YippySkippy wrote:
I don't think "I felt like a women today" will work as an excuse for someone who is trying to get away with spying on people in the bathroom.
I didn't say it's an excuse for spying on people. I said it's an excuse for a man to enter a ladies room and loiter without fear of repercussions. It makes it easier for him to commit a crime, similar to how leaving your door unlocked makes it easier for a robber to get in your house. Robbing a house is still illegal, but if I stand on my roof with a bullhorn (this is a Target analogy) and announce that I keep my door unlocked, don't you think I'm more likely to be robbed?
This has never been a problem before, and it isn't now despite all the pearl clutching going on.
Transsexual bathroom usage has never (to my knowledge) been an issue before, but this matter of loudly announcing what amounts to a gender-neutral bathroom policy is something new. I might be ok with it if the bathrooms were marked to represent this, but keeping the "men" and "women" signs on them is misleading.
Btw, calling peoples' concerns "pearl clutching" is condescending and sexist.
I'm pretty sure if a man was loitering in a ladies room, leering at them, or even threatening them, then that man could still be ejected. After all, sexual abuse, or even sexual intimidation, is still illegal, regardless if transsexuals can legally use the same facility.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer