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Will Mel Gibson's career recover from this?
Yes 21%  21%  [ 7 ]
No 79%  79%  [ 26 ]
Total votes : 33


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15 Jul 2010, 7:03 pm

Xenu wrote:
It is pretty obvious it is his voice...
Well, I am not familiar with his voice at all.
Peko wrote:
Those people who have seen his movies (and obviously heard his voice through them) know what he sounds like. Unless a person was hired to impersonate him, it probably is him... but I doubt they could find a convincing impersonator of him. But Vexcalibur definitely has a point about jumping to conclusions.

Usually movies show in TV dubbed to Spanish. I have never cared for any of his movies enough to get a subtitled DVD version or go to theaters. Anyway, I don't think this should be about "sounds" like him. To my knowledge there are legit ways to confirm whether it is someone's voice or not, so I am waiting for such confirmation. My guess is that it is most likely he did, but I'd still not jump.
I had seen this on the news the other night and said to myself,"What kind of person would go on an anger filled verbal tirade as such he has done?"

Anger-filled verbal tirades? Most people actually. The problem is that during these tirades, the choice of words you make show who you are inside. "The voice" didn't go like just calling her a b**h or stupid (like most people would do when angry. Yes, they do that), but he completely exceeded it and also did a ton and ton of remarks that show a complete lack of tolerance from him.



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16 Jul 2010, 3:33 am

Horus wrote:
Your true colors are bleeding through Wombat and I can't imagine too many people here will find them all that pretty.

You guessed it. For most of my life I would have said that I was a "liberal" or "lefty".
But now I am a hard line conservative.

I consider modern music to be perverted and disgusting.

I hate it that America is being overrun by tens of millions of illegal Mexican immigrants.

I hate it that the "native" population of every European country has a birth rate well below replacement levels while their countries are being filled with Muslim Africans who have never seen a flush toilet before.

I live in Australia where we have to put up with gang rapes of white girls by Lebanese Muslims and assaults and murders by Somali untermenchen.

Our countries are being destroyed but we are still expected to give money for the "poor starving Africans"
They were starving 20 years ago but now there are twice as many of them and they are still starving.

It is all "Whities" fault.

The people of Haiti murdered all the whites and became the first Western black country. How well has that worked for them?
Now they want "whitie" to bail them out.

Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa. Now it is a wreck.

So call me a racist if you want. Call me a Nazi if you want. I will proudly say "yes I am"


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16 Jul 2010, 5:22 pm

At this point what would be best is if all the tapes were collected and held as evidence to prevent further tampering and let the court system figure out the custody situation with the child. These tapes probably prove Mel at least and possibly Osaka need a psychological evaluation and/or counseling. But in the end the general public should just back off.

Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
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Last edited by Peko on 18 Jul 2010, 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Jul 2010, 7:10 pm

I support Mel Gibson because he is Catholic and he made The Passion of the Christ.

Seriously, I really can't take much side here, he or the ex-girlfriend, yeah, I heard some of the tapes, although I haven't followed the last couple of days on the issue from the media, first of all, it wasn't certain that that was really him, I don't know if that is being confirmed by now

Secondly, if that is the case, that it is him, and she was recording it, there lies the question, why she was recording the messages and which was the purpose, is there anything more than what appears to be? as much as some put the blame on him, at first glance as most people do, have some considered the possibility of she being somehow part of the problem?

I mean, I was wondering if wether it can be possible that a woman in her position, knowing how her partner reacts would want to exploit his anger issues to some benefit. So in the end, I can't really take side here. And yeah, I admit I'm basing this idea from the issue with Paul McCartney and his gold digger ex-girlfriend, so that makes me cast some doubt here, on who weights responsability on the issue.

And by that I'm not justifying his behaviour. But I believe that if someone who has some anger problems, and someone else who is smart (and inmoral) can exploit that for their own benefit, is that a possibility? I'd say, yes, it can happen.

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18 Jul 2010, 12:51 pm

Mel Gibson is insane.

But do you know what? I find it funny how insane he is. A part of me wants him to go on another rant. It makes feel bad that a part of me wants that.

Mel Gibson is one of those people like Glenn Beck and the Tea Partiers and Fred Phelps in that he provides a constant supply of laughs.

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19 Jul 2010, 9:28 pm

Celebs dont really owe us anything besides doing their job.........theyre just people , some extraordinary gifted but flawed just the same.


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19 Jul 2010, 11:30 pm

Come back to Australia Mel!
We have first class studios and production facilities.

You can make more great movies about courage and honor and Christianity, as you have tried to do all along.

You don't need that cess pool of perverts in Hollywood who only know how to make degenerate filth.

If your ex-girlfriend is a backstabbing tart, never mind. There are many decent and beautiful women here who would love to meet you.


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20 Jul 2010, 12:44 am

Just finished reading an article by Christopher Hitchens on Mel Gibson. :lol:
Christopher Hitchens is so awesome.

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28 Jul 2010, 11:34 am

His acting career won't recover from this, although
Mel Gibson can have a directing career after this mess is over.

He does have one more movie due later in the year: a dark comedy called "The Beaver."

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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29 Jul 2010, 8:10 am

Ok here is the deal. The mass media is racist, but they have to hide that (God forbid, that truth seeps beyond the cloak of lies we are fed everday) anyway the media hides this fact by creaming Mel for his racist/ chauvnist ways, so the media ends up smelling like roses for exposing him.

its called "smoke and mirrors" journalism

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29 Jul 2010, 4:39 pm

Wombat wrote:
Mel Gibson is a great actor and a great director. He is a serious Catholic. He has made great films upholding Christianity and the European race.

True. The Hollywood elite have had it in for him ever since he made The Passion of the Christ. His use of the N word is just an excuse. It's interesting to compare how the media vilify Mel Gibson with how they make excuses for the rapist Roman Polanski.


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29 Jul 2010, 6:52 pm

Mel Gibson is a great actor and a great director. He is a serious Catholic. He has made great films upholding Christianity and the European race.
I take offense to this. I am not Catholic but I was and many people I know and love are Catholic, my close family being 'serious' Catholics. They are not racist idiots/ intolerant jerks like Mel Gibson.



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02 Aug 2010, 11:39 pm

Wombat wrote:
So he yells at his girlfriend for dressing and acting like a cheap tart in a private phone conversation.

So SHE records it and makes it public to destroy his career, and HE is the bad guy?
Perhaps she is a cheap tart and an embarrassment to him. She is obviously a very viscous person.

Then his agent drops him because he (gasp) said the "N word"
His agent made millions of dollars out of him. I thought it was an agent's job to be loyal to the client and handle bad publicity?

The fix is in. The "powers that be" are determined to take him down.

Let's face it, this guy really is every bit as batsh!t loony as is his depiction in South Park. Maybe the Jews are out to smear him. Maybe he got caught off guard using the N word the first and only time he ever used it. Maybe the girlfriend was a golddigger who provoked him and set him up, just to record a rant, the likes of which he never made before, and she got lucky enough to catch it.

However, even when you consider the possibility of all these things, his behavior is still unacceptable. Did he say the things that were recorded or didn't he? Just the things he said there are just cause for ending the relationship, and possible legal action, restraining orders and the like. It's too bad the girlfriend and ex wife had kids by him, because by promoting the batsh!t genes they're not doing future women any favors.