to me that some lessons could be leaned from this tragedy, and pull together as family/friends instead of attempting to rip one another apart here. Has nothing been learned?
welcome to wrongplanet, jon.
we have developed into a community, in the time since the site was started. and because we are now a community, the tragedy and stress of recent events have hit us hard. shock, then guilt, then anger is the natural progression of feelings and emotions which come up as a result of such a situation, and people have done what we wish Will could have done, and expressed these feelings on this thread, and others. it's a safe and healthy way to do so, and i personally feel that people have been remarkably restrained, given the circumstances.
now, i'm not wagging a finger at you - you are new here, and very welcome. just wanted to explain a little about processes of getting through a difficult time like this. in case you wre wondering, much of my work is about counselling and therapeutic stuff like the above.
so, when we have less traffic, and a more accessible board, i hope you find the whole community as enjoyable, frustrating, enteraining and educational as i do.
(as Mod)