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12 Nov 2021, 2:20 am

Dox47 wrote:
Brictoria wrote:
Where things ended on Thursday (just finished watching witness questioning):

The internet has christened those two Littlefinger and Fatlock, lol. I don't normally like to mock people for their looks, but prosecutors who try and cheat to get a conviction lose their protection in my book. I'd love to see Littlefinger catch a censure for those stunts he pulled, though that's not likely.

I believe you meant "littlebinger" - The names started during Rekieta law's coverage (which interestingly had higher numbers of viewers than PBS and other networks covering the trial individually had, and was not advertised\promoted by youtube).

I can't remember who (or viewers of which of the lawyers commenting there) came up with "Fatlock" (I seem to recall that it was during Wednesday's trial where that name originated) as Nick was having trouble remembering that prosecutor's name.


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12 Nov 2021, 2:35 am

Brictoria wrote:
I believe you meant "littlebinger" - The names started during Rekieta law's coverage (which interestingly had higher numbers of viewers than PBS and other networks covering the trial individually had, and was not advertised\promoted by youtube).

I can't remember who (or viewers of which of the lawyers commenting there) came up with "Fatlock" (I seem to recall that it was during Wednesday's trial where that name originated) as Nick was having trouble remembering that prosecutor's name.

I actually saw both names develop organically on a different board with a lot of cross-pollination with the law tubers, so they very well might have originated there. They spread fast though, it took me a second when I started seeing people commenting other places just referring to the prosecutors as LF and FL, definitely game me a chuckle. The breakout star is still the autistic photographer, DeBruin, my humongous gun board is trying to put a little something together for him, as they figure he's probably going to lose a lot of work over his testimony, lot of guys want to buy signed copies of his work.

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12 Nov 2021, 3:11 am

Dox47 wrote:
Brictoria wrote:
I believe you meant "littlebinger" - The names started during Rekieta law's coverage (which interestingly had higher numbers of viewers than PBS and other networks covering the trial individually had, and was not advertised\promoted by youtube).

I can't remember who (or viewers of which of the lawyers commenting there) came up with "Fatlock" (I seem to recall that it was during Wednesday's trial where that name originated) as Nick was having trouble remembering that prosecutor's name.

I actually saw both names develop organically on a different board with a lot of cross-pollination with the law tubers, so they very well might have originated there. They spread fast though, it took me a second when I started seeing people commenting other places just referring to the prosecutors as LF and FL, definitely game me a chuckle. The breakout star is still the autistic photographer, DeBruin, my humongous gun board is trying to put a little something together for him, as they figure he's probably going to lose a lot of work over his testimony, lot of guys want to buy signed copies of his work.

Mr DeBruin did quite well on the stand (I still find it hard to understand why the prosectuors though pushing him to break attorney-client privilege during cross-examination would be a "good" thing).

The witness before him (Grambo) was also quite good, and when she finished her evidence, the lawtubers were thinking she was the best witness in the trial, so having Mr DeBruin follow her made the day quite interesting.

Off Topic
You can also pick the people who have decided on Mr Rittenhouse's guilt, but are not following the trial\evideence, as otherwise we'd be hearing from them about details from it which would provide "support" to their beliefs, such as "fourdoors..." and one of his favourite computer games (I could imagine the lawtubers reaction if it had been "Rust").

Out of curiosity, what did your board think of Mr Binger's question during cross-examination of Mr Rittenhouse:
Binger: All he had was a handgun, why would you think he is a threat? You have an AR-15. Can you help me understand that?

As to Mr Binger's questions about ammunition types:


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12 Nov 2021, 5:18 am

There's one big problem with the "self-defense" argument. It's not self-defense if you go looking for trouble. Even stand-your-ground laws say you don't have to RETREAT, they don't say you can INSTIGATE. That means if trouble comes to you, you don't have to run, but if you're not in harms way, you don't get to hurl yourself INTO harms way and claim self-defense as a result.

Kyle intentionally put himself in harm's way. Call it heroic if you want, I call it a dumb f*cking kid. You're not Batman. Even the authorities would you rather not be there, you're not trained to handle those situations, and they have no way of telling who YOU are. Go home, kid, you're in the way. Situations like this are hard enough to deal with for trained professional adults. But yes, here comes Kyle to save the day, "IM HELPING!". Thank god someone flashed the Kyle Signal, so he could race over in the MomMobile. Only KYLE could solve this! He done kill't a "bad guy"! Yay Kyle!

Additionally, most laws are pretty clear that while you can protect LIFE with lethal force, you cannot protect PROPERTY with lethal force. And as above, you don't get to intentionally put yourself INTO danger just so you can then react in "self-defense". If you're not IN danger, the appropriate self defense is, don't go looking FOR danger.

And hell, lets say they were rioters and looters and arsonists - none of those crimes warrant the death penalty, and now that Kyle has killed them, they're even denied the due process they were legally entitled to, regardless of what they did or didn't do. And again, you don't get to SEEK OUT TROUBLE, no matter how heroic you think it makes you.

Also, while every wannabe rambo knows they're the good guy with the gun, how the fekk is anyone else supposed to know that? Especially if there's more than one person with a gun, how do we know which one is the "bad" guy and which one is the "good" guy? All everyone else sees is two people with guns.

Deadly force is something you're supposed to use when you have no other choice. You can't say you had no other choice when you literally had to make a road trip to go to the danger you needed to "defend" yourself from.

Frame the situation however you want. Call the people he shot / killed whatever you want. FFS, he's 18, and now he's killed another human being. Yeah, let's celebrate that. Call them villains and make him a hero. That totes makes everything better. This whole situation is a clusterf*ck. His f*ckery didn't help. Oh goody, he may have saved a building from some property damage. And all he had to do was take a life. Seems fair.

Even if he gets off scott-free, his life's never gonna be the same again, and probably not for the better. Taking a f*cking human life is not a no-big-deal thing. Even when it's in "self-defense", against "bad people". But yeah, let's call him a hero and call it a day.

Property can be rebuilt or replaced. People cannot. If property is worth taking life over, all that tells me is that you don't value people very much. Even when one MUST take a life, it still shouldn't be f*cking romanticized and glorified the way it is. Nor should people be so eager to look for reasons to justify taking another's life. Even if Kyle did act out of "noble heroism", and did slay a "true villain", it's still a f*cked up situation, and one that could have been easily had a different outcome, if Kyle had just stayed the f*ck home.

Regardless of your reasons, if you're happy about taking a life, if the thought of taking a life is satisfying, even if you've rationalized and justified how or why they "deserve" it, you're probably a little f*cked up. That's not meant as a generic insult like "anyone who thinks X is stupid". That is a genuine concern for the mental health of the individual.

Even when taking a life is NECESSARY, it still shouldn't be something you're just lah-tee-dah okie-dokie with. If you are, then I daresay it's more of a legal barrier than a moral one to you, and that's frightening.


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12 Nov 2021, 7:28 am

Dox47 wrote:
Brictoria wrote:
Where things ended on Thursday (just finished watching witness questioning):

The internet has christened those two Littlefinger and Fatlock, lol. I don't normally like to mock people for their looks, but prosecutors who try and cheat to get a conviction lose their protection in my book. I'd love to see Littlefinger catch a censure for those stunts he pulled, though that's not likely.

I've found a photograph from the testimony about the zoomed video frame...


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12 Nov 2021, 4:11 pm

Judge in Rittenhouse trial allows jury to consider that teen provoked attack ... 22124.html

With regards to Huber, video shows Rittenhouse first pointing his rifle at Huber, and Huber defending himself with a skateboard.

This is the same for Grosskreutz.

Rittenhouse first points his rifle at Grosskreutz before Grosskreutz points his pistol at Rittenhouse.

Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.

Be the hero of your life.

Last edited by TheRobotLives on 12 Nov 2021, 4:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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12 Nov 2021, 4:16 pm

I dedicate this video to Kyle Rittenhouse.


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12 Nov 2021, 9:09 pm

TheRobotLives wrote:
Judge in Rittenhouse trial allows jury to consider that teen provoked attack ... 22124.html

With regards to Huber, video shows Rittenhouse first pointing his rifle at Huber, and Huber defending himself with a skateboard.

This is the same for Grosskreutz.

Rittenhouse first points his rifle at Grosskreutz before Grosskreutz points his pistol at Rittenhouse.

So no free pass for Rittenhouse and his defence team. That explains the enthusiasm to call for a mistrial. Let's hope Schroeder lets the legal process go through to its conclusion and let the jury decide. Either way I suspect the tears you see the second time from Rittenhouse will be a lot more sincere.


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12 Nov 2021, 9:38 pm

Brictoria wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
That is a year ago.

Now, I realize a lot of far right voices have been sitting in his ear, but so has the simple reality of time and contemplation. We don’t know where his mind has gone during long nights trying to sleep. Odds are very good that the national attention, reality of taking a life, and the precarious nature of the original situation that night have all taken their toll.

From what a member of his legal team has stated in the past, he spent the first 3 weeks in jail throwing up every day as a result of what occurred on that night... I believe I have mentioned this in another thread of the subject (and\or linked to videos where this is discussed).

According to footage of Friday's court proceedings, it was disclosed that Mr Rittenhouse is in therapy for PTSD as a result of the incidents for which he is being charged.


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12 Nov 2021, 9:47 pm

TheRobotLives wrote:
Judge in Rittenhouse trial allows jury to consider that teen provoked attack ... 22124.html

With regards to Huber, video shows Rittenhouse first pointing his rifle at Huber, and Huber defending himself with a skateboard.

This is the same for Grosskreutz.

Rittenhouse first points his rifle at Grosskreutz before Grosskreutz points his pistol at Rittenhouse.

On reflection this was the first question I asked back in August 2020 which was the great gap in the whole story of the Konosha killings. I guess it's finally been answered. Rittenhouse provoked the attacks by pointing his gun at Huber and Rosenbaum. It also explains why the Kenosha militia left at exactly this point as they wanted no part in what was to transpire.

The Kenosha militia's only support for wayward trigger happy Kyle was to maintain a code of silence, Up to that point they were with Kyle the whole time.


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12 Nov 2021, 10:47 pm

Brictoria wrote:
Brictoria wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
That is a year ago.

Now, I realize a lot of far right voices have been sitting in his ear, but so has the simple reality of time and contemplation. We don’t know where his mind has gone during long nights trying to sleep. Odds are very good that the national attention, reality of taking a life, and the precarious nature of the original situation that night have all taken their toll.

From what a member of his legal team has stated in the past, he spent the first 3 weeks in jail throwing up every day as a result of what occurred on that night... I believe I have mentioned this in another thread of the subject (and\or linked to videos where this is discussed).

According to footage of Friday's court proceedings, it was disclosed that Mr Rittenhouse is in therapy for PTSD as a result of the incidents for which he is being charged.

It makes me so mad that his parents (if I’m recalling correctly) ever let him go. He should not have been there. He should not have been there. He should not have been there. Two people are dead and his future is distorted.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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13 Nov 2021, 12:39 am

Hi parents seem to encourage his personal love of guns


They are both absent parents his father is estranged and pays child support to Rittenhouse and his two siblings. His mother works nightshift as a nursing assistant. Explains why Kyle is allowed to run around wild.

What's interesting is prior to his turning himself in, he spent the night with his mother deleting social media photos where he attended Trump rallies, right wing militia and paraded around with guns, Seems like the conduct of somebody hiding his past,


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13 Nov 2021, 1:09 am

DW_a_mom wrote:
It makes me so mad that his parents (if I’m recalling correctly) ever let him go. He should not have been there. He should not have been there. He should not have been there. Two people are dead and his future is distorted.

He comes from a broken home, single mother working in a hospital, estranged father busted for DV, the whole thing is actually pretty tragic. It was improperly reported that his mother drove him there, I believe he was there with his friend earlier in the day doing cleanup work, and they decided to stay to support the makeshift security group that was protecting businesses.

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13 Nov 2021, 1:10 am

cyberdad wrote:
Hi parents seem to encourage his personal love of guns

My mother wouldn't even let me have toy guns as a kid, it didn't work out how she thought it would.

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13 Nov 2021, 2:49 am

Dox47 wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Hi parents seem to encourage his personal love of guns

My mother wouldn't even let me have toy guns as a kid, it didn't work out how she thought it would.

Thanks for my laugh of the day.

Oh, my, I learned raising two kids that they are who they are. I enjoy pretending I was able to help them form certain admirable traits but I think it’s more that parents can mess up kids than that parents can do all that much shaping them in good ways.

I reluctantly let my kids play with toy guns. But if they pointed and pretended to shot at real people, they went to play jail.

One day when my daughter was stressed I actually found myself telling her to take her nerf gun into the hallway for target practice. I thought the focused activity would clam her down. It did.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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13 Nov 2021, 4:26 am

toy nerf guns are not AR15 assault rifles