Emergence of a Deadly Coronavirus
I'm listening to the recommendation coming from every level to stay home. I've assessed our food supply, soaps/detergents and believe we'll be able to refrain from contact with other humans for 1-2 months if needed. Even longer if we're able to get food staples delivered. The main reason we're staying home, other than not wanting to get sick is that I believe it's our civic duty to help try to "flatten the curve". There will be people, the elderly, the immuno-compromised, that will need hospital beds. We're doing our part to help others by staying home as long as possible. I think it's irresponsible right now to do otherwise.
I also think the widespread practice of keeping grocery stores and pharmacies open to the public is a bad idea. Just as restaurants are closed to the public except for take out, I think grocery stores and pharmacies should be closed to the public except for phone/internet orders and curbside/drive up pickup. In a short time, grocery stores WILL be the hotbed for the disease transmission. Packages can be put in the backs/trunks of vehicles and people can take calculated precautionary measures with the packages to disinfect them when they get them home.
For those that don't have transportation, there should be delivery services to their door for food and meds.
Keeping grocery stores and pharmacies open to the public will prolong this pandemic and hasten the spread.
Last edited by Magna on 22 Mar 2020, 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-Dr. Now
How will she know when she needs a respirator? Does she have a pulse oximeter at home?
Work called they reduced hours but want me to come work, course they might just fire me any day even if I do go work, so I could catch it and be fired anyways.
Mean the people shopping most don’t think it’s real so they come in sick. Same for employees.
If I go and wear gloves the others will make fun of me and call me a p****.
Work is out of hand Sanitizers, almost out of gloves, low on cleaning supplies.
Why do you keep talking about the problem with a lack of supplies at work without making any mention on an attempt to try and fix the issues with alternative sources of supplies?
We have to have people to make the deliveries. Many people. We have to continue to have people working in order to maintain the food supply, keep the necessary items coming. Truckers. Factory workers. That means many people still working.
I agree with virtually all of what you say, by the way.
Did I say I believe in unbridled going out and congregating amongst people? No. I don’t. People should stay home unless they have to get necessities. Or they could take a walk, alone, and maintain social distancing.
People should fight the urge to consider extreme measures for everything.
We had 9/11. We could have easily gone the way of military dictatorships. But we didn’t. Cooler heads prevailed.
This is a war. Every nation is calling it a war.
If people won’t self isolate then they’ll have to be made to.
My governor didn’t want to order shelter in place she begged people to take it seriously, now she’ll have to cause no one took it seriously. People do this to themselves.
So maybe if the president says do this or we’ll have to do martial laws,maybe people will take it seriously but I doubt it
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die
We have to enforce the congregation laws better. People have to use more common sense.
But we must not let someone intent on military or police rule run this thing.
We are a democracy. We must not veer away from democratic ideals. We must keep church and state separate. We must keep civilian and military rule separate the vast majority of the time.
You would not want to live under a military dictatorship—trust me!

Joined: 16 Jun 2010
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Seriously, this whole thing can be over by the summertime if people would just follow the social distancing rules. It's just a few weeks of your life. Then everything can return to normal. But they're too impatient and they keep breaking the rules.
The rules in the UK were so mixed up. First it was "we're not doing anything to create here immunity. Go out."
"Ok, maybe don't go out to pubs and restaurants, but parks are ok."
"Keep 2 meters away from each other."
"That's not we said, you were meant to stay at home all along! You should have been mind readers."
But we must not let someone intent on military or police rule run this thing.
We are a democracy. We must not veer away from democratic ideals. We must keep church and state separate. We must keep civilian and military rule separate the vast majority of the time.
You would not want to live under a military dictatorship—trust me!
The police don’t have the numbers to enforce the lockdowns.
Italy isn’t a military dictatorship.
Doing martial law doesn’t mean some military general is going throw trump in Congress out
Military dictatorship is a government run by a general.
When this is done Italy and Spain will withdraw their troops, China is withdrawing theirs. So will the USA. The military asked to help in New York? Is New York a military dictatorship now? No. The military being asked to enforce the lockdown isn’t a military dictatorship. It’s the military helping out in time of need, exactly what martial law was written for.
If this continues we might see rioting in street and increased home invasions. People aren’t taking this seriously
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die
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But we must not let someone intent on military or police rule run this thing.
We are a democracy. We must not veer away from democratic ideals. We must keep church and state separate. We must keep civilian and military rule separate the vast majority of the time.
You would not want to live under a military dictatorship—trust me!
I admire your rational attitude. Many people probably find themselves unable to think clearly at this time - and that is as much a danger as the virus itself. We need to stand together and hopefully learn something from all this havoc.
Why is a trailer behind a car but ahead of a movie?
my blog:
Seriously, this whole thing can be over by the summertime if people would just follow the social distancing rules. It's just a few weeks of your life. Then everything can return to normal. But they're too impatient and they keep breaking the rules.
The rules in the UK were so mixed up. First it was "we're not doing anything to create here immunity. Go out."
"Ok, maybe don't go out to pubs and restaurants, but parks are ok."
"Keep 2 meters away from each other."
"That's not we said, you were meant to stay at home all along! You should have been mind readers."
Yes, that sums it up.
I haven't seen the newer version of Yes Minister. But I did watch the old 70s version. Always had some very on-the-nose comments to make about politics.
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But we must not let someone intent on military or police rule run this thing.
We are a democracy. We must not veer away from democratic ideals. We must keep church and state separate. We must keep civilian and military rule separate the vast majority of the time.
You would not want to live under a military dictatorship—trust me!
The police don’t have the numbers to enforce the lockdowns.
Italy isn’t a military dictatorship.
Doing martial law doesn’t mean some military general is going throw trump in Congress out
Military dictatorship is a government run by a general.
When this is done Italy and Spain will withdraw their troops, China is withdrawing theirs. So will the USA. The military asked to help in New York? Is New York a military dictatorship now? No. The military being asked to enforce the lockdown isn’t a military dictatorship. It’s the military helping out in time of need, exactly what martial law was written for.
If this continues we might see rioting in street and increased home invasions. People aren’t taking this seriously
Hollywood is partly to blame here. The way they showed the military behaving when there was a lockdown in a small town in the movie Outbreak. They used lethal force against some civilians who panicked.
Why is a trailer behind a car but ahead of a movie?
my blog:
Mine doesn't. "The war" is still WWII here, great evil never to repeat. Current situation is called "the pandemics".
And I hope it will remain a pandemics only, not what you say.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>
Mine doesn't. "The war" is still WWII here, great evil never to repeat. The current situation is called "the pandemics".
I think the reason for the war reference is that in the United States, the president is using war time laws to resolve the matter.
Mine doesn't. "The war" is still WWII here, great evil never to repeat. The current situation is called "the pandemics".
I think the reason for the war reference is that in the United States, the president is using war time laws to resolve the matter.
Lol, you self-centered US people, "every nation"

It is a pandemics. It is not a war and I sincerely wish there will be no war about it at all!
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>

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Trump says he's activated National Guard in New York, California and Washington state
He added that those three states have either been approved or will soon be approved for major disaster declarations to allow the federal government to more seamlessly provide supplies.
Trump said there are large quantities of masks, respirators, gowns, face shields and other items currently en route to those three states, due to arrive within days. He added that he has ordered the government to set up large federal medical stations in each of the states.
Of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Trump said "the relationship has really been amazing," adding that he believes the federal government should serve as "sort of a backup for the states."
"The ones that don't do as well need more help," he said, adding, "They are hit very hard."
He also pledged that victory over the novel coronavirus will happen "much sooner" than first expected.
States like New York and California have already activated their state's National Guard
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