Misslizard wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Don't worry about where the money for that two trillion dollar stimulus is coming from. They will just eliminate social security to make up for it. Presto problem solved. Oh and expect your taxes to go though the roof.
I suppose they think that lots of the social security beneficiaries are going to die from this and they won’t have to pay them years of benefits.Frees up lots of government money.Grim but true.
If I get it and die they save $783 a month.
Some people think that pensioners and disability recipients are a burden.
There are psychopaths in a position of power in all areas, including politics.
But I don't think factoring in this financial consideration, in how to claw money back, is the driving force, imo.
Most governments just have to do what the people expect of them, in this crisis.
Here in Australia, before the bushfires, and now this pandemic, too much emphasis was placed on getting into the financial black again.
Farmers, suffering from drought, should have had more assistance more quickly, for example.
But "the gloves are off", here in Australia, when fighting this pandemic.
The entire focus is getting us through this crisis, and bugger any financial surplus.
And this is how it should be.
For us, here in Oz, $189 Billion is a lot.
But it has to be spent.
We will simply have to endure the consequences later, the best we can.
<the sound of the Australian anthem can be heard softly in the background>
We shall continue the fight!
We shall never surrender!
I thank you.