Kyle Rittenhouse trial
See also: "Absurd", "At Odds", "Bizarre", "Clashing", "Conflicting", "Contradictory", "Contrary", "Contrasting", "Different", "Disconsonant", "Discordant", "Discrepant", "Disparate", "Dissimilar", "Dissonant", "Extraneous", "Ill-Matched", "In Opposition", "Inappropriate", "Incompatible", "Inconsistent", "Irreconcilable", "Jarring", "Mismatched", "Not In Harmony", "Odd", "Off-Key", "Out Of Keeping", "Out Of Place", "Strange", "Unharmonious", "Unsuitable", "Unsuited", and just plain "Wrong".
If I was in the jury I certainly wouldn't buy his little performance. But I am sure somebody is going to chime in any moment and say due to his "tender years" his immaturity explains how he can boasting about shooting people prior to actually shooting people and then be able to impulsively celebrate his freedom and then have it all crashing down on him in the court. They should test his tears for actor's menthol.
Seems incongruous he's drinking and openly celebrating with proud boys while on bail and then suddenly becomes a sullen mess when taking the stand. Poor acting.
Do you have a link?
Serious question. ... 1ebc3.html
Seems incongruous he's drinking and openly celebrating with proud boys while on bail and then suddenly becomes a sullen mess when taking the stand. Poor acting.
Do you have a link?
Serious question. ... 1ebc3.html
Not a good look.
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Jury retires in trial of US teen gunman Rittenhouse
How did the defence wrap up?
Mark Richards, a defence attorney for Mr Rittenhouse, accused the state of running "a shoddy investigation" that played "fast and loose with the facts" and used "hocus pocus out of focus evidence".
"This case is not a game. It is my client's life," he said. "Kyle was a 17 year old trying to help this community. He reacted to people attacking him."
He added "we can take politics out of it, but the district attorney's office is marching forward with this case because they need somebody to be responsible".
Running through testimony from witnesses and even holding a rifle for a live demonstration at one point, Mr Richards argued "there was nothing reckless" about his client's actions and he had the right to be in Kenosha that night.
Gaige Grosskreutz, the third person shot, had previously testified that he and others thought Mr Rittenhouse was an "active shooter", a term mentioned several times by the prosecution in its closing statement.
But Mr Richards rebuked the label as "a buzzword" with "loaded connotations". He said the crowd attacked Mr Rittenhouse not to disarm or chase him away, but because "they wanted to get their licks in".
He also slammed prosecutors' descriptions of Joseph Rosenbaum - the first person to be shot - as "a mouthy little guy" with more bark than bite, instead asserting that Mr Rosenbaum was a violent rioter and "somebody who wasn't on their proper medication".
Mr Rittenhouse was 17 years old when he fired the fatal shots that killed Mr Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and wounded Mr Grosskreutz, 27.
Earlier on Monday, defence attorneys successfully argued that Wisconsin law could be interpreted to allow him to possess the firearm despite being under the age of 18. Judge Bruce Schroeder agreed to drop the weapons charge prior to closing arguments.
How did the prosecution wrap up?
Lead prosecutor Thomas Binger told the court on Monday in his closing statement: "You cannot claim self-defence against a danger that you create.
Mr Binger - the assistant district attorney for Kenosha - questioned why Mr Rittenhouse broke curfew in a city he did not live in and "pretended to guard" people and property he was not familiar with.
"Consider whether or not it's reasonable for a criminal to be able to shoot himself out of a crime scene," he said. "If someone comes up to that person and tries to disarm them, do they forfeit their life?"
"He ran around with an AR-15 all night and lied about being an EMT [emergency responder]. Does that suggest to you that he is genuinely there to help?" asked the prosecutor.
Mr Rittenhouse had worked as a first responder cadet prior to the shootings. He testified last week that he provided medical aid to people that day.
Jurors were shown video, sometimes frame by frame, leading up to and after each shooting.
Mr Binger assailed the teen for showing "no regard for human life" and then fleeing the scene "like he was some sort of hero in a Western".
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
See also: "Absurd", "At Odds", "Bizarre", "Clashing", "Conflicting", "Contradictory", "Contrary", "Contrasting", "Different", "Disconsonant", "Discordant", "Discrepant", "Disparate", "Dissimilar", "Dissonant", "Extraneous", "Ill-Matched", "In Opposition", "Inappropriate", "Incompatible", "Inconsistent", "Irreconcilable", "Jarring", "Mismatched", "Not In Harmony", "Odd", "Off-Key", "Out Of Keeping", "Out Of Place", "Strange", "Unharmonious", "Unsuitable", "Unsuited", and just plain "Wrong".
If I was in the jury I certainly wouldn't buy his little performance. But I am sure somebody is going to chime in any moment and say due to his "tender years" his immaturity explains how he can boasting about shooting people prior to actually shooting people and then be able to impulsively celebrate his freedom and then have it all crashing down on him in the court. They should test his tears for actor's menthol.
I'm the one who brought in tender years first, and that comes directly from my experience as a parent and scouting volunteer. I'm not that many years removed from spending a lot of time around 17 year old youths.
Only the jury, who has sat with him in the court room day after day, can have any real feel for how sincere he might have been, but I'd suggest that it would have taken quite a feat of acting. The simpler explanation is much more likely to be the right one: he wasn't acting. He's been overwhelmed and twisted into knots by everything connected to that night, including the bizarre hero worship. Life for today's teens and the accompanying stress have been amped up 100 fold in today's world. You and I never experienced anything like it, and I've seen what it does to teens.
The rest is purely personal; I'm calling it as I feel it, and to all who want to challenge what I feel, understand I already know that my feelings are worth about zero. And I'm sharing anyway. Picking it apart will do nothing; I'm talking about what I feel, not the law. I do know the difference.
I don't want him to get off with no responsibility for taking two lives. What I am unsure of is how to get to a reasonable level of responsibility through a fair application of the law. I haven't followed all the details of the case like some here, but I have sympathy for the prosecutions argument that you can't claim self-defense for a danger you, yourself, created. And, yet, did he have the judgement to know he was creating that danger? I highly doubt he did. Most teenage boys don't. After some of the things I've seen, I'm amazed that most teenage boys actually manage to pass through those years alive. I feel he needs to be responsible but not "whole life ruined" responsible, because he was just being a stupid youth. So I'm left in a gray area with no clear legal precedence (that I, at least know of) on how to navigate.
I personally don't agree with those of you who paint him as a cold blooded murderer, and I don't agree with the defense claim he had every right to be there and was acting exclusively in self-defense, even though under most self-defense laws I do believe he's had a good case. At some point there has to be some responsibility for walking into a situation that one is not fully unequipped for, especially when it sparks events that lead to the loss of two lives. If the jury chooses a lesser charge, I'll understand why. There are a lot of counterbalancing factors pulling against each other in this case, even if not all of them are admissible under the law.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
The shooting victim who survived (Gaige Grosskreutz) put it best, he was crying because he is facing the prospect of jail and doesn't want to face the consequences. He isn't crying over his victims, there was never any apology to the families from either him or his mother.
A lot people know that Rittenhouse's sympathisers would never offer one dollar in support if he had been a black teen playing vigilante. There are hundreds of black kids being tried as adults for murder throughout the US. Let's not pretend Rittenhouse is being treated like a VIP, from the point he was congratulated by local Kenosha police to the point where wealthy benefactors paid his multi-million dollar bail.
I believe one of my first posts on the topic said that I wished all defendants in his age group would receive the same considerations he was receiving.
It is painful that recognition of developmental reality isn't available regardless of perceived race.
There is zero question that disparate treatments and structural inequity exist, and that we need to advocate against it.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
Well, the dismissal of the 6th charge certainly wasn't unexpected, but it looks like it threw out the prosecution's closing arguements, which were presumably reliant on the charge being present based on what occurred.
From the prosecution's view, if there are any domestic violence victims in the jury, comments such as "Sometimes you just have to take a beating" won't go well for them.
The shooting victim who survived (Gaige Grosskreutz) put it best, he was crying because he is facing the prospect of jail
As an AS person, who has "flat affect" (limited facial expressions) my entire life ..
I believe Rittenhouse may genuinely have such emotions, however, it seemed fake (acting) to me, because it would seem hard to spontaneously display such deep emotion.
Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.
Be the hero of your life.
Ughh, I'm nervous because a jury is involved, but it really seems as if the prosecution's case is non-existent with the possession charge dropped, as you now have someone with a legal weapon where they're legally allowed to be (notwithstanding the wisdom of being there), defending himself from 3 aggressors while attempting to flee at every point.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
The prosecutor's first closing argument was Rittenhouse should not have had the rifle, because he illegally acquired it from Black through an illegal "straw purchase", so the jury was given the impression that Rittenhouse was still illegally possessing the rifle.
So, it appears not much changed with regards to the dropped charge.
Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.
Be the hero of your life.
Contrast the way 17 yr old Rittenhouse was treated by Kenosha police while walking with a loaded weapon in a riot with 16 year old Ma'Khia Bryant ... -family-sa ... -family-sa
The girl who was shot literally mid stab?
Not exactly comparable situations...
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
The shooting victim who survived (Gaige Grosskreutz) put it best, he was crying because he is facing the prospect of jail and doesn't want to face the consequences. He isn't crying over his victims, there was never any apology to the families from either him or his mother.
A lot people know that Rittenhouse's sympathisers would never offer one dollar in support if he had been a black teen playing vigilante. There are hundreds of black kids being tried as adults for murder throughout the US. Let's not pretend Rittenhouse is being treated like a VIP, from the point he was congratulated by local Kenosha police to the point where wealthy benefactors paid his multi-million dollar bail.
This is interesting but not pertinent to the trial.
The shooting victim who survived (Gaige Grosskreutz) put it best, he was crying because he is facing the prospect of jail
As an AS person, who has "flat affect" (limited facial expressions) my entire life ..
I believe Rittenhouse may genuinely have such emotions, however, it seemed fake (acting) to me, because it would seem hard to spontaneously display such deep emotion.
Violent emotions can do ebb and flow.
I know from personal experience.
This could mean a great deal of emotional turmoil.
His performance in the bar is unfortunate, however, but perversely, could be another sign of this mental instability by "clutching at straws" and denying the reality he is facing.
People who believe this is a simple situation are more than a little ill-informed, imo.
3 guys chasing one kid running away.