Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed

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03 Sep 2017, 10:03 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
By putting the mayor of Baltimore on the same level as Chamberlain, you are implying that Antifa are as bad as the Nazis ... even though Antifa is an explicitly anti-Nazi organisation.

They ARE as bad as the Nazis, because they use the same tactics of violence, intimidation and bullying. They can't handle opposition, or even mild criticism, labelling anyone who doesn't agree with them as a "fascist" (which has rendered the term as a result utterly meaningless), and they are just bloody feral.


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03 Sep 2017, 10:56 pm

Lintar wrote:
DarthMetaKnight wrote:
By putting the mayor of Baltimore on the same level as Chamberlain, you are implying that Antifa are as bad as the Nazis ... even though Antifa is an explicitly anti-Nazi organisation.

They ARE as bad as the Nazis, because they use the same tactics of violence, intimidation and bullying. They can't handle opposition, or even mild criticism, labelling anyone who doesn't agree with them as a "fascist" (which has rendered the term as a result utterly meaningless), and they are just bloody feral.

Antifa haven't driven a car into civilians or blown up a shopping centre or shot up people in a church but I guess that's a minor indiscretion for the poor little Nazis right


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04 Sep 2017, 12:42 am

cyberdad wrote:
Raptor wrote:
I'd probably find Cenk annoying even if he were a conservaive.
He just has that obnoxious personality that I find to be rather grating after a while. The only good thing about it if he were a conservaive is that I could take great pleasure in the fact that he'd be driving liberals up a wall. :P

My understanding is that Cenk used to be a conservative republican but had a "Road to Damascus" experience and switched sides before eventually joining the "Young Turks".

I've been on the road to Damascus several times and it didnt turn me into a liberal.

His obnoxious forthright arrogance probably stems from his time as a republican

And you don't think I could mention any obnoxious arrogant liberals?

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04 Sep 2017, 1:03 am

Evil_Chuck wrote:
Regardless of whether it's right to get rid of the statues, or if they can really be considered art ... what really troubles me is that the pro-removal folks seem to believe this will actually do some real good for their cause and improve race relations in the U.S. If so, they are going to be bitterly disappointed. This won't change anything, at least not for the better. They're taking down historical monuments and putting nothing in their place but more divisive rhetoric and social unrest.

If anything the left wants racial strife to keep things divided. More and more minorities (namely blacks and Hispanics) have and are presently bootstrapping their way out of poverty the old fashioned way which doesnt leave much for liberals. Poverty and racial division are the main two nutrients that keep liberalism alive.

The reason for the recent anti-statue craze is backlash for losing the election and not being able to do anything about it. It's like flies on fly paper when all they can do is struggle futily, and out of some sense of revenge sh!t on the fly paper.

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04 Sep 2017, 1:22 am

Raptor wrote:
And you don't think I could mention any obnoxious arrogant liberals?

ROFL! yes I'm sure they're right on the tip of your tongue


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04 Sep 2017, 1:23 am

Raptor wrote:
If anything the left wants racial strife to keep things divided.

The right-wingers are the ones who create racial strife. They are the ones who repeatedly insist that American cops aren't racist. You create strife when you persistently deny obvious truths that you can't emotionally cope with. Conservatives see themselves as "race blind", but they are actually enabling racists by turning a blind eye to them.

More and more minorities (namely blacks and Hispanics) have and are presently bootstrapping their way out of poverty the old fashioned way which doesnt leave much for liberals.

It's harder for minorities.

Most people who "bootstrap their way out of property" are privileged whites.

Poverty and racial division are the main two nutrients that keep liberalism alive.

Yes, these things keep liberalism alive because liberals want to solve these problems. Liberalism exists because it is needed.

The reason for the recent anti-statue craze is backlash for losing the election and not being able to do anything about it.

You just keep telling yourself that. :roll:
Society is just marching on.

It's like flies on fly paper when all they can do is struggle futily, and out of some sense of revenge sh!t on the fly paper.

It's not futile. Some of these statues are coming down.

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04 Sep 2017, 1:30 am

Raptor wrote:
If anything the left wants racial strife to keep things divided. More and more minorities (namely blacks and Hispanics) have and are presently bootstrapping their way out of poverty the old fashioned way which doesn't leave much for liberals.

Yes I'm sure the popular rise of the alt-right has nothing to do with race (BTW how is life burying your head in the sand)

Raptor wrote:
The reason for the recent anti-statue craze is backlash for losing the election and not being able to do anything about it. It's like flies on fly paper when all they can do is struggle futily, and out of some sense of revenge sh!t on the fly paper.

I thought the election of Trump was the main instigator for leftist agitation?


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04 Sep 2017, 10:40 am

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
If anything the left wants racial strife to keep things divided.

The right-wingers are the ones who create racial strife. They are the ones who repeatedly insist that American cops aren't racist. You create strife when you persistently deny obvious truths that you can't emotionally cope with. Conservatives see themselves as "race blind", but they are actually enabling racists by turning a blind eye to them.

From what I've heard cops say, including one relative who was a cop, is that cops are driven to be critical of certain races (one race in particular) by what they've had to deal with while on patrol in da hood. Some of these cops are of that same race.

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
More and more minorities (namely blacks and Hispanics) have and are presently bootstrapping their way out of poverty the old fashioned way which doesnt leave much for liberals.

It's harder for minorities.
Most people who "bootstrap their way out of property" are privileged whites.

Then why am I seeing so many middle class blacks and Hispanics? This isnt 50 years ago like you wish it were.

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Poverty and racial division are the main two nutrients that keep liberalism alive.

Yes, these things keep liberalism alive because liberals want to solve these problems. Liberalism exists because it is needed.

Yeah right. :roll:
They really want minorities to gain middle class status since they'll be more likely to vote republican.

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
The reason for the recent anti-statue craze is backlash for losing the election and not being able to do anything about it.

You just keep telling yourself that. :roll:
Society is just marching on.

It is what it is.

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
It's like flies on fly paper when all they can do is struggle futily, and out of some sense of revenge sh!t on the fly paper.

It's not futile. Some of these statues are coming down.

Don't be dense.
Flies stuck on fly paper is symbolic of the left's tearfully futile situation of having Trump as president and sh*****g on the fly paper is symbolic of a last act of defiance, which in this case is attacking statues.

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04 Sep 2017, 10:45 am

cyberdad wrote:
Raptor wrote:
If anything the left wants racial strife to keep things divided. More and more minorities (namely blacks and Hispanics) have and are presently bootstrapping their way out of poverty the old fashioned way which doesn't leave much for liberals.

Yes I'm sure the popular rise of the alt-right has nothing to do with race (BTW how is life burying your head in the sand)

Give me a break :roll: :roll:
The rise of the alt right is a small bump in the road at best and is invisible to most. This is not a repeat of the rise of Nazi Germany like your kind makes it out to be and secretly wishes it were so you'd have one more thing to be outraged over.

cyberdad wrote:
Raptor wrote:
The reason for the recent anti-statue craze is backlash for losing the election and not being able to do anything about it. It's like flies on fly paper when all they can do is struggle futily, and out of some sense of revenge sh!t on the fly paper.

I thought the election of Trump was the main instigator for leftist agitation?

Read what I wrote again.

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04 Sep 2017, 4:49 pm

Raptor wrote:
The rise of the alt right is a small bump in the road at best and is invisible to most. This is not a repeat of the rise of Nazi Germany like your kind makes it out to be and secretly wishes it were so you'd have one more thing to be outraged over.

What happened to Germany in the 1930s was a tragedy. It was a far more enlightened and progressive society back then compared to what the US is now. The average German was probably far more cultured than the boorish fools who believe everything the idiot box tells them about their "white" knight Trump. That doesn't bode well if there comes a tipping point.

Raptor wrote:
Read what I wrote again.

Yeah my point is (or was) that the left is taking a stand against the emboldened alt-right who (inspired by Trump) are slowly creeping back into mainstream society. We have the same type lurking around Australia as well. While I don't support heir methods, groups like Antifa are like proverbial hammers to the alt-right worms coming out of the woodwork. I definitely support the principles of fighting intolerance.


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04 Sep 2017, 9:56 pm

cyberdad wrote:
Raptor wrote:
The rise of the alt right is a small bump in the road at best and is invisible to most. This is not a repeat of the rise of Nazi Germany like your kind makes it out to be and secretly wishes it were so you'd have one more thing to be outraged over.

What happened to Germany in the 1930s was a tragedy. It was a far more enlightened and progressive society back then compared to what the US is now. The average German was probably far more cultured than the boorish fools who believe everything the idiot box tells them about their "white" knight Trump. That doesn't bode well if there comes a tipping point.

I'm sure you're right.
America will go Nazi and take over the world. The Fuhrer Herr Trump will make me the Reichsprotektor of Australia and New Zealand.

cyberdad wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Read what I wrote again.

Yeah my point is (or was) that the left is taking a stand against the emboldened alt-right who (inspired by Trump) are slowly creeping back into mainstream society. We have the same type lurking around Australia as well. While I don't support heir methods, groups like Antifa are like proverbial hammers to the alt-right worms coming out of the woodwork. I definitely support the principles of fighting intolerance.

And if the alt-right ever becomes numerous enough and gets all thier sh!t in one boot they to put this delicately....eliminate groups like Antifa and any other opposition.
Something to consider...

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04 Sep 2017, 10:13 pm

If people want to keep their history, they should put these statues in some sort of museum or keep images of them in a book. This is causing friction without a doubt and that may not be a good thing, but at the same time these statues do represent a very painful time in human history for many minorities and therefore I think keeping them out in public for all to see is in poor taste. It's not exactly an anti free speech thing, to me, it does seem more like society just moving on.

I can't relate to the people who get upset about the removals of these statues though, because I don't come from the US.


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04 Sep 2017, 11:28 pm

Raptor wrote:
America will go Nazi and take over the world. The Fuhrer Herr Trump will make me the Reichsprotektor of Australia and New Zealand.

Well that would still be better than being given to Imperial Japan (Hitler's plan) Although you would be probably be a pretty awful despot as well raptor

Raptor wrote:
if the alt-right ever becomes numerous enough and gets all thier sh!t in one boot they to put this delicately....eliminate groups like Antifa and any other opposition

Which provides a reason for resistance. "never again" right?


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05 Sep 2017, 10:56 pm

DreamsWhatDreams wrote:
If people want to keep their history, they should put these statues in some sort of museum or keep images of them in a book. This is causing friction without a doubt and that may not be a good thing, but at the same time these statues do represent a very painful time in human history for many minorities and therefore I think keeping them out in public for all to see is in poor taste. It's not exactly an anti free speech thing, to me, it does seem more like society just moving on.

I can't relate to the people who get upset about the removals of these statues though, because I don't come from the US.

So why did you comment if you can't relate? I can tell you that, being a Southerner myself, it gets extremely infuriating to see my heritage literally torn down because some snivelling snowball's feelings supposedly get hurt.

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06 Sep 2017, 1:52 am

NightEclipse wrote:
being a Southerner myself, it gets extremely infuriating to see my heritage literally torn down because some snivelling snowball's feelings supposedly get hurt.

Peculiar thing, if the confederacy showed the strength of southern "antebellum" culture (your heritage) then why do grown men cry like babies when a statue gets removed? doesn't that indicate something is wrong with your heritage if it so unstable?


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06 Sep 2017, 3:13 am

cyberdad wrote:
NightEclipse wrote:
being a Southerner myself, it gets extremely infuriating to see my heritage literally torn down because some snivelling snowball's feelings supposedly get hurt.

Peculiar thing, if the confederacy showed the strength of southern "antebellum" culture (your heritage) then why do grown men cry like babies when a statue gets removed? doesn't that indicate something is wrong with your heritage if it so unstable?

Got videos of people crying over statues?
I can find plenty with people crying over Trump.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson