Kyle Rittenhouse trial
Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 34,940
Location: Somewhere in Colorado
My mother wouldn't even let me have toy guns as a kid, it didn't work out how she thought it would.
Thanks for my laugh of the day.
Oh, my, I learned raising two kids that they are who they are. I enjoy pretending I was able to help them form certain admirable traits but I think it’s more that parents can mess up kids than that parents can do all that much shaping them in good ways.
I reluctantly let my kids play with toy guns. But if they pointed and pretended to shot at real people, they went to play jail.
One day when my daughter was stressed I actually found myself telling her to take her nerf gun into the hallway for target practice. I thought the focused activity would clam her down. It did.
Yeah, but you wouldn't have encouraged her to take a real gun to a different state and play at 'heavily armed medic' to defend a business that the owners did not even ask to have defended. I don't think.
We won't go back.
My mother wouldn't even let me have toy guns as a kid, it didn't work out how she thought it would.
Thanks for my laugh of the day.
Oh, my, I learned raising two kids that they are who they are. I enjoy pretending I was able to help them form certain admirable traits but I think it’s more that parents can mess up kids than that parents can do all that much shaping them in good ways.
I reluctantly let my kids play with toy guns. But if they pointed and pretended to shot at real people, they went to play jail.
One day when my daughter was stressed I actually found myself telling her to take her nerf gun into the hallway for target practice. I thought the focused activity would clam her down. It did.
Yeah, but you wouldn't have encouraged her to take a real gun to a different state and play at 'heavily armed medic' to defend a business that the owners did not even ask to have defended. I don't think.
No, I would not have. I’ve said several times that I found the fact his parent(s) “allowed” him to go (I can’t actually remember at this moment if they even knew) to be highly irresponsible. The teen was in over his head and should never have been there.
Minimum age requirements may be imperfect cut offs but they still exist for good reasons.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
I went off topic because the image of Dox’s mom failing to stall his love of guns by not letting him play with toy guns left me reflecting on parenthood as a general concept, unrelated to the trial.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
My mother wouldn't even let me have toy guns as a kid, it didn't work out how she thought it would.
Thanks for my laugh of the day.
Oh, my, I learned raising two kids that they are who they are. I enjoy pretending I was able to help them form certain admirable traits but I think it’s more that parents can mess up kids than that parents can do all that much shaping them in good ways.
I reluctantly let my kids play with toy guns. But if they pointed and pretended to shot at real people, they went to play jail.
One day when my daughter was stressed I actually found myself telling her to take her nerf gun into the hallway for target practice. I thought the focused activity would clam her down. It did.
Yeah, but you wouldn't have encouraged her to take a real gun to a different state and play at 'heavily armed medic' to defend a business that the owners did not even ask to have defended. I don't think.
Who "took a real gun to a different state and play[ed] at 'heavily armed medic' to defend a business that the owners did not even ask to have defended."?
This 'Kyle Rittenhouse Trial' is More Than Just
A Trial About A Little Boy Who Found A Big Gun
And Wanted to Prove He Is A Man With Meaning
And Purpose in Life With A Social Role That Counts;
Indeed, It is About The Rest of
A Nation too; And Increasingly
Globe, With Little
Boys Who
Have Never
Been Transformed into
Men By Some Commonly Shared
Initiation Rite of Life That Doesn't Include
Actually Killing Folks And Potentially Spending
Years in Jail; And True, When An Entire Country is a Reflection
Of this Human Imbalance; Yes, An Entire Country Will Agree to
Go to War And Kill Over 100,000 Innocent BROWN Folks in an Entirely
Different Country Searching For Weapons of Mass Destruction that
Do Not Exist, Where
A Group of Folks
From Another Country
Killed 3,000 Plus of Our
Folks Ramming OUR Planes
Into OUR Twin Towers/Pentagon Motivating
The Same Kind of Misplaced "Patriotism"
That Inspired That Young Man to Take His
Big Man AR15 Gun And Go Risk His Life to Save
Someone Else's Property;
Just Because He Watched
it On the News, Just Because
He Watched it on the News, Yes,
No Different Really than 'That Pizza Parlor
Conspiracy', Where Another Older Dude
Followed The Same Kind of Idiotic You
Tube News to Take His Big Man Gun And Resolve
A MaNuFacTuReD Problem to Make Money Through
The Same Kind of Conspiracy Theories That A Country
Totally Unrelated to the One That Struck At Us, Had Weapons
Of Mass
That Were NOT Any
Real Danger to Our Country then...
It Had Bull CR8P Written All over it Same
As Conspiracy theories Supported By Churches
Where i Live About Vaccines, Where Middle Age
Men are Willing to Give Away 20-Year Jobs With
Retirement Benefits Just to PROVE THEY ARE A MAN OF
FROM Birth
Where By 'THE Way'
They Believe that the
(Biggest Lie Ever Told in Human
History And Even Catholic Priests/
Monks Like Richard Rohr Agree)
With a Carrot of Heaven and Stick
of Hell Dangled With A Fishing Rod
Before Their Face Chasing it Their Whole
Life and Never
Really Going
At All
In Heaven
On Earth Now
As True It Was ALL A MEtaphor
in the First Place, Tainted By those
Who wanted to Keep THeir Jobs By
MaNiPuLaTiNG The Group Think No Different Really
Than the War in Iraq, And This Little Boy Suffocating
To Be
A Man
He Will
Never Be
Until He Does
What His Ancestors
Did; And Does it Without
Any Clothes, Without Any Tools
At All; Yes Naked Whole Complete Enough;
i Went
Back to
The Rivers
of Naked Belief;
Yes, Yes, My Father
Was in Law Enforcement;
He Got His Initiation in Part
Through Farm Life, Through
Playing On A High School FootBall
Team, Through Boot Camp In the Army,
Through 46 Years Of Law Enforcement
As My Mother Only Wanted to Raise Children
In a Garden Of Love And He Wanted to Be Rich
With A Wife that Would Work for the Same Goal
As Approved By Capitalistic CuLTuRE;
So he Left at my Age of
3 Before i could Speak
At 4, And Basically
Left me With
my Mother
To Raise
As A Domesticated
Lap Cat So That is What
i Became, Until i Found my
Way Naked Whole Complete
Enough to Grow Teeth and
Claws Along with
The Lap
of me...
It Wouldn't Be too Hard
to Imagine me as A Cop...
That's What i Get Mistaken
For the Most in 'Real Life'; Even
When i Dance With Colorful Shirts
As Free As A Bird on a Wing in a Store;
Folks tell me i Realize You are Undercover
Security, Yet We Have A Problem Over in Aisle 6;
Just like
The Conspiracy
Theories at the
Metro Dance Hall
As They Couldn't Understand
Why a Grown ASS Man Would Be
Dancing With Young Folks For No Reason
at All Solo As i Did
So they Assumed
i Was An Undercover
Narcotics Officer, Haha
or Even FBI; The Conspiracy
Theories Are Still Amusing to me...
Truth is i'm Practically An 'Invisible Man'...
A Mystery
to Them;
Yet Fully
Understood by
me; Don't Be Mastered
By the Tools; Master them
Naked, Whole, Complete, Enough
Like the Google Card Catalog Search
Engine for my Life; Uploading Close to
200,000 Photos All Together And 9.8 MiLLioN
Words All Associated in 98 Months; All i Had to
Do is Search
"Aghogday Toy Gun"
In Key Words to Pull Up
Precisely the Illustrative
Tool i Wanted to Use to Make this Point...
Humans are Basically the Same Evolved
Animal We Were Tens of Thousands of Years
Ago; All That is Generally Separating Us From
The Nightmares or Dreams Put into Fruition
in Years Before
Anyway, Unless Law and Order Doesn't
Provide A Steep Enough Penalty For this
Infraction of Civil Society Or Riots That Destroy
Folk's Property Where Aimless Young Men And Or Women
Take Advantage Of That Circumstance to Find Some Shallow
Meaning and Purpose
In Life And Even
A Social
As Brief
As A Looter
Destroying Private
Property to get Back at 'The Man'...
We Eventually Will Fall as a Society
And DevolVE iNto A Place WHere Life
Really Isn't Worth Living; And Folks
Will Drag Their Ass ALong as
The Will to
Is Usually
the Greatest
Will of All; Yet It's
True, Through Cultural
Rules We Have the Ability
to Make Life More Heaven Than
Hell, If We Master The Tools and Do Not
Become Mastered
By What
We Use
to Survive and Thrive...
And Sure, if i wasn't always
The Victor in Every Battle
And Small Skirmish Fought
in Life,
i Might
See the
Need to
Own an
too; So Far No...
Don't Need Any Artificial 'Arms'...
And Nope, Not Even Any Artificial Hips, Knees, or
Ankles After Public Dancing for 15,700 Miles Now in 98 Months;
Yet of Course, i Use the Tool of a Leg Pressing Machine
Up to 1520 Pounds to Avoid That And Easily Curl Over
200 Pounds on Other Machines to Keep My Arms Solid
Enough for the Dance of Life to
continue on...
Like i Said,
Master the Tools...
And Do Not Become a Fool With A Tool...
Not Any Different Really Than 'Steve Bannon'; Yes,
If This Boy/Man Goes Totally Unaccountable For His 'Dirty Deeds';
Nope, It's Not A Favorable Sign For The Continuance of This Country...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Based on Friday's discussion between the judge, prosecutors and defence lawyers, there is a chance that the 6th count may be dismissed prior to jury deliberation.
This charge was related to:
As the judge noted, the "rubric" (or title) is not part of the statute. What is applicable is what is written inside the statute, not what it is named. In this case, the statute consists of 3 sections.
The first section contains the relevent definitions for terms used in the statute:
The second section lists the components, of which (at least) one entry must be met in terms of a finding of guilt:
948.60(2)(a)(a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
948.60(2)(b) (b) Except as provided in par. (c), any person who intentionally sells, loans or gives a dangerous weapon to a person under 18 years of age is guilty of a Class I felony.
948.60(2)(c) (c) Whoever violates par. (b) is guilty of a Class H felony if the person under 18 years of age under par. (b) discharges the firearm and the discharge causes death to himself, herself or another.
948.60(2)(d) (d) A person under 17 years of age who has violated this subsection is subject to the provisions of ch. 938 unless jurisdiction is waived under s. 938.18 or the person is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of criminal jurisdiction under s. 938.183.
The third section contains a list of exclusions, of which any one being met would eliminate the possibility of a finding of guilt:
948.60(3)(a)(a) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used in target practice under the supervision of an adult or in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult. This section does not apply to an adult who transfers a dangerous weapon to a person under 18 years of age for use only in target practice under the adult's supervision or in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the adult's supervision.
948.60(3)(b) (b) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who is a member of the armed forces or national guard and who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon in the line of duty. This section does not apply to an adult who is a member of the armed forces or national guard and who transfers a dangerous weapon to a person under 18 years of age in the line of duty.
948.60(3)(c) (c) This section applies only to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the person is in violation of s. 941.28 or is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593. This section applies only to an adult who transfers a firearm to a person under 18 years of age if the person under 18 years of age is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593 or to an adult who is in violation of s. 941.28.
The judge's stance appeared to be that the prosecution has not presented any evidence to contest the exclusions in the third section, whereas the defence had done so (age was not contested, and they had testimony from one of the witnesses regarding the barrel length, meeting the requirements for 948.60(3)(c) (c) - the hunting exclusions being listed as an alternative (or) would not need to be addressed if the first component (barrel length) is met). this means there are no "questions of facts" over which the jury would need to consider, and it becomes a "question of law" over which a judge must decide (see for a simple explanation). There is a possibility that the prosecution had entered evidence, or provided testimony which would bring these factors into question (or that they can show the defence's question (and answer provided) do not fully satisfy the requirements), which the judge had asked them to supply details of, so it is not certain whether this will go to the jury (If it does, this exclusion will be included in jury instructions for determining a verdict).
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
The prosecutor said if the defense wants to argue that Rittenhouse was using his rifle for hunting, then Rittenhouse should admit he was hunting people.
Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.
Be the hero of your life.
Oh man, check out this relic of the 70s, you can really see the effect that Hollywood had on lawmakers in that list of "dangerous weapons" that they called out by name, you know full well that there never were a wave of crimes committed with nunchucks, shurikens, manrikigusari, etc, but that some local congressman saw a Bruce Lee movies and decided he needed to push a law to ban these things. You see it too with switchblade bans, fixed blade knives are faster and more dangerous, but don't face the regulation because they weren't featured prominently in a bunch of 1950s movies about young punks causing trouble. Goes to show why people like me fight so hard against even stupid laws, they're incredibly hard to get off the books once they're enacted.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
It's worth considering the role of parents from an investigative perspective (I am sure Huber and Rosenbaum's parents would be asking the same question) but Dox's mother/father and Kyle's mother/father are different people and Kyle obviously has filled his absent parenting with people who love guns and this has been normalised by his mother who probably never had the time (give she was working shift) to convince him it was a bad idea.
I'm also suggesting that Kyle's parents may have had nothing to do with his love of guns, it's all speculation, and given judge Schroeder is not permitting any extenuating circumstances to be entrained in explaining Kyle's intentions the point is moot.
The prosecutor said if the defense wants to argue that Rittenhouse was using his rifle for hunting, then Rittenhouse should admit he was hunting people.
Your are describing the pre-trial discussion (before all witness\evidences have been presented to the jury), not the discussion on Friday which I was describing (that was outlining the evidenss produced and describing how the prosecution had not contested anything the defence had produced related to the charge, nor presented other evidence related to the hunting provision).
As was noted on Friday, he was under 18 (acknowledged\not contested) and carrying a rifle\shotgun (acknowledged\not contested), so the question was related to evidence regarding whether any of the exclusions applied, which in this case required either:
If you are going to discuss the trial, please try to watch\pay attention to what is happening in it and refer to the current status, rather than relying on prior (outdated\superceeded) news.
I am describing the future of the prosecutor's closing arguments, if the jury has to decide the hunting argument.
Prosecutor to jury: "What was he hunting?"
Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.
Be the hero of your life.
I am describing the future of the prosecutor's closing arguments, if the jury has to decide the hunting argument.
Prosecutor to jury: "What was he hunting?"
Unless they had already produced evidence relating to hunting\hunting licences during the trial, they are not permitted to do that - closing arguments can only refer to evidence\testimony produced during the trial... And neither party made reference to hunting.
This 'Kyle Rittenhouse Trial' is More Than Just
A Trial About A Little Boy Who Found A Big Gun
And Wanted to Prove He Is A Man With Meaning
And Purpose in Life With A Social Role That Counts;
Indeed, It is About The Rest of
A Nation too; And Increasingly
Globe, With Little
Boys Who
Have Never
Been Transformed into
Men By Some Commonly Shared
Initiation Rite of Life That Doesn't Include
Actually Killing Folks And Potentially Spending
Years in Jail; And True, When An Entire Country is a Reflection
Of this Human Imbalance; Yes, An Entire Country Will Agree to
Go to War And Kill Over 100,000 Innocent BROWN Folks in an Entirely
Different Country Searching For Weapons of Mass Destruction that
Do Not Exist, Where
A Group of Folks
From Another Country
Killed 3,000 Plus of Our
Folks Ramming OUR Planes
Into OUR Twin Towers/Pentagon Motivating
The Same Kind of Misplaced "Patriotism"
That Inspired That Young Man to Take His
Big Man AR15 Gun And Go Risk His Life to Save
Someone Else's Property;
Just Because He Watched
it On the News, Just Because
He Watched it on the News, Yes,
No Different Really than 'That Pizza Parlor
Conspiracy', Where Another Older Dude
Followed The Same Kind of Idiotic You
Tube News to Take His Big Man Gun And Resolve
A MaNuFacTuReD Problem to Make Money Through
The Same Kind of Conspiracy Theories That A Country
Totally Unrelated to the One That Struck At Us, Had Weapons
Of Mass
That Were NOT Any
Real Danger to Our Country then...
It Had Bull CR8P Written All over it Same
As Conspiracy theories Supported By Churches
Where i Live About Vaccines, Where Middle Age
Men are Willing to Give Away 20-Year Jobs With
Retirement Benefits Just to PROVE THEY ARE A MAN OF
FROM Birth
Where By 'THE Way'
They Believe that the
(Biggest Lie Ever Told in Human
History And Even Catholic Priests/
Monks Like Richard Rohr Agree)
With a Carrot of Heaven and Stick
of Hell Dangled With A Fishing Rod
Before Their Face Chasing it Their Whole
Life and Never
Really Going
At All
In Heaven
On Earth Now
As True It Was ALL A MEtaphor
in the First Place, Tainted By those
Who wanted to Keep THeir Jobs By
MaNiPuLaTiNG The Group Think No Different Really
Than the War in Iraq, And This Little Boy Suffocating
To Be
A Man
He Will
Never Be
Until He Does
What His Ancestors
Did; And Does it Without
Any Clothes, Without Any Tools
At All; Yes Naked Whole Complete Enough;
i Went
Back to
The Rivers
of Naked Belief;
Yes, Yes, My Father
Was in Law Enforcement;
He Got His Initiation in Part
Through Farm Life, Through
Playing On A High School FootBall
Team, Through Boot Camp In the Army,
Through 46 Years Of Law Enforcement
As My Mother Only Wanted to Raise Children
In a Garden Of Love And He Wanted to Be Rich
With A Wife that Would Work for the Same Goal
As Approved By Capitalistic CuLTuRE;
So he Left at my Age of
3 Before i could Speak
At 4, And Basically
Left me With
my Mother
To Raise
As A Domesticated
Lap Cat So That is What
i Became, Until i Found my
Way Naked Whole Complete
Enough to Grow Teeth and
Claws Along with
The Lap
of me...
It Wouldn't Be too Hard
to Imagine me as A Cop...
That's What i Get Mistaken
For the Most in 'Real Life'; Even
When i Dance With Colorful Shirts
As Free As A Bird on a Wing in a Store;
Folks tell me i Realize You are Undercover
Security, Yet We Have A Problem Over in Aisle 6;
Just like
The Conspiracy
Theories at the
Metro Dance Hall
As They Couldn't Understand
Why a Grown ASS Man Would Be
Dancing With Young Folks For No Reason
at All Solo As i Did
So they Assumed
i Was An Undercover
Narcotics Officer, Haha
or Even FBI; The Conspiracy
Theories Are Still Amusing to me...
Truth is i'm Practically An 'Invisible Man'...
A Mystery
to Them;
Yet Fully
Understood by
me; Don't Be Mastered
By the Tools; Master them
Naked, Whole, Complete, Enough
Like the Google Card Catalog Search
Engine for my Life; Uploading Close to
200,000 Photos All Together And 9.8 MiLLioN
Words All Associated in 98 Months; All i Had to
Do is Search
"Aghogday Toy Gun"
In Key Words to Pull Up
Precisely the Illustrative
Tool i Wanted to Use to Make this Point...
Humans are Basically the Same Evolved
Animal We Were Tens of Thousands of Years
Ago; All That is Generally Separating Us From
The Nightmares or Dreams Put into Fruition
in Years Before
Anyway, Unless Law and Order Doesn't
Provide A Steep Enough Penalty For this
Infraction of Civil Society Or Riots That Destroy
Folk's Property Where Aimless Young Men And Or Women
Take Advantage Of That Circumstance to Find Some Shallow
Meaning and Purpose
In Life And Even
A Social
As Brief
As A Looter
Destroying Private
Property to get Back at 'The Man'...
We Eventually Will Fall as a Society
And DevolVE iNto A Place WHere Life
Really Isn't Worth Living; And Folks
Will Drag Their Ass ALong as
The Will to
Is Usually
the Greatest
Will of All; Yet It's
True, Through Cultural
Rules We Have the Ability
to Make Life More Heaven Than
Hell, If We Master The Tools and Do Not
Become Mastered
By What
We Use
to Survive and Thrive...
And Sure, if i wasn't always
The Victor in Every Battle
And Small Skirmish Fought
in Life,
i Might
See the
Need to
Own an
too; So Far No...
Don't Need Any Artificial 'Arms'...
And Nope, Not Even Any Artificial Hips, Knees, or
Ankles After Public Dancing for 15,700 Miles Now in 98 Months;
Yet of Course, i Use the Tool of a Leg Pressing Machine
Up to 1520 Pounds to Avoid That And Easily Curl Over
200 Pounds on Other Machines to Keep My Arms Solid
Enough for the Dance of Life to
continue on...
Like i Said,
Master the Tools...
And Do Not Become a Fool With A Tool...
Not Any Different Really Than 'Steve Bannon'; Yes,
If This Boy/Man Goes Totally Unaccountable For His 'Dirty Deeds';
Nope, It's Not A Favorable Sign For The Continuance of This Country...
That is either a little gun...
Or a big man...
The thing I don't understand is why has the media painted Rittenhouse as such a big name in killings that happened in the riots. Lots of these riots were going on after George Floyd, and a lot of people were killed in the riots by other people. So why is Rittenhouse the big star of it all, or what makes him so special compared to others who killed others in the riots? Why is he public enemy number one, compared to all these other killers out there?
Who are these other killers you are referring to? do you mean cops? right wing militia?
Well there is this source that talks about additional killings done by other people: ... rest-acled