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22 Mar 2020, 7:33 pm

EzraS wrote:
Don't worry about where the money for that two trillion dollar stimulus is coming from. They will just eliminate social security to make up for it. Presto problem solved. Oh and expect your taxes to go though the roof.

I suppose they think that lots of the social security beneficiaries are going to die from this and they won’t have to pay them years of benefits.Frees up lots of government money.Grim but true.
If I get it and die they save $783 a month.

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22 Mar 2020, 7:36 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
The Brits were stoics during WW II—trust me.

I trust you, mate.
You are one of the most trustworthy people I know.
Not that I know many. :mrgreen:

jimmy m

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22 Mar 2020, 7:46 pm

One of the things I saw on television tonight had to do with a shortage of face mask and N95 masks in hospitals. Doctors were placing them in a paper bags with their names written on it so they could reuse it the next day. This bothered me. On one hand I feel mask can be reused but on the other hand that carries a risk of spreading any contamination picked up on the surface of the mask. It is a good way to infect doctors and nurses. It really should be sterilized using UV-C radiation before it is reused. It would be simple to build a UV sterilization box to kill any viruses on the surface of these mask. I don't understand why this should not be a best practices approach.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


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22 Mar 2020, 7:51 pm

Those saying there is hysteria over the virus are being called "coronavirus deniers" and "hoaxers".


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22 Mar 2020, 7:54 pm

There are people who are dying before their time because of this novel virus.


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22 Mar 2020, 7:55 pm

Misslizard wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Don't worry about where the money for that two trillion dollar stimulus is coming from. They will just eliminate social security to make up for it. Presto problem solved. Oh and expect your taxes to go though the roof.

I suppose they think that lots of the social security beneficiaries are going to die from this and they won’t have to pay them years of benefits.Frees up lots of government money.Grim but true.
If I get it and die they save $783 a month.

Some people think that pensioners and disability recipients are a burden.
There are psychopaths in a position of power in all areas, including politics.
But I don't think factoring in this financial consideration, in how to claw money back, is the driving force, imo.
Most governments just have to do what the people expect of them, in this crisis.

Here in Australia, before the bushfires, and now this pandemic, too much emphasis was placed on getting into the financial black again.
Farmers, suffering from drought, should have had more assistance more quickly, for example.

But "the gloves are off", here in Australia, when fighting this pandemic.
The entire focus is getting us through this crisis, and bugger any financial surplus.
And this is how it should be.

For us, here in Oz, $189 Billion is a lot.
But it has to be spent.
We will simply have to endure the consequences later, the best we can.

<the sound of the Australian anthem can be heard softly in the background>

We shall continue the fight!
We shall never surrender!

I thank you. :wink:


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22 Mar 2020, 8:01 pm

EzraS wrote:
Those saying there is hysteria over the virus are being called "coronavirus deniers" and "hoaxers".

What else is new?
There are those who are predominantly driven by their emotions.
Sound familiar? :mrgreen:
Let's just hope our respective governments are in the hands of intelligent, rational people.

My position is: Less hysteria, more rational action. :wink:


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22 Mar 2020, 8:05 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
There are people who are dying before their time because of this novel virus.

Ten times more people die before their time because of the flu and a multitude of other things society hardly bats an eye at.


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22 Mar 2020, 8:12 pm

Magna wrote:
We're doing our part to help others by staying home as long as possible. I think it's irresponsible right now to do otherwise.

Tell it to the kids on Bondi beach, here in Australia.
You could see the contained fury/exasperation, in the PM's eyes, as a result of the selfish, unthinking, recalcitrance.

That man must be under so much pressure.
I am glad he is capable and relatively young.


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22 Mar 2020, 8:15 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
There are people who are dying before their time because of this novel virus.

Hi, mate,
I may have missed it.
Do you have the garden variety flu?


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22 Mar 2020, 8:17 pm

I’ll put it another way: there are people dying from COVID-19 who probably wouldn’t have died from regular flu.

I just might have the “garden variety” flu.

New York City has about 4.5 times the amount of cases that the whole of Washington State has.

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22 Mar 2020, 8:24 pm

I use to get sick every year with the flu. Over a three month period of time it would work its way into my lungs. I would develop bronchitis. I would cough at night and see stars with my eyes closed. So I would play around with different types of approaches and then slowly recover. The only problem was by the next flu season I would forget what I did and have to figure it out all over again. Well anyways for the past ten years, I don't get the influenza. There are probably several elements responsible. One of the tools I use is essential oils. A few years ago my wife said "You should try essential oils." Well I never go into things half way. I put all my energy into this project. It was almost like becoming a mad scientist. I would mix up different formulas and then test them out. Some worked and some didn't. One of my best formulas I named SUPERMAN. It used over 21 essential oils in this blend. My grandkids were always getting sick, so I made this formula for them and it really worked. So I thought maybe I might list a few of the other blends on the market that are formulated for fighting the influenza.

According to the Essential Oils pocket reference by Life Science Publishing these are:

ImmuPower (Ingredients: Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Ravintsara, Frankincense, Oregano, Clove, Cumin and Idaho Tansy)

DiGize (Ingredients: Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Anise, Patchouli and Lemongrass)

Exodus II (Ingredients: Olive Oil, Myrrh, Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Calamus, Hyssop, Galbanum, Spikenard and Frankincense)

Thieves (Ingredients: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary)

Raven (Ingredients: Ravintsara, Lemon, Wintergreen, Eucalyptus Radiata and Peppermint)

R. C. (Ingredients: Myrtle, Eucalyptus Globulus, Marjoram, Pine, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Lavender, Cypress, Eucalyptus Radiata, Spruce and Peppermint)

Generally I only use essential oil as topical oils. I take a dab of oil and place it on one wrist and rub my wrist together.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


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22 Mar 2020, 8:41 pm

Bravo5150 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Los my job or lose my mom?
Work called they reduced hours but want me to come work, course they might just fire me any day even if I do go work, so I could catch it and be fired anyways.
Mean the people shopping most don’t think it’s real so they come in sick. Same for employees.
If I go and wear gloves the others will make fun of me and call me a p****.

Work is out of hand Sanitizers, almost out of gloves, low on cleaning supplies.

Why do you keep talking about the problem with a lack of supplies at work without making any mention on an attempt to try and fix the issues with alternative sources of supplies?

Are you saying I should try to buy supplies for my work?

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22 Mar 2020, 8:44 pm

magz wrote:
sly279 wrote:
This is a war. Every nation is calling it a war.

Mine doesn't. "The war" is still WWII here, great evil never to repeat. Current situation is called "the pandemics".
And I hope it will remain a pandemics only, not what you say.

I said a war, not the war. Korea was a war, Vietnam. If Poland has another war it’ll be a war.

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22 Mar 2020, 8:46 pm

Bravo5150 wrote:
magz wrote:
sly279 wrote:
This is a war. Every nation is calling it a war.

Mine doesn't. "The war" is still WWII here, great evil never to repeat. The current situation is called "the pandemics".

I think the reason for the war reference is that in the United States, the president is using war time laws to resolve the matter.

Uk, Canada, Italy, Russia, China,i believe have called it a war we will win.
The enemy is the virus.
I’ve seen serval nations leaders refer to it as a war.

Just like war on drugs, war on poverty etc

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22 Mar 2020, 9:13 pm

Magna wrote:
We're doing our part to help others by staying home as long as possible. I think it's irresponsible right now to do otherwise.

As one of those who is on the high risk end, I feel like it is my job to keep myself locked down and isolated.

If I don't go anywhere for the most part and wear a heavy duty mask the brief times I do, then others should not have to worry about giving it to me.

I appreciate everyone's concern for my wellbeing. But it is okay for you to go about business as usual as far as I am concerned.

Last edited by EzraS on 22 Mar 2020, 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.