Misslizard wrote:
/\When the drone detects a viral person it sprays them with Lysol.
The drones are equipped with a disintegration ray gun.
And this will be used on anyone under 30.
An ambulance will be sent out for the others.
<serious mode on>
More about how the death rates are unrealistically high because of people catching "it", recovering, and not being aware of it.
Some are estimating that 50% of the UK population have been or are affected by the coronavirus, which is good news in terms of a lot of people running around with immunity, helping the herd immunity goal.
The only effective way, of determining who has/had the disease, is through testing the level of antibodies.
<serious mode off>
Personally, after speculating *precisely* about the number of people overcoming the disease without knowing they had it, for an extended period, I am coming to grips with exactly how damn well brilliant I am.
Is it truly a form of narcissism if I have fallen in deep, deep love with my brain?
And if so,
Is it really a bad thing to have blessed the world with my gift?