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24 Jul 2022, 5:23 am

^it seems both of you are vibing in some
sort of fantasy echo chamber instead of just watching the hearings and learning what everyone else has learned about trump and his loyalists crimes.

Why are you both so afraid of watching the hearings & learning about what trump and co did? :?

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.

Matrix Glitch

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24 Jul 2022, 5:35 am

goldfish21 wrote:
^it seems both of you are vibing in some
sort of fantasy echo chamber instead of just watching the hearings and learning what everyone else has learned about trump and his loyalists crimes.

Why are you both so afraid of watching the hearings & learning about what trump and co did? :?

You've asked that same question several times now, even though it's already been answered. I have watched recaps, which is how I know they're getting nowhere as usual. And I really couldn't care less what happens to an ex-president. Especially when I know nothing is going to happen. The only thing I'm "afraid" of is being bored to death.


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24 Jul 2022, 5:55 am

Matrix Glitch wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
^it seems both of you are vibing in some
sort of fantasy echo chamber instead of just watching the hearings and learning what everyone else has learned about trump and his loyalists crimes.

Why are you both so afraid of watching the hearings & learning about what trump and co did? :?

You've asked that same question several times now, even though it's already been answered. I have watched recaps, which is how I know they're getting nowhere as usual. And I really couldn't care less what happens to an ex-president. Especially when I know nothing is going to happen. The only thing I'm "afraid" of is being bored to death.

Where are you watching recaps that say they're getting nowhere? :? fox news? :lol:

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24 Jul 2022, 6:01 am

The whole thing is looking more and more like a feelgood handjob put on for the left to make them think something is being done. It's a TV series like any other.
Maybe get a hobby or something.

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Matrix Glitch

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24 Jul 2022, 7:42 am

goldfish21 wrote:
Matrix Glitch wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
^it seems both of you are vibing in some
sort of fantasy echo chamber instead of just watching the hearings and learning what everyone else has learned about trump and his loyalists crimes.

Why are you both so afraid of watching the hearings & learning about what trump and co did? :?

You've asked that same question several times now, even though it's already been answered. I have watched recaps, which is how I know they're getting nowhere as usual. And I really couldn't care less what happens to an ex-president. Especially when I know nothing is going to happen. The only thing I'm "afraid" of is being bored to death.

Where are you watching recaps that say they're getting nowhere? :? fox news? :lol:

I've mostly watched Colbert's recaps, because I know I'll at least get some entertainment value out of those. You're young enough to waste hours watching full length nothing. When you get to be my age, you'll put a higher value on time.

I'll sum up all future episodes for you:


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24 Jul 2022, 10:47 am

At its final hearing of the summer, the committee continued to establish the ex-President’s personal culpability in a number of events related to January 6th. The bigger issue may be how to hold him accountable.

The committee itself cannot file criminal charges, though it can refer its findings to the Department of Justice. It’s not news to the D.O.J., of course, that laws were broken. More than eight hundred and fifty people have been charged so far. In late June, the department issued subpoenas in connection with an investigation of the Trump team’s “fake electors” scheme. (A related criminal investigation is under way in Georgia.) And yet there is some discontent among Democrats at the pace of the D.O.J.’s work; Representative Adam Schiff, a committee member, recently depicted the department as being woefully behind. That view is not quite fair. Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters that “no person is above the law in this country,” a remark he repeated when asked if it applied to a former President. The real source of anxiety may be not Garland’s tactics but Trump’s. He is not done with the last election and is expected to declare his candidacy in the next one soon; polls indicate that, if the Republican primaries were held now, he would win the nomination.

A criminal conviction in itself, though, would not block Trump from returning to the White House. There are good reasons that this is so: one can only imagine the mischief local prosecutors would get up to otherwise. In 1920, Eugene V. Debs, a Socialist, ran for President from a prison cell in Atlanta, after being convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917, for speaking against military recruitment efforts. He got nearly a million votes.

Some Democrats and legal scholars have seized on Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment as a possible route to disqualifying Trump from taking office again. This provision, originally aimed at keeping Confederates who had been public officials before the Civil War from holding certain offices after it, refers rather broadly to engaging in “insurrection or rebellion.” The problems with applying it now are manifold. There are disputes about whether the Presidency counts as one of the offices in question; whether an 1872 amnesty law negates the clause; and how it all might be executed and adjudicated. (Trump’s acquittal in his second impeachment trial, when he was charged with incitement of insurrection, might also be a factor.) The modern limits of the clause have been only partly tested, in lower courts, in suits brought by advocacy groups against Republican candidates who played some role in the events of January 6th. It is hard to imagine that the current Supreme Court would disqualify Trump from running.

What’s more, the only non-Civil War use of Section 3 was entirely disreputable. In 1919, the House of Representatives refused to seat Victor Berger, a Wisconsin Socialist, who, like Debs, had been convicted under the Espionage Act—in Berger’s case, for publishing editorials saying that the First World War benefitted “our plutocracy.” There was a special election to fill the vacant seat—he won again, and the House rejected him again. He finally took his seat after winning yet another election, in 1922, by which point the war fever had cooled and the Supreme Court had overturned his conviction. “From time immemorial, the Bird of Liberty was a jailbird,” Berger told the congressmen considering his case.

Trump, God knows, is no Berger or Debs. A reading of Section 3 capacious enough to disqualify him would nonetheless be highly destructive; it would turn the clause into an anti-democratic instrument that would inevitably be deployed against a broad range of candidates. There are simply no shortcuts here. That reality doesn’t mean that Garland should hesitate to put Trump on trial. Indeed, if Trump is as able as anyone to run for the Presidency from a jail cell, a prosecution should be less vulnerable to the charge that it would deprive people of a chance to vote for (or against) him. And, as the committee has made clear, the evidence is there

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Matrix Glitch

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24 Jul 2022, 12:05 pm

So season 1 has concluded, and season 2 will probably launch sometime in mid-September and conclude November 7th. Season 3 will be announced depending on how the midterm elections go ie depending on whether Americas want more of the same or they decide they've had enough based on their votes.


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24 Jul 2022, 1:04 pm

Matrix Glitch wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Matrix Glitch wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
^it seems both of you are vibing in some
sort of fantasy echo chamber instead of just watching the hearings and learning what everyone else has learned about trump and his loyalists crimes.

Why are you both so afraid of watching the hearings & learning about what trump and co did? :?

You've asked that same question several times now, even though it's already been answered. I have watched recaps, which is how I know they're getting nowhere as usual. And I really couldn't care less what happens to an ex-president. Especially when I know nothing is going to happen. The only thing I'm "afraid" of is being bored to death.

Where are you watching recaps that say they're getting nowhere? :? fox news? :lol:

I've mostly watched Colbert's recaps, because I know I'll at least get some entertainment value out of those. You're young enough to waste hours watching full length nothing. When you get to be my age, you'll put a higher value on time.

I'll sum up all future episodes for you:

Colbert is entertaining. I've seen some of his recaps. Surely he's mentioned the crimes that the J6 committee has specifically stated trump has committed.. :? Not sure how he could recap the hearings without mentioning those.

I don't watch them with undivided attention. I listen to the audio as they play in the background while I do other things. Also, I don't watch tv/netflix etc ever, so listening to some newsclips stream on Facebook watch, like I'm doing right now listening to David Pakman while having my Sunday morning coffee, is all the watching/listening I do. No shows, almost no movies, I never turn any of the tv's on - but these hearings are of particular interest to me after watching the slow moving trainwreck trump & co. have been for the last several years. Why wouldn't I pay attention to the finale & encores now that things are getting exciting at it looks like he and his co-crimers may be held accountable for some of the things they've done? :?

Yeah, he is a very bad man - criminal in many ways. Tax evasion, seditious conspiracy, possibly a rapist multiple times over etc. And who knows, maybe he goes down for the rape of that woman in a department store and it sewers his political career?

In any event, MY bet is trump gets criminally charged with at least something over J6. Whether he gets convicted and faces consequences or not is hard to say for certain, but I bet he gets criminally charged. Care to make a wager on it? I'm not much of a gambling man, so it's mostly symbolic. I'd been in for $5 or $10 just for the "told ya so," factor if you're up for it. :beer:

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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24 Jul 2022, 1:08 pm

Raptor wrote:
The whole thing is looking more and more like a feelgood handjob put on for the left to make them think something is being done. It's a TV series like any other.
Maybe get a hobby or something.

How would you know ? You said you haven't watched it.

This IS my "news/screen time," hobby tho.. sooo..

Other than that I have Actual fun things to do - enough of them to have to make difficult decisions between riding my motorcycle or gearing up to go kiteboarding or take my new isup to the beach etc. I was sore from a really good training session and a paddle on Thursday so opted to just ride my motorcycle to the beach yesterday where we had a nice little community barbecue. 8) Slept in, coffee now, then I'll make a determination on the days hobbies.. heck, maybe I'll see if I have an appropriate tie-down strap to hook the paddleboard bag to passenger grab handles on my bike and ride it to the beach.. I have a friend that's done that with his and ridden to Whistler and back so I know it can be done, just gotta see if I have the appropriate tie-downs or if I'll have to order a couple before attempting that.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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24 Jul 2022, 2:49 pm


No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.

Matrix Glitch

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24 Jul 2022, 7:22 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
Colbert is entertaining. I've seen some of his recaps. Surely he's mentioned the crimes that the J6 committee has specifically stated trump has committed.. :? Not sure how he could recap the hearings without mentioning those.

I don't watch them with undivided attention. I listen to the audio as they play in the background while I do other things. Also, I don't watch tv/netflix etc ever, so listening to some newsclips stream on Facebook watch, like I'm doing right now listening to David Pakman while having my Sunday morning coffee, is all the watching/listening I do. No shows, almost no movies, I never turn any of the tv's on - but these hearings are of particular interest to me after watching the slow moving trainwreck trump & co. have been for the last several years. Why wouldn't I pay attention to the finale & encores now that things are getting exciting at it looks like he and his co-crimers may be held accountable for some of the things they've done? :?

Yeah, he is a very bad man - criminal in many ways. Tax evasion, seditious conspiracy, possibly a rapist multiple times over etc. And who knows, maybe he goes down for the rape of that woman in a department store and it sewers his political career?

In any event, MY bet is trump gets criminally charged with at least something over J6. Whether he gets convicted and faces consequences or not is hard to say for certain, but I bet he gets criminally charged. Care to make a wager on it? I'm not much of a gambling man, so it's mostly symbolic. I'd been in for $5 or $10 just for the "told ya so," factor if you're up for it. :beer:

You sound mighty desperate.


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24 Jul 2022, 8:59 pm

Desperate for what ? :? A $5 win ? :lol: Hardly.

trump crimed. A Lot. Charges are coming. Then the lolz.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.

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24 Jul 2022, 9:35 pm

There's a reasonable chance they'll come up with some sort of official sounding symbolic wrist slap. More likely they'll just leave whatever hanging in the air.


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25 Jul 2022, 3:28 am

Matrix Glitch wrote:
There's a reasonable chance they'll come up with some sort of official sounding symbolic wrist slap. More likely they'll just leave whatever hanging in the air.


You're basing this off of what ? Apparently not the hearings you haven't watched.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.

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25 Jul 2022, 6:16 am

goldfish21 wrote:
Matrix Glitch wrote:
There's a reasonable chance they'll come up with some sort of official sounding symbolic wrist slap. More likely they'll just leave whatever hanging in the air.


You're basing this off of what ? Apparently not the hearings you haven't watched.

I'm basing it on six years of Trump investigations and hearings going nowhere. And yes, I'm commenting on something I don't care about. But please enlighten everyone on one thing he will get indicted for. I'll bet you 5 bucks you can't come up with anything based on what's been presented. And really with all the talk of him being put behind bars, anything sort of that isn't going to amount to squat.


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25 Jul 2022, 11:48 am

Matrix Glitch wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Matrix Glitch wrote:
There's a reasonable chance they'll come up with some sort of official sounding symbolic wrist slap. More likely they'll just leave whatever hanging in the air.


You're basing this off of what ? Apparently not the hearings you haven't watched.

I'm basing it on six years of Trump investigations and hearings going nowhere. And yes, I'm commenting on something I don't care about. But please enlighten everyone on one thing he will get indicted for. I'll bet you 5 bucks you can't come up with anything based on what's been presented. And really with all the talk of him being put behind bars, anything sort of that isn't going to amount to squat.

Trying to overthrow the US government via election fraud & a violent insurrection is kind of a big deal compared to trump's tax evasion and other lesser crimes. These are all just being investigated now - and these things take time considering the 1,000+ witnesses interviewed so far, and now a potential criminal investigation into the Secret Service for the role some of them may have played.

I don't have to come up with anything personally - lists have already been made by legal experts. All of this stuff has been presented in the J6 hearings that you refuse to watch. But here are some lists for you anyways: ... -election/ ... jan-6.html

This one is a little more balanced in that it goes into the difficulties of charging the orange guy: ... a3764449e9

But, really, there are (IMO) far greater drawbacks to Not charging a former president who committed crimes like that as it sets the precedent that a president is above the law and can go ahead and crime away in an attempt to overthrow the US gov't with absolute impunity.. overthrow, become a dictator, fail.. walk scott free ???? How does that make any sense? :?

Another article outlining that there's ample evidence to charge trump with crimes: ... -rcna23778

Even if he isn't convicted and doesn't face consequences for these crimes, I still believe he will be criminally charged for J6 things just to set the record that no one - not even the president of the United States - is above the law in the USA and cannot act criminally without being called on it.

I Also believe that even if he isn't convicted of J6 crimes he's charged with, that he and his crime family will still be taken down. State level election fraud charges, rape allegations, tax evasion, various white collar crimes.. some ex-official guy in an interview a few years back said he predicts that trump and the trump org will be RICO'd and then the whole empire picked apart bit by bit and sold off over decades to pay back taxes etc. That's more likely than the orange guy dying in a jail cell.. although, I believe it was that same guy who said "he will die in jail." So, maybe.. I'm just not gonna hold my breath waiting for it. But I do believe that in one way or another, the walls are closing in and trump's decades long crime spree is coming to an end - just maybe not an abrupt one.

So, do I get the $5 now for coming up with lists of potential charges for trump that the J6 hearings have laid out? Or do I get the $5 only once he's charged with one or more of these particular crimes ? :? I said I'd bet $5-10 he gets criminally charged, but you said $5 I couldn't come up with potential charges from what's been presented.. but there they are clear as day in several different articles because the whole world is watching this slow motion train wreck s**t show of a circus and is well aware of the crimes the orange guy is accused of - unless, of course, you choose ostrich because you don't want to deal with accepting that your orange idol has consistently been criming away before, during, and after his presidency.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.