jimmy m wrote:
The naysayers, disbelievers and rule-breakers in the global fight against COVID-19 have been honored with a new term describing their dimwitted defiance: “Covidiot.”
Urban Dictionary’s most popular, recent definition of “covidiot” defines the offender as “someone who ignores the warnings regarding public health or safety” during the worldwide coronavirus outbreak.
Fortunately, 97% will recover, in 20 years or so.

Darmok wrote:
[i]'Game-changer': Britain days away from releasing millions of coronavirus finger prick tests
Not much good to me, here in OZ.
The other thing to consider:
Do I go out to get one, if Australia can supply, and risk picking up "The Bug" on the way?
If they deliver, do I have enough Glen 20 to sanitize the packaging, inside and out?