Jindal may be running for something, but Justice of the Peace is the smallest and most local of law, elected by a small area. The People.
He has the right to recluse himself, and the subject is well known in Hammond, he does not perform mixed marriages, because the same people who got Jindal elected, the Klan, might well kill him.
Maybe not as much as in days past, the last black lynched for dating a white girl was five years ago. That we know of.
Terrorists are part of our reality.
Any Judge may marry people, but only if they want to. The same goes for Ministers.
Jindal is Governer, he has nothing to do with the Court System, seperation of powers.
It is not within his power to fire any Judge. That is the job of the Courts, who hold the same rights as the Justice of the Peace, he can be removed only for bad behavior, not for Reclusing himself, and telling the plain truth.
Another version of what he said would be, around here you can get killed for that. I do not want your blood on my hands. Also, the child of a mixed couple would be in danger, if he dated a white girl.
He is right, mixed marriages do not last, when one or both get killed.
Since it did make national news, it has been discussed at the Duke National White People's Party meetings, the Klan meetings, which have the same Christian Identity Movement views, who altogether make up the rank and file of the Republican Party.
They may well be killed.
If by some means they do turn him out of office, they will also have to bar him from running again, for his district would reelect him. Hammond has an almost black majority. White people who deal fairly are liked.
A very common view here is New Orleans was flooded on purpose to move Democrat voting blacks out of state. Other disasters get rebuilt, we got National Guard with guns. They kept people from moving back. 1570 people were killed. Louisiana politics.