Syd wrote:
So let's say scientists can prove in a lab that a specific humidity level and temperature will quickly eliminate this new virus. It would then seem advantageous to recreate that environment in as many indoor public areas as possible until the pandemic is over.
If you have read Jimmy and my postings, you will see that we both try to create better environments at home. I have a humidifier at home. We also cook a pan of water whenever we remember (a few times a day.) Jimmy has a UV light air purifier. Mine is centralized directly installed inside the vent. It's not just temperature alone. You combine it with humidity and UV light disinfection, and your air should be pretty safe.
My understanding is that this virus is mainly spreading indoors.
That's not the right way of looking at it. California just closed down all beaches and parks. Why would they do that if outdoor were safe?
The right way of looking at it is: the primary route of propagation is your fingers touching a soiled surface (an elevator button, a table top, a door knob, a chair, a ball, etc.), and then you touch your own face. (There is a second route in close contact, via droplet landing directly on your face. But that route is secondary. It's rare to have sick people sneezing directly onto you nowadays.) If you play tennis, or basketball, you are putting yourself in danger. There is a reason why so many NBA players get infected.
Why did California close down parks and beaches? Because people are not careful enough, and would sit on benches, or do group activities. Your fingers are your worst enemy.
So then, can we temporarily adjust our air levels so that they're closer to this hypothetical anti-viral level for some of those businesses, without making customers uncomfortable or violating health regulations?
AC is a big problem. Diamond Princess is a good example. Florida is another good example. AC air alternates between hot and cold situations, creating condensation, and converting aerosol (largely harmless form of virus) into droplets (harmful form of virus). The condensation of virus on room surfaces creates the primary route of propagation, through your fingers.
The vent system has to have good filter, and also UV light disinfection.